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Posts posted by elliworld

  1. We are talking here about several reasons why the sea is full of trash, Corals are destroyed manually/by human, chemically and by raising water temperature. Minister Varawut Silpa-archa gave a very new guide line for Thai Sea law and that is good and first time real punishment for perpetrators. But he is a very lonely guy seen to ministers for economy, tourimen and Fishery  and the power they have. In the industrial sector for years serious honest environmental officers lost their jobs for damning wastewater management by big companies because the government covered the easy /cheap way for the fame of an industry friendly country. Tourism and most important Chinese guests are highly valued but hardly left a Bhat in a local restaurant or shop. But still by Government highly welcome, who is involved to make the Thai bucks?    Big ships like my husband as a captain worked on have to have a detailed waste Logbook from machine oil to plastic water bottles and any possible waste what has to be discharged in the the next appropriate harbour, all registered in the Logbook. Since years Thai and Foreign/Thai registered owned established Diving companies complain about Korean and Chinese managed Diving/snorkeling companies, most of them untouchable because in the the paperworks a very important Thai is a shareholder and winner. 

    And now the last but most important point: the total lack of any, even the smallest, responsibility Thai people feel or act on. Our longboat captain through his plastic bottles and any trash overboard to have a clean ship. 

    Picnic at the beach brought in in plastic bags cannot again collected and be brought to the next container? In England/some parts of Europe it's the same problem Even worse in Nai Harn/Phuket a beloved place for teenagers as well at night where trash bins are all two branches placed, they through is around but not in. I lived for 4 years in Country Home/Chalong years ago and was discussed by the mess the small daily garbage collector did. They throughout everything stinky on the streets to catch glass, metal and good plastic to sell to the recycle place to make maybe 50-100 baht. So I invented the 2 Garbage cans in front of my house, one stinky and one recycle bin, soon my street neighbors followed and a year later the whole settlement was in it. Then I moved but my new French neighbor and his Thai wife never understood the system, but our very old fashioned Thai neighbor was the first adopting the two bin system. So to all "boah Thai are bad" yellers but we are living here (do not forget it was your free choice) = be better, educate softly, give good examples or shut up! I left Thailand for healthy reasons, as well our main countries of work in became again in Europe and Middle East and as well I was sick of the yearly paper wars. 

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  2. Oh you "good Fal(r)ang" you made me laugh, a million a year+++, half of it I paid for a proper house and not to mention the the salary of a very good housekeeper, a fine gardener and the poolman. Plus good Farang food, nice restaurants and good wine, highly taxed in Thailand. You really should try to live elsewhere, but god sake become an adult and understand: every country has rules and these can be enforced any time.


  3. The income for a foreigner/falang has to be more than 50.000 Baht per month (in my own company there was an expected Income of my own of 65.000 Baht p.M. by the tax office , Do you think the family will go with this? Seems you are desperate and with no savings. To work in Thailand going with the law is not easy and cost you a lot of money and mostly all illusions. To make it "save", you need a non IM Visa, and a good lawyer, working for you and not connected to the family of your wife in any way, to bring all paperworks in order. My experience with this country after nine years, we moved further to Northern-Spain, and are more happy than ever before.

  4. So you are asking mainly male farang in Asia not female farang.

    Men who acted untruthful in their homelands, will act here in Thailand most probably not different, but with the hope a bad outgoing will be cheaper than a western style divorce.

    This idea can be probably very wrong.........my house, my family, my blame, my killer.

    I will never understand why people marry and start cheating. ( Again?)

    You marry--> you promise

    You cheat--> you break a promise --> you pay best with your testicles or more

    Kind Regards

    A Farang Woman living since 7 years in Thailand

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