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Posts posted by sickbuffalo

  1. Congrats SB. Any chance of some photos?

    thank you pnusted!

    I have quite a few photos and will gladly post them here, how do I do it?


    Orbator is the local mayor? or someting of that nature. He was the guy who we went to for building permission. We actually went twice and then the third time, he asked for a donation :o The house should be totally finished in around 2 more months. My family will move there whilst I am working away and then I will retire there in around two years. That is the plan anyway :D

  2. Hey Doc,

    I was banned for a week, ok Ill take it on the chin. but please put a stop to this georgie/sick buffalo crap - Is it him? Are they the same people?

    I am not sick buffalo, I give you my word as an Aussie on this!

    He obviously hates Georgie (or makes out to) as much as I do but it isnt me!

    Now I am getting threats from Georgie to go to the police - please put an end to this crap, check the IP?, Only you guys know how to do it, so please do it.


    The Gent.

    I was sent this email from the gent, I dont know why nor do I care, but I agree with him, please put this to rest.

    You are a trouble maker Georgie and thats why you get so much anger aimed at you. I joined this forum to be able to ask some questions regarding my kids visas and liked what is posted here, except for your subtle attacks. It takes two people to have an argument, so dont make out your the inncoent one everytime!

    The police threat I found funny, I hope they can swim and have jurisdiction in another country. You are a fool and obviously far from smart!

  3. Figured out how to use a Proxy ehhh? Must have been Basher; Those two extra IQ points really do count! :o

    No wonder people want to come after you, I would love to punch f+uck out of you!

    I have reported this thread to George.

    If anyone knows anything about Georgie, where he lives/works, please PM me, you are pissing off another tough Aussie. I am coming after you, thats a promise!

  4. I thought that it was a little strange when a post came out supporting Basher and the gentleman and all their cronies, the day after they were thrown off.

    Most people that I know just find their childish posts and antics annoying.

    However, since that time, I have pointed out 2 or 3 instances when Basher is writing in under different nicks, usually to complain about me.

    I would suggest that the thread supporting "The Lads" was probably mostly a bunch of fake nicks used by them and others of their ilk, who were bounced last week, and a few other members who were tricked into going along with them.

    What won't they stoop to?

    I do remember the gent catching you out with your other nick as well "Ulyssis"? or something of that nature. So this is just what I have been writing about, antagonist and an idiot.

    This man would kick someone when he is down, but flee if confronted :o

  5. Mr Georgie, I have been a victim of your wrath on two occasions. I have been called the gentleman on these occasions and you really let fly on me.

    I look at this website quite a bit when I am offshore and very little, when I am home.

    What I see happening on this forum is: you are the prime antagonist, like you are doing now, you bait people until they react, then you turn the tables on them and cry fowl.

    I, like many others on this forum find you to be a pain in the rear and I am bewildered as to why the owners of this forum let you stay??

    In the majority of your posts, you are callng people "dumb ass", "uneducated" and just constantly belittleing other peoples views.

    I find you to be a self righteous imbecile with obviously to much time on your hands!

    I remember when you posted to have the gentleman banned, I too put up a poll to have you banned. Do you remember the results? I do!.

    The votes for you to be banned were 3 to 1 against the gent!

    I think your an idiot and you should be dealt with. :o

    I have read the wart of the ring thread and a few others, where the funny one liners came thick and fast. I think the majority were great and still cannot imagine why the gentleman scamp was thrown from the forum? or the others for that matter?. If this is a "expat type" forum isn't it ok for expats to have a little fun now and then and not to be slapped for light witted humour. I personally enjoy the banter and will hopefully link up with a few of these renegades when I live in Thailand.

    I personally think George (boss), you slap the wrong hands!

  6. Hi,

    My wife, kids and I are currently building a house in Udon (hopefully live there permanent in 2 more years), it has cost us 3.7 million baht with the land. the land size is 16 Rai and the house size is 600 sqm. The land cost us 1 million baht, the house 2.2 million baht and the pool 500 thousand baht. The house is massive, with 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, media room, office, two kitchens (imported white goods and cook top/oven) and it is also double brick.

    The prices I originally got were ridiculous, but after 9 months of looking around we found a lovely old Thai guy who was very straight with us. I am as happy as ###### with the outcome and only had a few small problems with the Orbator along the way, 20 thousand baht and the problems were gone :o

  7. KevinN, That is not correct.

    Although I have never been in business in Thailand, many of my friends are. It is the height of rudeness not to wai someone, who has showed you their respect in wai-ing you.

    Would you wai, on meeting the King or a government official?, it would seem pretty stupid and rude if you didnt!

  8. With their own passports thay wont need visa's for Australia or Thailand. Just interchange the passports when you travel.

    It sounds as though there's no passports applied for as yet. The Oz passports will be the quickest, Thai passports are made in Thailand, and take awhile.

    My kids passports took one day only - apply then go back next day and collect - very efficient.

    Hi Maverick,

    We have been told two weeks, what city/office did you get yours in 1 day?






  9. Mr. Sick B., all the gent's postings have been deleted, so it is hard to point to specific anti-Semitic examples, especially because they were so silly that I hardly paid attention to them when he posted them, and of course, the next day, they would be replaced by about 20 new ones, however, for example, do you actually believe that there were no Jews in the World Trade Center on September 11?

    Do you see why Jewish people might find someone saying that offensive?

    Do you realize that they have had to put up with centuries of such hateful lies?

    All your blather about "alternate" news sources, and people who can see the future is the same sort of reasoning that the neo-Nazis use to justify the insane postings on their web-sites. Sorry, but, I am happy to say that, I think that it is pretty obvious that Thaivisa.com seems to want nothing to do with your type of "reasoning".

    Andy, Australia

    I think I will leave it up to you guys to work out who is who


    Mr Sick B?, no wonder he wanted to punch your lights out! :o

    What a one track mind you have.

    I have read a lot of the posts on the bear pit, in between working offshore on my smoko break and after hours, you my friend, forget all of the racist posts you make regarding Muslims.

    Do you see why Muslim people might find someone saying that offensive?

    Do you realize that they have had to put up with centuries of such hateful lies?

    I find you to be a hypocrite sir and you always speak for "everyone" as if your something special or a moderator on this forum. You are a poster on this forum, stop telling everyone how life is.

    You sound like a dictator and we all know what happens to those types, dont we :D

    I challenge you to put up a poll for yourself, same wording, I dare you as I think you will get a shock on the results.

    I will hang around for a few minutes so I can have the first vote :D

  10. On reading this thread, I am amused and amazed at the so called intellectuals, saying the gent was anti semetic, racist and he should play nice.

    IMHO, he was the only one posting ideas, that werent straight from the main media sources. To say he is anti semetic or racist is a serious judgement, it means you believe the worlds mainstream media would be correct with factual uncensored journalism. :o

    I wonder if the gent posted anything in the early times of the pit, that was looked on as stupid/ill informed, regarding the USA invading Iraq because they possessed WMD, if so, he would have turned out to be the one, with the actual facts, wouldnt he?

    I wish the American side of the argument wouldnt be so quick to jump on points raised as nothing is certain in life, except death and that might be uncertain in years to come also :D

    I feel sorry for the gent, even with a few posts myself, I have been ridiculed and pidgeon holed, who would want to debate politics with a few narrow minded individuals?

    To quote a very wise man: 90% of the people of this world are here to take up space and 10% of the people of the world are here to change the world's thoughts and actions.

    I think I will leave it up to you guys to work out who is who :D





  11. Bear Pit taken over by Americans? You gotta be kidding me. Since you appear to be a newbie, let me fill you in. The reason the Americans were there in the first place (and why the Bear Pit was even formed) was because there was so much truly anti-American conspiracy theories and other related bullsh!t on ThaiVisa.com's forums that there was NO ONE bringing balance and representing the "other side".

    Yeah--just what we need: a newbie moderator/admin that doesn't know the real history around here and allows a flood of one-sided lies and distortions, simply because he agrees with it.

    Thank you for your point of view.

    One sided lies and distortions are both sided, have a think about that please.




  12. sickbuffalo...leave out 'jews' and insert 'support for Israel'...that's where we get confused...plenty of jews don't support Israel's policies...

    If I actually was a Jew, would I have to be politically correct?

    If I was a black American, and I called myself or another black man, "nigger", would that be racist?

    My point is: you are not aware of whos posting and what is thought and said in some situations, being direct and calling a spade a spade, does not have racial overtones in the eyes of the race posting it.

    When I read postings regarding Thais being untrustworthy, lazy and EVERY Thai is looking for an ATM/Farang, I would class that as racist, but if a Thai was writing the post, it would be called a personal belief.

    Generalisations and so called racist slur is part of who we are, where we are from and what we believe to be true.

    On that note, I am going down to chinky restaurant, to get some flied lice and then down to the pub and have a Kraut beer with another fat womanising Australian, that is married to a sheep shaggers daughter from New Zealand, with inlaws from red neck Texas, who drives a jap crap car and hates niggers! :D

    Life would be a lot lighter, if we gave political correctness the arse.





  13. IMHO, Rasicm is a subject that really is invalid on a written forum, as you cannot see the posters face, nor can you judge his state of mind or demeanor, at best you are making a judgement.

    Following this lead, you could believe in Jews causing the 911 tragedy or you can believe that Al Queda was responsible, it is a point of view that reflects when and where you aquired your information from.

    I will say I disagree with the Jews being responsible for 911, but I wouldnt bet my life on it, as it is only my belief.

    On looking at many threads on the bearpit, I would say that if your not classed as Anti American, you are Pro American, I suppose it comes down to birthplace really. :D

    I say bring the gent back!





  14. I love the words from Tizme :D

    If we did evolve from apes in Africa, why would the aboriginal race walk all the way to Australia, when they could have sat down in Africa :D

    I also think we come from another planet, whether it be Mars or Uranus :D

    I tell my wife every other day, your just a good looking abbo my dear - offcourse I am repeatedly slapped, but the making up is fun. :D





  15. In Australia, I watch the ABC news on television and do most of my fact finding on the internet, whether it be whatreallyhappened.com, rense.com, michaelmoore.com and then all of the usual "for profit" commercial news sources.

    I dont agree with all of the news on any channel/website, I consume all and disregard what I cannot digest.

    To make a choice between BBC and Fox, well, if thats the choice of factual news sources, I will keep surfing the net.





  16. Hello,

    Although I am a new member, I would like to be considered for a moderators position on the bear pit.

    I agree with Georgie Porgie, regarding clear rules, if any? from the outset.

    Also bring back the gent (has he been suspended?), so at least it has a little balance to the pro American sentiment, to me the gent posts offer a different slant, that is also plausable.

    As a regular reader of the pit, I think it has been taken over by the Americans and anything posted is classed as anti American, when in fact IMHO, it is a different way of looking at the world with a different set of eye wear.





  17. Maybe he is SAS, is so, I wouldn’t be sleeping lightly! :o

    They are trained to find people/kill people and will wait a month in hole, if need be.

    I met a few of them in Cambodia, when I worked for UNICAL, absolute nutters, but they do have a better grasp on world events, than we do, as really they are the fighting mans CIA. I would rather have him as friend than an enemy.

    So although I am not applauding this mans postings, I think the other twin, should also be pulled into line, for being the antagonist for the majority of the “wars” started on this forum. I have been watching things here for a long time and although the Gent seems to be a little crazy in his ideals and seems to get some what frustrated most of the time, he also posts nice and informative pieces on the pit and other threads.

    It is everyone’s right to have their own point of view, be it, looked on as stupid or stupendous, you should look at history to see, that what is stupid at the time, sometimes ends up being correct.

    I keep my mind open, and then the shock isn’t as bad, when the real truth comes to light!





  18. I haven’t been back to Thailand for about 3 years :D , so while living in Sydney, my wife (Thai) and I, have to pay exorbitant prices at “Thai” restaurants, where you lucky people can eat the same meal for a 10th of the price :D – the grass is always greener I suppose. :o

    I and many travelers to Thailand, actually miss those smells in local markets and although I agree with you all regarding the cleanliness, I have only been sick a few times, but that could also come down to brushing my teeth with the local water.




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