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Posts posted by Globeman

  1. Because most lack the ability to judge what is best. It's a flaw in the education system, they are taught what is best rather than being taught how to determine what's best.

    What a load of cr.ap, it's got absolutely nothing to do with the education system you doughnut, it's to do with how someone thinks, I know lots of people in England who think they know best I presume that's also down to the flaw in the education system?????? Idiot!

    Wow, lucky that this wprime fellow wasn't in the same room as you, or you'd have had to beat him senseless for being so stupid, eh? I bet you have lot and lots of friends down at the pub, eh? Or maybe they are just people who are scared of you.

  2. Jonathan Head, the BBC Correspondent in Thailand, is well known as a distorter of Thai news. I would go as far as to say that his connections are quite dubious. This is a man who was the first reporter at the Shrine bombings. It is said that he was 'around the corner' at the time. He also went straight into the area, picking up pieces of evidence and showing them to his BBC audience. Many people have complained to the BBC about him, but they do nothing. During the 2013 Bangkok demos, he was visibly aligning himself with Yingluck supporters whilst reporting erroneously on the opposition. Over the years he has consistently and transparently distorted the news from Thailand. He needs to be thrown out of Thailand. The military must move against him.

    Rubbish he is excellent and tells the truth (not YOUR truth - sorry). BBC is world recognized and although can't get everything right is very fair in it's reporting and it's corporate governance is very strong to maintain this fair reporting culture.

    Links to when he said he was the first to Shrine Bombing? Links to when he went "straight into area picking up evidence"?

    I have seen that report and it is not as you describe AT ALL.

    Admit it you're just a right wing junta hugger making it all up

    He was "Right around the corner" because the BBC office in the Maneeya Building is right around the corner, you bonehead (Ianf). Are you implying that he had advance notice and was hanging about waiting for loads of innocent people to die so he could get the "scoop"? That's quite an inference to make about anybody.

    Jonathan Head has been incredibly well-balanced all along the way - which is particularly tricky in a country where there are strong laws against including certain subjects in your analysis. Go back and have a look... So are you suggesting that if people complain that they don't like a journalist's reports that the person should be removed? If a reporter isn't upsetting someone with his reports, he isn't doing his job digging up the unpleasant facts.

  3. Because you are in Thailand, and she knows a lot of things here that you don't know.

    If I tell my wife I want to do something and she says no, I will always listen to her as she knows about things here in Thailand I do not know.

    Every time my wife suggests what I should or should not do in Thailand, I always listen to her, although I still want to know her reasons.

    After ten years here together, she has never been wrong.

    After ten years here you still need to be told what you can and cant do, by your mother wife? blink.png

    And you have it all figured out, do ya?

    I've been married nearly 20 years to a Thai, lived here for more than 20, run a business here, been in countless social situations, and yep, there are still circumstances where I don't understand why the Thai person is upset/not upset, what is wanted or needed, etc... And I rely mostly on my wife to give me some perspective on the situation. "She feels hurt because he said this, so she expects... and meanwhile, face lost over there, and... blah blah. So just give her the hundred baht and we go."

    Because nobody is direct here, avoiding confrontation like the plague, there is an elaborate system of signals, nigh on invisible to the farang eye, and no matter how long you are here and how often you observe, you'll never be able to fully grasp certain situations unaided. If you don't actually inhabit the value system, it can be tricky.

    In this micro regard, it is true that foreigners "Don't understand" Thais, but authorities have a tendency to extend this to us not understanding why it is perfectly cool to use foreign slaves on fishing vessels... Or declare scapegoats guilty in a murder trial... "Can you not see with your own two eyes what is as plain as the duck egg in your monkey's garden? If they are not executed for the crime they did not commit, an important person will lose face - and you wish to see this? The embarrassment would be crippling to all who witness it... therefore the guilty verdict must proceed. Do you not understand simple logic?"

  4. And since you ask... Quite honestly I don't down there that often anymore - usually when there are tourist friends in town. Drink beer, go to a few gogo bars and go home. There was a time when I'd join in the fun, but these days, not... I'm married and like it that way.

    And which gogo bar did you meet your wife at?

    Wow... just wow, man... what a low blow... for what? If I did meet her in a gogo bar and my marriage is a success, your statement is scummy. If I met her somewhere else, and m y marriage is successful, it is equally or even more scummy.

    In all, it is just a low-life gutter-dwelling scummy statement from one stranger to another with no justifiable motivation... Why would you say such a thing to someone you don't know who hasn't harmed you?

  5. this case needs the PM to intervene, he got himself involved early on when he said the police had a solid case (that is what he was told and I believe him), that has turned out to be untrue, I trust the PM in most things to be a man that doesn't tolerate any bull and in this case unless he does something very quickly he will find that he endorsed a complete farce and will lose face - time to get the DSI involved and get to the bottom of why this has caused such a blight on Thailand and an international outcry

    I was going to say "Thailands reputation is in question" but I couldn't write that because you have to get one of those first and this is not how to do that, not the current PM's fault but he is in the driving seat to make changes - out to you PM Ptayuth Chan (O) Cha - get involved and rattle a few heads and get to the bottom of this, the world is watching, do the right thing

    and OT comment - your single gateway is a nonsense idea and will hurt Thailand and it's IT infrastructure, Thailand moving forward not backward please

    Methinks you're giving a wee bit too much credibility to the PM's integrity and "No bull" approach. Whether he wants to or not, he has to keep a lot of certain people sweet to stay in his position, and that means there will be some bull - unavoidable. You don't make general in Thailand by just being forthright and honest.

    He didn't just support the police, he called it "The Perfect Investigation". If he was birdbrained enough to do that based on what some copper told him, well... hardly leadership material, I'd say. Unless he is a total idiot living in a hole in the ground, he knows that the defense has been kicking the prosecution's backside all over the courtroom from the first day of the trial. And yet, he just promoted the guy in charge of the investigation (Chaktip) to head of the national police last week. So if he wants to save face, he'll leave the case alone - or even instruct the judges to declare a guilty verdict regardless of the blatant miscarriage of justice that would be. (And on top of that, he really just doesn't give a <deleted> about a couple of Burmese scapegoats.)

    But hey, this is the same competent pack of guys who just declared the Erawan bombing case "solved", when they have not proven any motive, don't have all the culprits with arrest warrants including the "mastermind" (that term always makes me laugh - makes the guy sound Lex Luthor or Dr. No)... It is far from solved... and they refuse to call it a terrorist act... and the reports have been contradictory and constantly changing... and this about a story that is actually making the local newspapers - unlike the Tao story, which is not. With the Erawan bombing, 20 people were killed, more than 100 very badly bashed up... and the most important thing is raising the face of the retiring police chief... screw the victims, screw truth or any sort of justice... just make sure the "right" people are getting their due respect.

    So given all that, how do you think the Tao case is going to turn out? At best the boys will walk free, and the police will either mumble into their hands and wait for it to pass, or they'll claim that the boys were guilty but the defense used "legal tricks" (aka 'facts') to get them off. But one thing is certain; the actual killers of those two youngsters will never be brought to book....

  6. Whoever released the crime pictures of the victims, should be sent to jail immediatly and sacked from their employment.

    Any human being that can upload pictures of the two murder victims is a very sick individual, and in my opinion is just as bad as the people who committed these acts, maybe the people are known to each other?

    "in my opinion is just as bad as the people who committed these acts"

    Really? Just as bad? Really? Come on now...

  7. I am not ignoring that in the slightest.

    I do not feel that the fact he is young and unqualified is 'putting the lives of Thai kids in jeopardy' - certainly no more than the thousands of other teachers in similar positions operating across Thailand, often in cases where the school cannot afford to pay a qualified one, and struggles in terms of locating them.

    I already explained that my issue was with the OP making ridiculous moral judgements, and presenting them as if they exacerbated the situation. Given that the first thing the OP mentions is that the individual is of 'questionable moral character', I think it is fair to say that is is a primary motivating factor.

    Yeah, these things can be so illusory....

    As an example, the headmaster of a prestigious International school here - a man who has heaps of proper qualifications, and wife and kids, can be seen regularly down Soi Cowboy. One time, I even saw him, pissed as a newt, openly popping down the road, hooker in tow, to the short time place at the end (I followed him, just out of curiosity, not moral outrage)... The fees at that school are about Bt500k per year. And despite the headmaster's extracurricular habits, kids get a very good education there.

    Seedy, cheap and cheesy? Absolutely. Does it endanger anyone's children? Not really. At least you can be fairly confident he is not a pedo - unlike another big name international school that had a coverup over their "respectable" headmaster six years ago and complaints from children whose parents were too embarrassed to file criminal charges. That guy had excellent - impeccable - qualifications. Didn't drink much and didn't smoke dope either.

    So you never really know who is whom and what is what, eh?

    I even saw him, pissed as a newt, openly popping down the road, hooker in tow, to the short time place at the end (I followed him, just out of curiosity, not moral outrage)..

    ​ You followed him, just out of curiosity? Why do foreigners in this country NOT mind their own business? You followed a guy to a short time place, just because he's a headmaster?

    May I ask you what you did at this place? Oh, you're the guy who got laid by three ladyboys, right. Stop this thread, it's annoying.

    Your last sentence is so true.....you never know. Mind your own business, for god's freaking sake.

    I followed him primarily for my own amusement... and also because he is a sanctimonious prick who has been known on several occasions to question the moral character of his teaching staff - for being seen down in Cowboy, of all things - so I thought I'd gather a little ammo for friends who work there.

    And since you ask... Quite honestly I don't down there that often anymore - usually when there are tourist friends in town. Drink beer, go to a few gogo bars and go home. There was a time when I'd join in the fun, but these days, not... I'm married and like it that way.

    And if you don't like the thread, don't be a <deleted> and keep reading it. Just go away.

  8. To me he looks like he could just as easily be from Michigan or Oregon or Florida as from India or the Middle East. They're really guessing here IMO.

    Going to the roof, though, is a bit sketchy....who puts a WC on the roof?

    And no bag screening at the entrance of a court building? That might best be remedied....

    So that it is as effective as the bag screening on the MRT and Skytrain?

  9. "Khaek khao"? Incredible genius racial profiling going on in military and RTP these days. Whatever next? "Farang dam", "negro khao" or "jeen daeng".....The Thai establishment's inherent racism and nationalism ("no Thai person could ever do something as evil as this") is just so early 20th century, that one wonders how the press and media blithely carry on reproducing this ugly and utterly redundant profiling that leads to so much injustice, hatred and bigotry across the land. I guess the Thai media are still unable to shake off their shackles as handmaidens of the elite and old establishment, and whenever one journalist attempts it, he/she is quickly excommunicated and sent into the desert (a rule which can also sometimes extend to international correspondents - AGM anyone?). sad.png

    That's how thai language is like. Unlike say english where a new word is formed by adding say latin words together to form a new word. Can you imagine the same person who knows latin and greek seeing english words.

    Anyway haha for a westerner commenting about pc-ness to thais.

    He's not commenting on PC-ness, he is pointing out the limited grasp of other races reflected by the language.

  10. This is the 2nd best news story today, after Jason Day winning the PGA. Although his sentence should of come with a castration.

    Should HAVE come with castration? (it only sounds like "should of" in spoken word)

    What other mediaeval punishments do you advocate?

    I quite like the old Thai one where they'd put outspoken journalists inside a big rattan ball and let the elephants play with it, and then command them to crush it with their feet.

  11. I am not ignoring that in the slightest.

    I do not feel that the fact he is young and unqualified is 'putting the lives of Thai kids in jeopardy' - certainly no more than the thousands of other teachers in similar positions operating across Thailand, often in cases where the school cannot afford to pay a qualified one, and struggles in terms of locating them.

    I already explained that my issue was with the OP making ridiculous moral judgements, and presenting them as if they exacerbated the situation. Given that the first thing the OP mentions is that the individual is of 'questionable moral character', I think it is fair to say that is is a primary motivating factor.

    Yeah, these things can be so illusory....

    As an example, the headmaster of a prestigious International school here - a man who has heaps of proper qualifications, and wife and kids, can be seen regularly down Soi Cowboy. One time, I even saw him, pissed as a newt, openly popping down the road, hooker in tow, to the short time place at the end (I followed him, just out of curiosity, not moral outrage)... The fees at that school are about Bt500k per year. And despite the headmaster's extracurricular habits, kids get a very good education there.

    Seedy, cheap and cheesy? Absolutely. Does it endanger anyone's children? Not really. At least you can be fairly confident he is not a pedo - unlike another big name international school that had a coverup over their "respectable" headmaster six years ago and complaints from children whose parents were too embarrassed to file criminal charges. That guy had excellent - impeccable - qualifications. Didn't drink much and didn't smoke dope either.

    So you never really know who is whom and what is what, eh?

  12. What should I do? I know an 18 year old British tourist of questionable moral character (drinks and pot), who has never attended any university, never earned a decent score in any English course in grade school or high school, has no Thai license to work here, certainly not as a teacher. He is in Thailand on a tourist visa only but is now leading Thai kids in English and other studies at a northern school.

    I don't see the problem. Is he, do you have evidence he is a 'bad teacher' or is somehow a 'threat' to the kids? Have you ever sat in on one of his classes and assessed it? If so, using what criteria or professional knowledge or experience? There is nothing worse than some self appointed 'superhero' sticking their nose in where it is neither needed, asked for, nor wanted. Wind your neck in unless you have proof that he is a threat to the well being of the kids, and liking a drink and a smoke, isn't proof only your overblown opinion.

    You don't seem too sure about your own claims about his licensing yourself, so your other claims can only be dismissed as 'spurious'. Has your wife taken a shine to him or something?

    You really don't see the problem of an semi-educated, unqualified and unlicenced youth fraudulently teaching children?

    Who says it's fraudulent? Is the youngster claiming to be anything he isn't? Is the other option no teacher at all? I"m sure if they could get a 30-year-old MSc teachers academy grad with five years experience, they'd happily have one. But all those people are at the International schools pulling down 100k+ per month.

    And the ministry of education has no problem with useless unqualified teachers.

  13. Which particular decade of the Victorian era were you beamed in from? "Questionable moral character"? "Drinks and smokes pot"? Does he consort with women of easy virtue as well? Has he missed attending church for more than three Sundays in a row?

    Sounds to me like you need to send your kid to a better school. Any institution that would hire a teacher that age clearly doesn't give a f*** about their qualifications, and would probably just laugh at your letter and see you as a troublemaker. They just want to be able to say they have a native speaker teaching there, end of story. Appearance over reality here.... always. The youngster may actually be a really good teacher, but probably not. Proper qualifications don't necessarily make good teachers (all my teachers had them and some of them were crap), and some people are born teachers even without the qualifications.

    But you are really concerned that an 18-year-old drunk stoner backpacker is going to haul your tightly clenched backside into criminal court for defamation? Come on.... Answer honestly now... are you a troll? If not, then it doesn't take much to make you quake in your boots, does it?

    And this "The children are threatened!!!" Sorry, what danger are they in exactly? Of course, if you are serious about this 'questionable morality' nonsense, then you are doubtless imagining paedophile orgies and such.... Funny how it is always the pious minds that jump to this sort of conclusion.

    As far as I can see the only danger is that they will get a bad education - which puts them in the same boat with almost every other non-rich kid in the country.

    Go ahead, report the kid without fear of legal repercussions... but I bet his employers already know. Do they imagine that an 18-year-old has a master's degree and a Toefl cert?

  14. Far from "the best." The scenes were too short and changed way too often. But more important than that, Thailand has much more than just ocean-front property; this video misses so much of Thailand.

    OP - Nice vid. Thanks for Sharing.

    I think some people can just complain about anything including a BJ, a 6 pack and a pizza.

    I don't think people were complaining about the video, but the overused internet superlative "The best!" - only outdone by "the best ever!!" (Usually used by teenagers who have only been self aware for three years).

    It is the equivalent of being told you were going to get a threesome with Kate Upton and Mila Kunis with free flowing champagne and a six course gourmet meal afterwards... and then you got a hooker BJ, a six-pack and a pizza.... not the worst evening you could have, but not quite what was promised.

  15. From the multiplicity of drivers of all types of vehicles who are emerging from the woodwork at timely intervals claiming that they carried the bomber I am coming around to the belief that it was in fact a "bombing team" of maybe one real bomber plus nine look-alikes carrying different bags who spread themselves around the scene of the crime to confuse the police and lay false trails. Why would I not believe that all these reward seekers are telling the absolute truth? Why would I not believe the police when they said was a team of ten? Why would I not believe that the discovery of an old hand grenade in some obscure place on the other side of the city was linked to the bombing? Why would I not believe the person who said all ten of the bomber gang left the country together at the same time? Why would I not believe the next person who might say they saw all ten of them checking-in at Suvarnabhumi at the group counter and all wearing the same yellow shirts? The search and investigation for the perpetrators of this evil crime is getting more farcical as every day goes by. What is needed is a rich benefactor to come forward and offer a reward (incentive) to the RTP themselves for the successful capture of the mastermind and bomber. Only then might we see some real and purposeful action.

    Offered rewards are a bit like torture... they get people talking, but not necessarily the truth.

  16. He was arrested because he did not have a permit for his vest and helmet.

    Maybe you think its a stupid rule but this is Thailand and as most of us are staying here as guests and not Thai citizens we should not complain about laws that are no more stupid than the laws in our home countries!

    Just take at the joke of the legal system of US where each state has its own laws. And as a tourist you have to know the different laws. Here are some examples:

    The rules how to use your headlights is different in each state.

    In some states it's legal to drive from 16 and in some from 18 and at least in Iowa you can drive legally even younger if you do it to help your parents with the farm...

    In some states you will get sentenced to jail for possession of marijuana and in some states its perfectly legal.

    And it's not legal to buy an ordinary bottle of Jack Daniels in the Moore County where its made in as it's a so called "dry county", a left over from the time of the prohibition that was lifted 1933! But you CAN buy commemorative products...

    And if you break any of these rules you might get fined or go to prison.

    So if you are a tourist who first visit a state where its legal to buy and use marijuana and then drive to another state where its not legal you might go to prison for something you thought was legal. And this is in ONE country , you never even left the country of USA.

    And here you are complaining that Thailand has taking the stance to enforce a rule that states that you need a permit to own a bulletproof vest.

    No, not that they were enforcing the law, but that they were unnecessarily harsh about it. Just because there are stupid laws in the US as well doesn't make laws here any less stupid. If a tourist legally bought dope in one state and drove into a state where it was illegal, police discretion should be applied as to knowledge and intent (though I am not saying it would be). There are times when ignorance of the law is an excuse - or at least a mitigating factor.

    The police are so embarrassed (or rather 'de-faced') by their bumbling inadequacy in general and particularly the bomber case that they are trying anything at the moment to cover themselves with a dollop of glory - and making complete fools of themselves in the process.

  17. This case should be a lesson for everyone to be more careful and learn about other countries' rules, rather than doing things based on one's assumption of what is right or wrong, he said.

    Does he really expect every visitor to learn all the laws before visiting Thailand?

    One would expect that most laws are based on some form of common sense.

    I wear brown shoes, better check that is not against the law in Thailand

    You're probably safe there, but I'd think twice before putting on a red shirt.

  18. I totally disagree with the FOX statement. I do not think Megyn Kelly is a quality journalist. I think her questioning of me, despite all of the polls saying I won the debate, was very unfair. ~ Trump

    That's some time-traveling wackadoodleness right there. Because he won the polls that were taken after the debate, Kelly shouldn't have been a bitch to him during the debate . Huh?

    As to Roger Ailes respecting women? Another: huh? Have you seen Fox News?


    Fox and Trump arguing about who's a smaller dick to women is like me trying to decide which is a more finer looking turd in my potty this morning.


    Trump is winning. You and yours are losing.

    You are aware that a presidential run is not actually a sporting event, right? And you also realize that politics is not a zero sum game, yeah? Surely you must, because anyone who doesn't would have to be more than a bit of an idiot.

  19. What does the statement that Uighur don't have the ability to carry this out. Didn't anyone notice that the south is a Muslim problem? And that isil doesn't care other than to support Muslim insurgency worldwide. My god, what a truly dumb editorial

    Perhaps. But at least Pravit wrote in full sentences and it was possible to understand what he was saying... unlike your post.

  20. Trying for his 2 minutes of attention. Model, indeed. Must be quite the lucrative job, as he is working as an unlicensed english "tutor" in the interim.

    Hope he doesn't teach them to speak with that awful squeaky Aussie accent too, whistling.gif

    I hope all his immigration papers are in order. Acting, modelling, English Tutor - must have an interesting work permit too.

    Spoken like a true Englishman but I get your point.

    What point? That he is a condescending tosser?

  21. He looks nothing like backpack man. Can't the Thais tell the difference between a caucasian and a western Asian? Yes, I know both words contain the word "asian" but you can pretty much write off the "model" by the color of his skin.

    You may not be aware of the fact that there is a whole other modeling scene here that has nothing to do with the local market. It is cheap to shoot here - there are loads of Russian, Czech and far more swarthy races of models here that get regular or semi-regular work.

  22. NGOs...Non-governmental Organizations...have been used around to world to infiltrate the country with foreigners who tend to stir-up trouble for the existing government...King is smart to limit these folks...just another problem to deal with...best to get it under control before the poop hits the fan...

    Are you serious or trolling?

    "Stir up trouble"? By doing much of the government's job for them, as is the case with many NGOs that ensure people have enough food, education, basic human rights (according to international agreements to which the host country is most often a signatory), the NGOs are "troublemakers" - a common term amongst authorities who abuse their power to negatively brand those who oppose that abuse. Have you got any examples of such troublemaking?

    And it isn't the king limiting 'these folks', it is the government and the ceremonial monarch rubber stamping. You do understand how constitutional democratic monarchies work, right - and the difference between a head of government and head of state?

    Sure you do .

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