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Everything posted by hilfinad

  1. Lot of sick replies, probably by people who never had any responsibility for any living being in their lives. Most soi dogs are not aggressive and if they sometimes are, it's not surprising. They are kicked, stabbed, stoned, beaten, mutilated and deliberately run over every day. It never comes to mind that these dogs and cats have to survive every day; most of the time scraping food from plastic waste bags and while doing this they are chased away . These people can't imagine how it feels to wake up not knowing if you can find some food to survive an other day. Every day the same struggle! You can trust dogs, but never trust people who are not trusted by dogs!
  2. I think it's a new way to earn money from tourism. This Dutch woman stated in a Dutch newspaper that she and a companion entered Thailand from Malaysia. They showed their passport at the border control. They were allowed to enter, so they thought everything was fine. When leaving Thailand they were stopped because they had no entry stamp. They had to stay in jail for 5 days and were fined. With help of the Dutch embassy they could leave Thailand. So all of the sudden in the same region entry stamps are missing, people get caught and fined. Must be something wrong with the ink!
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