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Posts posted by LoongJohn

  1. 10 hours ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

    The 2014 poll revealed that Britons were generally clueless, but I don't want to spoil the party! Well! No worries! By now, everyone should be under the table signing "I've Got a Luvverly Bunch of Coconuts"! WOW! Coconuts! I didn't know!


    1. Teenage pregnancy: the British think one in six (16%) of all teenage girls aged 15-19 give birth each year, when the actual figure is only 3%.
    2. Muslims: we hugely over-estimate the proportion of Muslims in Britain – we think one in five British people are Muslims (21%) when the actual figure is 5% (one in twenty).
    3. Christians: in contrast, we underestimate the proportion of Christians - we think 39% of the country identify themselves as Christian compared with the actual figure of 59%.
    4. Immigration: we think 24% of the population are immigrants – which is nearly twice the real figure of 13%.
    5. Ageing population: we think the British population is much older than it actually is – the average estimate is that 37% of the population are 65+, when it is in fact only 17%.
    6. Voting: we underestimate the proportion of the electorate that voted in the last general election - the average guess is 49% when the official turnout was much higher at 66%.
    7. Unemployment: we think nearly 24% of the working age population are unemployed when the actual figure is much lower at 7%.
    8. Life expectancy: we overestimate our life expectancy by three years, thinking the average for a child born in 2014 will be 83 years, when the actual estimate is 80 years.
    9. Murder rates: we are however one of the best informed countries on the murder rate: 49% saying it is falling (which is correct), and only 25% think it is rising

    Then you should ask: do these results indicate ignorance or simply that the population is misinformed as to statistical data? Where are they supposed to get their information from - can they trust the media? If they can't, then what are they supposed to do?

  2. 30 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

    As an American I know how blissfully ignorant many Americns are  with knowledge of their own country and it's own real history and   palce in the world.

    I have to get used to that abd the silly questions I am asked by Americans when they hear I live in Thailand.

    Quwstions like , "How much snow did you have in Thailand at Christmas this year?" and " Do they all speak Chinese there in Thailand?"

    And questions like that gome from University graduates.

    As an educated American , that kind of ignotance is dpressing to me.

    That is one of the reasons I can not concieve of going back to live in the U.S. permanently.



    I encountered the same sort of ignorance from a New Zealander who demanded to know how Thais traditionally celebrate Christmas. She simply refused to believe that Buddhists don't observe Christian festivals (except as a commercial event)



  3. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I actually believe the taxi driver.

    I would too if she had been dropped off in the street somewhere etc..but at what's obviously her apartment she would be easily found and caught if doing a runner..this is discounting she says she left her bag in the taxi...can't prove that from behind a keyboard lol..

    Who is to say it's 'obviously her apartment'? She waited until his back was turned and went to recover her bag in order to do a runner - and still didn't have the money she owed. If her intentions were honest, she would have explained her situation to the driver before the journey.

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