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Posts posted by LoongJohn

  1. My Thai wife and I were both young when we married. She had a deep dislike of Thai men whom, she said, had no respect for women. The ones in her family, from what I could make out, were first class ratbags who regarded paedophilia as a perfectly acceptable pastime. We've been married for 52 years now and our Number One Son has just turned 50. Trend-setters? I don't know. We've never been particularly well off, but we're still in love.

  2. Some people choose to ignore the basic weakness of Democracy.

    Democracy is 'government by the people' - in practice, the majority of votes cast by the people.

    The majority of people are thick.

    Therefore Democracy is government by the thick.

    Sad but true.

  3. "day of final war", "final battle".

    That's what he said. No, really!!

    There are morons and there are morons and there are morons.

    And then deep below that are the Cambrian and Creatacious layers of moronicity.

    Keep going.

    And further down.

    And further down.

    Under that, lying in a deep pool of moronic slime, we may find Mr Suthep and his idiotic supporters.

    Some people say that such total, utter, profound stupidity cannot exist. I say, "believe what you hear". Mr Suthep has spoken: this is proof that utter, anti-social, crazy, untouchable, mad-as-a-hatter ideas can exist in the modern world - when we thought we had consigned the nutters and Nazis to the "fields where only horses and loonies may roam".

    No Mr Suthep is there, free as a bird.

    He can say anything he wants.

    He can do anything he likes.

    Nobody can stop this wild-as-a-buffalo from doing anything that his untamed will tells him to do.

    Given that such totally wild forms-of-life can be allowed to express their nutcase ideas, perhaps it is time for falangs to leave Thailand? Or, alternatively, is it time for the genuinely democratic redshirts to express their vision of a democratic future and start to control these mad-as a-hatter crazies? And to get the authorities to arrest this specimen of pre-civilisation?

    Why not admit it - you don't really support Suthep, do you?

  4. Having lived and worked in Asia for 13 years, I now realise I have led a sheltered life.

    I have never heard the "slope" expression used before and if some sensationalists hadn't written this drivel, I would still have been happily ignorant of it's meaning.

    same, never heard of it and I doubt very much that Clarkson has either, I watched the show and didn't think of anything weird because the bridge they built did have a slope on it and the guy on the bridge looks like one of the crew

    Maybe he should have said there is a lean on it.

    You can't say that! That mocks people who are of less than medium build! What next?

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