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Posts posted by Serendipitist

  1. Just completed a flight to and from London in Elite Class - very comfortable - and very full. I cannot see them dumping this section, surely it is very popular. While I prefer business class, Elite Class is still way, way better than any economy seat on any airline.

    ya weren't the only tv member on that flight :o

  2. Interesting to see that Thailand is attarcting a lot of the cheap trash from the UK. Only a few days ago there was an article in the Nation about two Brits being caught for paedophilia in Pattaya. Just take a lot at Nana, Sukhumvit, etc.....there are lots of cheap Brits hanging around and mind you most are not tourists...rather so called expats who are based here. I know of some who are operating Football betting rackets, some who are loan sharks, etc. Its about time that the visa regulations are tightened to weed out all these trash!

    Agreed 100%

    LOL at the nonsense re: Visa laws should be tightened to weed out 'cheap trash'!?

    And, prey... if he secretly acted as charged, how exactly would your whimsically proposed 'tightened visa laws' prevent an ex-member of the constabulary from getting a visa to here?

    What's more, & without excusing what he was allegedly involved in by any means, let's not forget that it is also precisely because of visa laws which are ridiculously tight, if not despicably prejudicial, to female thai nationals under 35 that such a racket as above ever came into being. The racket exploits (read profits from) the fact that it is next to impossible for the vast majority of such female Thai citizens to visit the UK - even if a caring someone throws sufficient money into their bank account before visiting; while citizens of Singapore, Japan etc. may enter and leave as they please to the UK - almost regardless of their status.

    Is it not owing to ridiculously punitive western visa laws that many here marry well before their time - just to acquire a lousy visa to the west for their girl friend? While at the same time, certain religious fanatics who abuse the teachings of their faith are given free reign (& visas coming out their ears) to come and preach the impressionable to revolt, by whatever means, against the very state that treated them so leniently.

  3. Interested to know something about these pics, both very similar.

    First one has more in the foreground and less sky. The grass is a vivid green and the sky is white and washed out.


    This second pic is the opposite, more sky and less grass in foreground. Yet the grass is very dull and the skyline actually shows that there is a mountain there and a storm brewing.


    Both these were taken on exact same settings, so why does the grass and skyline show up so different, other pics I have taken with more or less sky do the same. Times I have wanted less sky but wanted it to be the rich blue that is there, but comes out washed out and whitish.

    How do I take it with the rich vivid green grass and the skyline showing what is actually there.

    Why is it so....

    Maybe try a polariser which would definitely deepen the blue of clear skies.

  4. And the winner is....jonniebkk. People know credit card fraud is rampant here. It's

    insane to pull out your card for every little purchase you make but people still do. :o

    :D I am always amazed when I see people continue to use their CCs for grocery shopping at Foodland, Carrefore, etc. or for restaurant meals...both Thais and farangs. The only exception (and even then I keep my fingers crossed) is when I am purchasing expensive appliances or electronics (maybe around 20k on up) from reputable retailers...and even then, I check my account online carefully for a few weeks after the transaction to make sure no unauthorized charges appear (number has been stolen).

    Another benefit too is that when you start to pay cash for everything, you think about your spending more carefully and usually end up spending less money :D

    @ Jonniebkk: I too mostly agree with your worthwhile criticism (which I must agree stood head and shoulders above the others'). However, in my defence, I have bought many times before from the above, and despite my being a natural sceptic, I definitely expected no surprises of that nature there. (I also have found the other staff there on every other occasion to be friendly and helpful - to me, rather than themselves, that is!); and, on a moot point, you have presumed that it was for a some small trifling purchase, when, in reality, it need not necessarily have been! But I do agree, it's best just to use a card to pay for that which you've already stated. The risks for small purchases are indeed too high.

    The irony in taking your criticism is that I have previously been an advocate too for bringing & using cash (exchanging it in Bkk's best - S.R.) over plastic.


    @ Jsixpack: Thank you so much for saying so. That even one person (you!) confessed to finding my post useful, means something to me.

    I must also confess that although I joined TV, in 2004, I have been far from a prolific poster for precisely the very reason you've suggested. I naturally write in a very formal and assertive style; which regrettably tends to attract more than my fair share of nitpickers, naysayers and occasional nitwits. In real life I keep quiet, polite, ruminative, respectful of others and out of trouble as much as possible. But no one would guess as much from the way I write! LOL.


    Lastly, I gladly accept criticism as long as it is well though out, useful & definitely not half baked, or ill researched! And to repeat, I feel that the criticism which was justified and appropriate was that of jonniebkk. If people must use their cards for purchases - always be vigilant and if you suspect something's up - go with your gut feeling. Hmmm... even if it's in a reputable establishment that your suspicions are aroused, you might even try asking if they'd mind your taking a photo of them holding the cc devices "for your added security". If the employee(s) suddenly becomes camera shy etc., you should definitely follow your suspicions further...

    As an aside, watch out for cashiers in certain hotels, international hospitals etc. automatically converting your cc purchase to your currency - as opposed to thb, before asking you to sign; as it'll almost always be at an unfavourable rate to that which you'd pay were it converted as thb by your card's issuer, or withdrawn equivalent cash from the atm. If you must use your cc, always ask to pay in thb.

  5. Uh why would you enter a pin for a credit card??? (unless doing a cash advance from an atm)

    Most places on this planet now require a pin for a cc purchase - uh!

    No they don't - never been asked once to use a pin, nor should you ever. If its an debit card yes, but never a credit card. Only a muppet enters a pin with a credit card. :o

    Please try googling "chip and pin", or seeing the wikipedia entry on same. Residents of France, The Republic of Ireland, The UK are just some of those who would likely have a chip and pin on either their Mastercard or Visa. In such nations it's commonly used as a method for purchasing in shops *and* ATM usage. My old Mastercard bears a chip & pin, and so too my next one, and it's not unlikely that every one afterwards will too.

  6. Without naming the shop - or getting the police to take action against the alleged perpetrator - your post does nothing to help any of us.

    Instead, you've just damaged the business of every book shop in lower Sukhumvit. Think about it.

    You surely grant me too much influence! :o I have no more damaged the business of every bookstore somewhere in LOS than if someone said on here that they vomited after eating in a certain (unnamed) burger chain's store would damage the hamburger business in an area! I am sorry if it doesn't help you, and if there is no one else whom it helps I would regret taking the time to warn others even more. That being said, if there are any mods who would agree that the area specified was too specific, then please change same to "somewhere in Thailand". But I remain unconvinced that my post would damage sales in all bookstores in that locale, just by warning persons to not enter their pin number and let their card be used to print a slip for signing afterwards.

    By all means I may continue to purchase from this chain from time to time and so should everyone else. But if the circumstances as I've described above should occur again I would not leave the shop so quickly and also I would, as an additional precaution, immediately have to inform my cc issuer to take extra precautions etc. with my cc. Please respect that I have had to tread the middle ground between informing others to be extra mindful if paying by cc for the time being, and not damaging the business of a good chain whom I thoroughly believe were completely unknowing that one or two of their male employees were acting in such a way. As I stated in my OP, I have made several previous purchases in branches of the store with satisfaction and once the bad eggs move on, I would expect that everything will return to normal.

  7. Why are you hiding the name of the shop -- protecting the thieves?

    I am 'hiding' the name of the shop as it is only my duty to describe the factual circumstances as they have occurred and firstly the shop's owners have every right at present to state that anything I have said is alleged only. Secondly, it is not the owner(s) of the shop who is/are at fault - unless they've instructed a couple of particular employees to act in the above manner which I extremely doubt.

    Lastly, I would respectfully appeal to any mods to delete any guesses at which shop I may be referring to, as there has been no legal case settled so far on this issue. My post only stands to warn others to be extra cautious when paying by cc, as described above, for the time being - in case the above scenario could occur to anyone else.

    Thank you.

  8. On a certain evening, I paid using my CC in a certain Bookashop (name changed), lwr Sukhumvit. At the time of payment there were two male employees present. I was presented with a wireless CC device and asked to enter my pin. I entered my pin successfully. I then noticed that a slip was being issued on another machine which, I assumed at first, was just my receipt being printed. However, I was asked to sign that payment slip and I expressed surprise stating that I've never had to give my pin and then sign afterwards, in all my life - as usually a pin was perfectly sufficient. The second male employee responded that "this was just for my added security" that I was asked to sign the additional payment slip, having already submitted my pin. Now... the very word 'security' is ordinarily just a byword for added inconvenience in my experience, but on this occasion I felt particularly uncomfortable with this situation, and definitely felt that something was not quite right. And my scepticism repeatedly returned to unsettle me for several hours afterwards. Nonetheless my tg repeatedly assured that I was just unnecessarily worrying and that I should stop thinking about it... Which, I eventually did.


    I used my cc once again three days later. Or rather, I tried to use my cc again three days later... My attempt at payment was blocked. I should add that this was the first time that I tried to use my cc since the purchase above. I then called my cc issuer and was told that there were purchases, allegedly on my cc on the day following the above purchase, several again the day after and also xx more purchases on the day after that for varying amounts including one of the last for nearly three hundred Euros after which my cc was suspended. Not one of these purchases were mine. And there were no unusual purchases before the time of my above purchase. Moreover, regarding the last few purchases on my cc, I was able to view the transactions before my eyes and all was ordinary. So my thoughts immediately returned to my experience above...

    Since my cc was rendered useless, we asked at another of said shop's branches about the procedure above, and the female employee not only expressed surprise at what happened, but moreover stated that it was definitely abnormal in their branches to have customers enter a pin and then sign another payment slip afterwards.

    Lastly, I have made occasional purchases over the years in branches of the same shop without any issues whatsoever, so I must stress that this must have been a most unusual bad experience. However if the same employee is currently still working there and tries the same procedure for “your added security”, all I can say is this:

    You have been warned: So please don't let the same happen to you for “your added security”... :o

  9. You sound like a good guy who has been treated otherwise. However, two things came instantly to mind.

    1) Are you aware of codependency disorder? Do you have a pattern of helping/rescuing people only to have it all thrown back in your face? If so then it would be a very good idea to try and get support/therapy for yourself.

    2) No one chooses an addiction. The tablets you are relying on are not easily acquired for a good reason. And although you believe that you are far from addiction now, it would be quite extraordinary if you continued taking them whenever you were depressed and you eventually didn't end up with an addiction. Such an addiction will be extremely hard to quit. You have more than enough problems to deal with at present, without risking an addiction of that nature on top of everything else.

  10. http://www.siamfamilydental.com/

    This meets all your criteria. I have personally visited within the past few years and the female dentist spoke excellent english having trained in Australia. Even more impressive was that my reason for going there was due to my suspicions about another BKK dentist who recommended 4 fillings when I visited. Thus, being not ordinarily one who respawns from ye last shower, I sought a second opinion; and the dentist at SFD said that that was untrue as I needed none at all. So I left with a considerably smaller dental bill than I might have had if I wasn't a natural born sceptic.

  11. IMHO it's much more that the Dollar is weak rather than the Baht is strong. From a British point of view there's been little change vis-a-vis the Baht/Pound rate. (That's not gloating, BTW, simply a view of the situation)

    Incorrect! Thb *is* strong.

    If you were right and it was just the dollar that was weak then, given sterling's recent advances and interest rate differentials, we should be seeing in the mid 70's. But not so...

    Cable, despite reaching record highs against the USD in the last week, has fallen comparatively y/y against thb.

  12. Forgive me for assuming that you may spend at least some time first in Bangkok.

    If necessary, your phone can be unlocked in MBK Center, Siam Square in about 25 minutes. Look carefully for applicable signs on the floor on which mobiles are sold. The cost, if I remember correctly, is considerably less than that which you'd pay westwards. Besides, M(ah) B(oon) K(rong) is a well trodden shopping excursion in itself. And MBK is  arguably the best place also to buy a phone (1st or 2nd hand) here.

    Btw, pack as little as possible. And then divide that in half :D

    MBK the centre for broken handsets! However good at chipping etc, so half a good point in my opinion!

    Broken handsets may unwittingly be purchased the world over. In other words, & despite your 'well reasoned' :o criticism, MBK have no monopoly on their sale.

    But whether you're buying at MBK or anywhere else, caveat emptor should be borne in mind.

    Nonetheless, at MBK, it is usually possible to exchange any faulty handset following purchase and time is given on purchase to establish that the handset is, at least, working. If either of these options are not given then simply move on. My experience of purchasing at MBK and that of some I personally know has been most satisfactory.:D

  13. Forgive me for assuming that you may spend at least some time first in Bangkok.

    If necessary, your phone can be unlocked in MBK Center, Siam Square in about 25 minutes. Look carefully for applicable signs on the floor on which mobiles are sold. The cost, if I remember correctly, is considerably less than that which you'd pay westwards. Besides, M(ah) B(oon) K(rong) is a well trodden shopping excursion in itself. And MBK is arguably the best place also to buy a phone (1st or 2nd hand) here.

    Btw, pack as little as possible. And then divide that in half :o

  14. Hey, thanks a lot for your help Aitch!

    Will go to AA House tomorrow and have a look, sounds good, as well as C-One Mansion and River Place which I found in Mr. Roomfinder, thanks for you recommandations!

    River Place Just letting you know (& Aitch too...):

    Went to look at this last week with tgf, as 4500 near Phrom Pong with swimming pool seemed too good to be true. And alas, it was - they said that the price quoted on mrroomfinder.com, which I showed to them as I had my laptop, was wrong. Their rooms start at 7000baht. :D:o

    The lesson being: it's always best to ring in advance of any visits.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the feedback Serendipitist.

    Rentals are generally slow to increase around Greater Bkk and it's certainly unusual for them to go up by such large percentages as the one mentioned unless there have been some serious renovations carried out to the building.

    Every single place in Roomfinder's database was contacted prior to launching the site and current prices and facilities were verified as correct as of April/May 2005

    Anyway, I'll contact them when I return to Bkk at the end of this week and get the exact price and any other changes updated on the site.

    As for your other point, it's always wise to call before visiting any place, as it apart from the price check, you could have a wasted visit if they have no vacancies available at that time.

    Thanks once again for highlighting the discrepancy.


    & thank you! Aitch - your site is an excellent resource :D

  15. Hey, thanks a lot for your help Aitch!

    Will go to AA House tomorrow and have a look, sounds good, as well as C-One Mansion and River Place which I found in Mr. Roomfinder, thanks for you recommandations!

    River Place Just letting you know (& Aitch too...):

    Went to look at this last week with tgf, as 4500 near Phrom Pong with swimming pool seemed too good to be true. And alas, it was - they said that the price quoted on mrroomfinder.com, which I showed to them as I had my laptop, was wrong. Their rooms start at 7000baht. :D:o

    The lesson being: it's always best to ring in advance of any visits.

    Good luck!

  16. They are not imbeciles. As usual, it's the masses who fail to understand basic economics while buying the 'spin' who are more probably the imbeciles.

    Alcohol has a certain inelasticity in its demand curve. That is, alcohol's demand does not significantly decrease with increases in pricing. More to the point, alcohol is most usually taxed for revenue raising reasons (despite any spin to the contrary).

    Nonetheless, if they really wanted to have an effect on drinking, an increase of duty of several thousand percent might make an interesting start. But somehow methinks this ain't going to happen... :D:o

  17. EVA Evergreen Deluxe is, admittedly, good. It is, admittedly, better than normal economy. But, eh, 'cheapos' on LHR!?

    What really bothers me about Eva is their brazen pricing on BKKLHR. :o

    Anyone else peeved by, or notice this...?

    Here goes:

    Last few times I went, flying one way to LHR on Evergreen deluxe was quoted as 50% more expensive than to AMS.

    +50% !!

    But it gets worse...

    I just tried to book o/w BKK to AMS: Cost 20,500THB

    I just tried to Book o/w BKK to LHR: Cost 35,200THB


    ...And it's not about differences in landing fees, as BAA makes more from their car parks.

    Well, even if AMS's landing fees were higher than LHR's - <deleted> (...apart, i.e., from what appears to be 'rip off' profiteering) accounts for the 70% extra ticket price for one hours extra flying time on a +11 hour journey?

    So, in reality, a three figure sum can be (and was!) saved if you book Evergreen Deluxe to AMS, then either take the next Easyjet to LGW, or BMI to LHR. Isn't that (at best) absurd?

    And, as for the other way round - it was near on impossible, last time I attempted to make an internet booking, in any of their classes, from their website outbound from AMS-BKK, when in the UK.

    No such troubles booking the punitively priced LHRBKK, when booking in the UK & on their website.

    Grrrrr :D

  18. I reckon the best cabbies in the world are in Japan. These guys all seem to be over 60 and just doing it for pleasure. They know how to read maps and find places and will go to any lengths to do so, including stopping the meter while they check the map or talk to their operator on the radio. They are generally polite, unhurried and chatty if you speak Japanese. Also, they don't mind waiting for half an hour if you go to some remote place and have no other way to get back. Many of them have TVs on the dashboard so they don't get bored waiting. And they NEVER cheat you.
    'Never cheat you' - hmm ... and what a bargain starting at 20000 yen (7500 Baht+) from Narita airport to central tokyo. A pleasure indeed. :o
    Some drivers speed to the degree that one has genuine fears

    If you ever want a Bkk cabbie to slow down you could try saying this :D :

    "Phee, Krap cha cha noy krap"

    (The first krap is pronounced with a low tone and the last krap with a higher one)

    & agree totally with the other posters re speaking even just a little thai makes a world of a difference in attitude. :D

  19. When I first saw the 'anti-taxi' thread, I too pondered starting a 'pro taxi' thread and procrastinated. In any event, I mused that if there was one, &, eh, knowing (gulp) human nature, it would be much shorter than the 'rant' thread. Lo and behold... once again, too many are quick to complain and slow to voice praise. Regrettably: myself included!

    1) TGF + me were waiting for the airport bus at about 9.30pm on Sukh. About 50 minutes had passed & there was to be no sight nor sign of same. A taxi pulls up and asks 'where we go?'. We say 'no want taxi', but he persists, and we admit that we were bound for the airport. He says that as his shift is over and he's driving home (towards the airport) he's happy to take us for the same fare as the airport bus: 150 baht.

    Admittedly, I am not just a cynic (150 baht for 2 persons, by taxi, from sukhumvit ---> Airport: yeah right!?), and naturally suspect... the worst; but tgf expertly sense's his 'jaideeness' so I defer to her intuition (...as always: best never to argue with a Thai's heartfelt intuition) & we hop aboard.


    We arrive safely and surely at the airport. Taxi driver is most highly pleased that I offered him 150 baht + 50 baht tip (yes yes, much above the call of duty, for the said jaideeness!)

    2) About 10 days before the above, TGF + me wished to get from one part of BKK to another. Alas, we were not alone in our quest. The rain started pouring.

    Taxi picks us up and we spend the best part of 90 minutes doing a journey which ordinarily would take 20 minutes. During the journey's course, taxi driver endeavours to take a short cut which backfires. On reaching our destination, TGF asks taxi driver if he wouldn't mind taking a discount on the meter's toll (he brought us well off track, leading eventually into a dead end during our journey and took some time to backtrack). Without as much as a quibble he immediately said 'ha sip percent' (50%). All parties happy.

    3) Anyone who thinks that Bangkok taxi's are bad might refresh his judgement upon returning from Manila for a little spell. :o But I'll spare you of my off-topic stories.

    4) Cherm (Midnight my Love): mostly compelling & recent film about a good natured Bangkok taxi driver's mostly lonely life. Recommended viewing. & it's still screening...

  20. Hi, I am going to bangkok in may for 5 weeks and hoping to do a bit of traveling but i dont know what currency is best to take with me to exchange or am i better with traveler cheques  :o  also is the petchburi / phatunam area a good place to stay

    Your first question could be rephrased as 'which currency will appreciate the greatest against the baht during my stay'?


    If anyone 'knows' the answer to this they should be too busy trading fx to answer.

    If anyone says 'traveller's cheques" they shouldn't be too busy trading fx (ever).

    The rest might consider using the site's search engine. Because as harryhacker says the question has "been discussed many times on here" & in many different guises...

    Your second question might include a little more detail, if you'd like others to offer their opinions - ie., what exactly do you mean by "is the petchburi / phatunam area a good place to stay"

    How would you define a good place to stay? What are your interests? Your requirements? Budget? Hotel or apartment? How long are you staying for and with whom - family? Alone? etc etc.

    Good luck! :D

  21. Yes, the carrier JAL says it is a confirmed booking, and I have the ticket saying O.K. and everything, but this is Thailand, and just because the agent has made some stupid mistake regarding codeshare and profits for his/her pocket, the are GO-HO'ING me with telling me to return the ticket, cancel it and start again.

    No way, it's their mistake, I have paid my cash so I intend to travel on this ticket.

    I just think that 'agents' here in the LOS have more power, in the U.K. if a ticket is issued and paid for in full, that is story over, finish...right?

    BUT TOT....??!!

    Wilson Steer.

    One wonders how common such experiences are here. Had a not too dissimilar exp - recently booked a flight at good price, in a certain sukhumvit outfit, & returned later that day to pick up the tkt & pay balance only to be told: "sorry, but we've made a mistake - the price shuld be 1XXX baht more - please, you must pay that now" V naughty :o

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