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Posts posted by wanderingstar

  1. I use a pre paid D-tac sim that I have had since 2006. after about 4 months of top ups I had a years worth of "on air" time and the ability if I ran out of call credit, to top up using the time I'd paid for in advance. Seems like that deal would suit you. no?

    To all of you who gave advice. Thank You.

    Been off line a while.

    To Loz above:

    This sure seems the most simple, but can you kindly elaborate?:

    What is meant by >> 4 months of top ups<<

    I have been topping up every week for the last 20 months. How is this different to yours?

    >> I had a years worth of "on air" time and the ability if I ran out of call credit, to top up using the time I'd paid for in advance<<

    All payment is in advance!

    Or are we "discussing" Apples and Oranges instead of Apples??

    I use Pre-Paid. Are you referring to contracts??

  2. If money is no problem, ship fed ex. very reliable.


    If you use a courier do not seal the boxes because they will want to inspect the contents before shipping. Best to check with them about restricted items first.

    Thanks Rak, but I wont go the courier route.

  3. "Unfortunately [??] I am one of those rare mature Farang males who do not have a GF / LBF / BF as I am not an ATM"

    Opening with a stupid comment like that, I'm surprised anyone has bothered to try and answer your question. What an ignorant generalisation. Maybe you are not able to attract a partner without paying them but there are plenty of others who can.

    Your opinion,which I wont dignify with a reply, as you have NO sense of humour. Sad.

  4. Pack your stuff in boxes (yes seal them up). Make sure each box is less than 20Kg. Bring them to the post office.

    For the express box grab an EMS form and fill it out.

    For the other boxes grab an Airmail forms and fill it out (tick the "SAL" box on the airmail form is you want the slower/cheaper option).

    You do not need any special paperwork, any forms that you need the post office cashier will give you when you are at the post office shipping your stuff.

    The only customs that may look at your packages is going to be the customs in NZ and they may charge you some tax on your packages, but that's life not much you can do about that.

    Thanks Dave111223

  5. [quote name='BillR' timestamp='1288747553' post='3998260']

    you are over thinking the situation. I have shipped many times back and forth to Thailand. Thailand does not care what you are shipping out so long as its not illegal. The customs declaration is more for the destination, not the origin. Declaring it as personal items should suffice both here and the destination. If there is a problem, the post office will let you know.

    That being said, if the items are of value to you I would use DHL or Fedex or at the vary least insured and traceable from the post office.

    Also, some airlines will let you pay for excess baggage ahead of time, which may be cheaper than the post office or dhl fedex. When I first came here I was able to get a 100kg baggage allowance for next to nothing ahead of time.

    Hi BillR

    Many thanks mate.

    Very intrigued by the advance excess. Will def look into it.

  6. Hi. Some advice please folks.

    Unfortunately [??] I am one of those rare mature Farang males who do not have a GF / LBF / BF as I am not an ATM, so do not have a steady semi-interpreter.

    I have spent much time on the internet looking on the TPO site for info on postal rates, procedures and Customs advice and a few visits to my local TPO.

    The latter only has one guy who speaks "A leetle English" but 100% more than his superiors and his English is so bad I have no idea of what he is saying.

    The TPO website leaves a lot of unanswered Qs, and of course [As is normal in Thailand] writing to the TPO and asking was an exercise in futility

    I am returning to N Zealand and cannot take all my personal effects collected here in 18 months on the plane and intend sending them later via Parcel Post in about 5 boxes, but that might not be where I will initially go.

    I will send one box containing urgently needed stuff via air the day before I leave.

    The rest non-urgent stuff can come via surface mail once I am settled in.

    Here`s my dilemma:

    The guy at the PO mumbled something about “Customs” ???

    A Blog on Thailand Guru mentioned leaving the boxes unsealed but tied with string so that Customs officials can peek inside. He also mentions that if the boxes are sealed the postage rate is quite higher. He has not bothered to reply to 2 letters I sent him.

    Of course I can get no info on this from TPO site or personnel.

    My problem is that I have to leave the parcels with an acquaintance and his Thai GF and I am reluctant to leave them open for at least 3 months esp as these acquaintances are short of cash and even tho` I believe they are honest, I don’t know them that well and I don’t want to tempt them.

    However today at the PO I posted a small parcel to my son in the UK and it was completely sealed. No problems. But I think as it only weighed 100gms it was as mail.

    I got more out of the clerk and if I understood him - Yes there are 2 rates [sealed and open], and they do not have customs officer at each post office. Customs are somewhere else. BUT if the boxes are over 2 kg they MUST be sealed – No option.

    The TPO man said nothing about having a list of contents on the boxes.

    Is this required?

    I have heard there may be a special TPO form required and stuck on the boxes.

    If so, MUST it be a TPO form or will a handwritten piece of paper sealed in plastic and tied or taped to the boxes suffice?

    Finally, how detailed must the list be?

    Will Personal Effects do – or must every single item be detailed?

    So, does anyone know the true situation?

  7. Hi. I live in Huy Kwang BKK, Where can I buy a small pocket hanging spring scale for up to 20 - 25kgs. I need to weigh my luggage for air travel so it needn`t be rust proof and Top End What would I pay for this?[being Farang I don`t want to be caught - again ! Please feel free to E me Thanks.

  8. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?<_<

    Well apart from feeling sorry for him - which I don`t, as I have seen first hand the devastation it can cause [including in my family - and one of my sons` friends died from abuse of it], I feel just as sorry for the poor people who have to read through the atrocious English of the reporter. Aaagh! :bah:

    Anyone care to pay for him to learn the language?? :whistling: LOL

  9. Ok, ok. You got me- gotta try this stuff! Now... who knows where to go for good biltong in the greater Pattaya area (GPA)?

    Mine comes every 6 weeks in the post from South Africa, or somebody I know who is in and out South Africa all the time, i.e. the Angola oil & gas guys, bring a few kgs back for me.

    Dont know of anyone from Pattaya, but if you know guys working in Angola who pass through jo'berg on a regular basis, ask them to pick you some for you at the airport

    There was one guy I got a couple of kgs off a few years ago who making Biltong and Droewors in Bangkok, never seen him again after that ...:realangry:

    I met a Saffa named Julian [about 50] in Tesco Rama 9 last year who makes the stuff, but it seems he lost my phone #.

    Any of you know him.

    Its not hard to make and there are good recipes on the web like this http://www.africhef....ong-Recipe.html

    and see http://www.biltongmakers.com/

    I used to make my own in SA, but I dont have facilities or time here.

    If some enterprising sort makes it I`ll buy a Kg a week.

  10. Actually its South African, nothing to do with Kenya and its cured mainly with Salt & vinagar, not sun dried, its not fried or cooked.

    Classic biltong has black pepper corns, but can get Chilli, peri-peri flavours, beef is ok, but Widerbeast, Kudo or Springbok is far better IMHO

    Not even close to Jerky.....Jerky certainly comes in a far distant second in comparison with a decent piece of biltong of any variety

    Now here`s someone who knows Biltong, and true its nothing like Jerky. I have had both and Jerky is a poor 4th best.

  11. Biltong is similar to Jerky.

    The strips of meat are prepared with salt, pepper and any other flavour you like, then hung to dry in the sun. Not fried at all!

    You don`t dry in the sun.

    A hot place with a draft is all that`s needed, and you are not correct with the ingredients and method of preparing.

  12. Yes I would say similar ! Thinly sliced beef slowly fried in oil, some black peper and garlic.

    Also thinly sliced dried pork slowly fried in some oil, soya I think & sugar.

    Loads of it here in Sukhothai.

    Mr. You don`t know what you are talking about!!

    Fried in oil?

    Where do you come from? Certainly not SA

  13. Thanks a ton all you guys above.

    I am trying to reply to all of you but am a tad unpractised at this stuff so hope it all comes out OK.

    I regret I cant answer any of these technical Qs. How would I know?


    My ext HD is a 2007 "Medion" with a separate power supply and it broke because the power transformer fitted very loosely into the power points and was easily knocked, which resulted in the power being interrupted - and it seems repeated on - offs is what caused the problem.

    For a few times I was able to open not directly but by going in via Explorer but was unable to copy all of the data as 'something' prevented me from doing so, but I was able to 'nibble' away at it getting a file here and there and each time it became harder to open. Sometimes I would try 8 – 10 times before it did. Then nothing!

    I took it to 2 Recoverers in Fortune Town and one had it connected up for over 24 hrs but could not open it.

    Sadly as my old ASUS was giving much trouble to " be safe" I put all my files onto the EHD and only brought back stuff I worked with regularly.

    Apart from Computer Union – whom I can`t afford at this stage, [Like Bt 7500] I would need a highly recommended name at Pantip or anywhere.

    How would I know I`d get an honest diagnosis?

    I am attaching some pix of the unit in case it helps anyone here. Don`t know if I can only send 2 at atime - but lets see ??


  14. Hi.

    I have a broken 250GB ext hard drive that has 30GB of valuable data.

    Apart from Computer Union can you recommend someone personally who won`t charge me an arm and a leg to recover.

    If he/she speaks english that would be great.

    I don't want just go to Pantip and try to choose amongst all those Vultures there.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  15. Ahh, just found previous posts that were very informative. Guess I'll look in a pharmacy for the milder concentrate and try to avoid ones with additives.

    Previous posts were...



    Still think its worth a shot. So much conflicting info out there, simple cheap remedies tend to take a pounding from the multi-billion dollar propaganda budgets of big pharma that I tend to lean towards the people offering advice for free and solutions costing $2. You can prove anything with studies when you finance the research companies, and destroy doctors and researchers who contradict you. Hey they told us smoking was good for us, flouride is just plain delicious, mercury filled vaccines are great for you, and Thalidamide is harmless but vitamin C and Laetrile are deadly and CO2 is the devil's gas cooking the planet. Who to trust? 1 person dies from a herbal diet drug and it gets banned, more people die from pharmaceuticals than all illegal drugs combined but who ends up in jail?.... the hippy with the joint.

    Hate drum circles but I'll side with the hippies on H2O2

    Hi BB

    Cant figure out how to access those 2 previous posts.

    Now there is a lot of commenting down below but I need an exact answer.

    Where can I buy from 30% + food grade H2O2 by the litre?

    I`m also looking for Ascorbic Acid powder and edible Distilled water.

  16. Hi Trying to buy hydrogen peroxide, it for human consumption (diluted of course).

    Looking for pure H202, food quality 35% concentration.

    If you are curious its for a home remedy, mild oxygen therapy, 8 drops of H2O2, quarter teaspoon of bicarb in a water bottle, taken on an empty stomach between meals. Oxygenates the blood, raises your PH. Optimal consumption concentration is .45% H2O2.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Whatever else hydrogen peroxide taken orally may or may not do, it certainly does not change the blood pH nor "oxygenate the blood"!

    Nothing taken orally alters the pH of the blood -- luckily for us since the human body cannot survive outside of an extremely narrow blood pH range. The lungs and kidneys between them regulate the pH. Food, medications etc taken orally may (temporarily) alter the pH of the stomach but will have no effect on the pH of the blood.

    As for "oxygenating" the blood, (1) a normal healthy person's blood is already 98-99.9% fully oxygenated and (2) even if a person is, for some reason, not well oxygenated this cannot be corrected via oral ingestion of oxygen in any form.

    All that said, I too would like to get hold of some 35% H2O2 (in my case for topical use) so if anyone knows where to buy it in Bkk please tell.

    If in Bangkok you can purchase (H2O2) from Vidhyasom Co. Ltd in PraKanong.. 35% grade about 150 baht I think it was.

    if you get off the train at Prakanong and then walk towards On Nut way.. you turn left about 3 streets up.. its a fair way down though.. a motorbike taxi would be a better option.. It is a very big place, you cannot miss it.

    Vidhyasom Co. Ltd also has a place in Surat Thani

    Phuket: available at Supercheap.

    Thanks for the information, Detox! If I can't locate the 35% Food Grade H2O2 locally (ChiangMai) I'll be taking the train down to Prakanong within a week.

    Anyone interested in more online information regarding Hydrogen Peroxide can go to this link:


    [Don't correct the spelling error and be sure to scroll down for the article on hydrogen peroxide!]

    Hydrogen Peroxide is cheap and cannot be 'patented' so the big pharmaceuticals have tried repeatedly to have it banned for any kind of personal medicinal use and regularly issue phony health alerts against it plus 'pressure' doctors from prescribing or recommending it. They don''t want the populace getting healthy using herbals & 'home' remedies when they have expensive toxins & poisons to guarantee their obscene profits.

    The 3.5% solution available just about anywhere is excellent as a disinfectant for practically anything (dental partials, kitchen counters, toothbrushes, bongs, etc.) and I personally have used it to check skin cancers (it made a growth that I believe was a melanoma just disappear completely with only a week of topical treatments), control an occasional oral herpes outbreak, and ward off colds & flu by wetting a finger & inhaling into my nasal passages. The 6% solution is made for beauty shops and used to bleach hair. It can also be used as a disinfectant and for topical, external skin care but the higher percentages (30-50) are made for commercial processes and are caustic to the eyes or skin. The Food Grade 35% solution is, therefore, also caustic and should be handled carefully and diluted (with distilled water) down to a 3-4% solution for any internal uses. It is widely regarded as a miracle treatment for a vast array of illnesses and diseases! Also great for the garden! :D:)

    I cured a nasty melanoma on my leg that had started to metase in 2008. I used 40% food grade neat every day on the cancer and after a few weeks it killed the lot.

  17. <br>
    Hi Trying to buy hydrogen peroxide, it for human consumption (diluted of course).<br><br>Looking for pure H202, food quality  35% concentration. <br><br>If you are curious its for a home remedy, mild oxygen therapy, 8 drops of H2O2, quarter teaspoon of bicarb in a water bottle, taken on an empty stomach between meals. Oxygenates the blood, raises your PH.  Optimal  consumption concentration is .45% H2O2.<br><br>Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
    <br><br>Whatever else hydrogen peroxide taken orally may or may not do, it certainly does not change the blood pH nor "oxygenate the blood"!<br><br>Nothing taken orally alters the pH of the blood -- luckily for us since the human body cannot survive outside of an extremely narrow blood pH range. The lungs and kidneys between them regulate the pH.  Food, medications etc taken orally may (temporarily) alter the pH of the <i>stomach</i> but will have no effect on the pH of the <i>blood.</i><br><br>As for "oxygenating" the blood, (1) a normal healthy person's blood is already 98-99.9% fully oxygenated and (2) even if a person is, for some reason, not well oxygenated this cannot be corrected via <i>oral </i>ingestion of oxygen in any form. <br><br>All that said, I too would like to get hold of some 35% H2O2 (in my case for topical use) so if anyone knows where to buy it in Bkk please tell.<br>
    <br><br>If in Bangkok you can purchase (H2O2) from Vidhyasom Co. Ltd in PraKanong.. 35% grade about 150 baht I think it was.<br>if you get off the train at Prakanong and then walk towards On Nut way.. you turn left about 3 streets up.. its a fair way down though.. a motorbike taxi would be a better option.. It is a very big place, you cannot miss it.<br><br>Vidhyasom Co. Ltd also has a place in Surat Thani <br><br>Phuket: available at Supercheap.<br>
    <br><br>Hi Detox.<br>This below refers.<br>>>If in Bangkok you can purchase (H2O2) from Vidhyasom Co. Ltd in

    PraKanong.. 35% grade about 150 baht I think it was.<<<br><br>Is this food grade or commercial? What size for Bt150?<br>i`m also looking for Ascorbic Acid powder.<br><br>Does anyone know where I can buy distilled water for consumption. Dont know if the stuff for batteries is any good.<br><br>BTW for the NaySayers. When I was in the Congo in 2008 I was taking 1 teaspoon a day of 3% H2O2 and a teaspoon of Ascorbic Acid powder and have never been so healthy in 35 years. <br>It works folks.

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