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Everything posted by kotsak

  1. The mia nois are getting more and more demanding on how to be chauffeured around..
  2. Everytime I see that hand gesture, this is what I see.. ????
  3. Anyone who thought that a few buckets of paint would change the buffalo (the two-legged variety that is) mentality, should wake up and smell the coffee and throw away those pink colored glasses.
  4. You can see them how they run on the streets, it's a competition who will get there first.
  5. And how did she get her hands on the PIN? Unless it was written on a piece of paper along with the card..
  6. It's amazing, innit? No wonder because of this milking we suffer premium increases annually. Bloody money suckers. ????
  7. Yeap, when you start losing the game, change the rules ????
  8. Not only that, rearing children is also important since education starts from home. I don't remember having to learn such basic rules, most likely my parents taught me how to behave and how to act before I could even remember. But here TIT, let the kids roam like primates without any guidance (moral or civic).
  9. So at the end those subs will cost more than new.. Nice pocket lining.. ????
  10. My brain exploded when I read "Educate Thai drivers about stopping at red traffic lights". IF they need to be educated for such basic rules then the whole education system is a total failure (which is far worse than what we thought). Hopeless..
  11. Words like "hope" and "Thailand’s road safety" cannot be put in the same sentence.
  12. That doesn't make any money so lets keep it under wraps.. ????
  13. Swapped for a newer model, waiting for its delivery.. ????
  14. Wait for it.. Till the wheelbarrow loaded with envelopes arrives..
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