Your title temperature was exceeded by 10 degress Fahrenheit ????
Back to the issue, this is worse than censorship, it's pure revisionism which is more dangerous. Those bar stuards are paving the way to a messed up world.
I always find it funny when they talk about mileage per charge but never address the battery deterioration issue which reduces mileage over time.
Same with everything using rechargable batteries..
I am guessing the total length of the straight bridge would have to be much longer if they wanted to make it as high as the shoe horse, otherwise the climb would be steep.
Yeah, right.. I bet they are all experts posting photos/videos and using social media on their mobile phones but they need training for simpler equipment that most likely have one button..
Reminded me of a joke:
Man: Wife, I won the lottery big time. Pack your things.
Wife: That's awesome, but where are we going?
Man: You are going back to your mother's.
The point I am trying to make is why exclude a foreigner who has a working permit and not the one who is staying and living here and who also contributes in the economy. Where I am coming from is irrelevant to the issue.