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Posts posted by kotsak

  1. 21 minutes ago, Seeall said:


    Here is an example : when I first moved here my thai neibour was curious to know where and how I learnt how to water the garden and vacum the pool ....... I get the feeling they are not encouraged to think, just do as they are told, if they are told and shown..


    The idea of questioning and thinking is beaten the hell out of them at a very young age at school so unless the environment (meaning mostly the parents) encourages this then unfortunately we get the result we see around us today.


    When Lee Kuan Yew was asked if he feared for Singapore’s future development because of its much bigger neighbours he smiled and replied, “What are their education systems like?”

    Education, education, education.. Oh well, TIT.


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  2. 24 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

    Its certainly no excuse but I was in a similar situation few months back that made me think again about Thais ignoring ambulances.  In my situation I, and many others, pulled over when an ambulance with lights flashing and siren blaring loomed up in my rear vision mirror.  Five minutes down the road I caught up with the same ambulance parked outside a 7/11 with the crew sitting outside enjoying a cold drink and a smoke????

    Crew plus one maybe? ????

    • Haha 2
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