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Everything posted by kotsak

  1. I think this image is more appropriate:
  2. I always remember a funny moment when I was attending a Thai language school back then.. Teacher asks each student in the classroom if they are farang (conversation in Thai): Teacher (asking a French guy): Are you a farang? French guy: Yes! Teacher (asking a Spanish guy): Are you a farang? Spanish guy: Yes! Teacher (asking a Burmese girl of Indian origin): Are you a farang? Burmese girl: Yes! Teacher: Nooo! you are not!! ????
  3. “They are telling this of Lord Beaverbrook and a visiting Yankee actress. In a game of hypothetical questions, Beaverbrook asked the lady: ‘Would you live with a stranger if he paid you one million pounds?’ She said she would. ‘And if be paid you five pounds?’ The irate lady fumed: ‘Five pounds. What do you think I am?’ Beaverbrook replied: ‘We’ve already established that. Now we are trying to determine the degree.”
  4. Seriously, do we need a system to help us find out if a child has been left in a van.. It's not the size of a bloody airplane <deleted>!
  5. I am guessing the OP photo is an indication of what may come if election results are not favourable.
  6. How does the "Get out of jail free" card works in this edition?
  7. No comment ????
  8. Take your time, the BiBs are still working on her.. ????
  9. Why special ? How many other fires in places over the years were ‘ special’ ! They are deemed special when they involve special people. ????
  10. They thought this is a desert ????
  11. Amazing it was not run over by a car. Deer should go back to temple and thank Buddha..
  12. I see it daily, footbridge empty, people swarming underneath trying to cross the road. TIT style
  13. The die is cast and the masses have been preconditioned. It is a matter of time.
  14. I can't believe they are finally getting off the gravy train.. ????
  15. "He has been charged with drug taking, drug possession and reckless driving and detained." Three wais will do then..
  16. Not to mention receiving more "sponsorship". There is no such thing as bad publicity ????
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