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Posts posted by thundstuen

  1. bangkokStranger,

    I'm sorry I didn't read the article which was linked to carefully enough. I apologize deeply to Simon43 for that, I'm very sorry to having taken things out of context, it was not my intention to hurt a senior member in any way as you seems to be accusing me for. It was a mistake by me, I'll admit even a stupid one.

    However, now you're doing the exact same thing yourself against me, Which makes it even more stupid in my opinion.

    In another thread there were several people, among them one who claims to having done internet marketing for 20 years who wrote it's worth every single dollar and highly recommended everybody to read it.

    In another one of the threads you posted, the guys posting there hadn't even read his course. Still they were talking crap about it. I do however agree that his salesletters is an insult to normal, intelligent people. That doesn't mean that his course is bad though!

    The one thread about the scam: There are ways of doing what he mentions in the post totally legit and unfortunately there are no ways for anyone else except the owner of the affiliate program to know whether it's a scam or not. This method mentioned is highly used among affiliate marketers, and it's the easiest way to see if one particular advertisement is profitable or not. Whether marketingtips.com do it legal or not I don't know.

    Ok sorry to get off topic, but to be honest the thread has been on and off for the last 6pages at least :o . But i just want to add something to Thundsteuns earlier post for the benifit of other members. He links to a site in the post that funnily enough is about making money building a customer base and making sales from people through an opt in emailling list. Just taught the following info might be of use to people thinking of signing up for these Insider Secrets through marketingtips.com which his website that he posted in a previous post links to:

    These are not all biased threads and there are many more if you want to google them, ill let you make up your own mind:




    Whoops.... The double-posting was a result of bad internet connection. Sorry about that.

    It's not a new way to scam people.

  2. bangkokStranger,

    You got me there, I didn't read the article well enough. True.

    However, you call me a scammer?

    Read through those unbiased threads you posted. In one of them, people actually RECOMMEND his books and says he's got a lot of decent information! I agree to the post, that this guy wants to make money himself and don't care if others do, but he actually got some pretty damned good information about starting a home business in his course.

    As you see, I actually did put my full name out there (It's now removed). That's because I actually have read his course myself and learned lots from it! It has all information needed to start your own internet business, and I was confident enough in it to stake my name and reputation on it... Until some ###### calls me a scammer!!!

    Nice going!

  3. DegenFarang,

    I sent you a PM..

    I've been doing black hat SEO for a living for the past year or so, but I want to branch into some white hat stuff. The search engines are kicking out my BH sites faster and faster... :o

    Send me a mail or give me a call some day, and we can talk about the possibility of partnering a project together. I can contribute with SEO (BH and WH), marketing and website building (Though I'm not a designer).

    To the ones wanting to start your own online business but haven't got that far yet here you can learn some of the basics :


    I have two words for you people.



    I make my money in online gaming and the people in this thread who have said things about 'no easy money online' and all of this nonsense have no idea what they are talking about. You should rephrase it as 'I have not made any easy money online'.

    If anybody would like some assistance in this regard or possibly to partner on a project or two, send me a Private Message

    If you can make websites It'll help you a great deal. If you have a couple bucks to invest in yourself, that'll help even more. I'm clocking well into the 5 figures a month now so a lot of this thread just makes me laugh.

    edit: links not allowed, pls put any links in your profile and read the forum rules.

    thank you.

  4. Yes, you can do this or you can get yourself a poker-playing robot with all the rules of the specific poker game you prefer pre-programmed. The robot never makes mistakes because of greed, and it never gets tired so it can play 24 hours a day :o

    I've never tried one of those myself though, but I do know that such software do exist.

    A friend of mine make a lot of does on the internet pokertable.....

    This is actually a good possibility, but it's not as "easy" as it might seem. I've spent several years now playing and seriously studying the game. You can't just play and get better. In addition to experience, you have to read, reread and take notes from the best authors and discuss the game with the best players either in person or on the good poker message boards. The recent American boom in televised poker tournaments brings a LOT of dead, stupid money to the table and in the long run, every mistake they make is $ in your pocket.

    If you're good, you will definitely make more than an English teacher.

  5. I've never used 2checkout, but have never read anything negative about it. They are a bit expensive though - $0,45 per transaction + 5,5% they charge if I remember correctly.

    Some of you guys seems to already be running online businesses from Thailand, are any of you shipping stuff to Europe/USA? I've found some really nice handicrafts, but it wouldn't be worth selling them online with the shipping prices I've found.

  6. Hi,

    I'm currently living in Bangkok with my girlfriend. I do have all the paperworks needed for marriage except a statement from my employer saying how much I earn. This is kind of hard to get since I'm currently without a job, but I do have the 400,000 needed for marriage visa plus some more.

    Considering I don't have this statement (Although have the money), is it still possible for me to get married in Thailand and obtaining a 1-year marriage visa?

    Thanks in advance for any help,


  7. Hello,

    I'm planning on getting married to my girlfriend, and would like to apply for a marriage visa(I have the 400,000).

    I'll be going home to Norway for about 1 month, will it be possible for me to apply for the visa during my stay there. Does anyone know (with certainty) how to do this and what papers I need?

    Thanks for any help,


  8. Hello.

    I've got a couple of questions regarding visa:

    1. If a company has more than 50 Thai employees and 1 foreign employee, can that company hire one more foreigner if they only have 2 millions registered capital, or would it be a must for them to raise their capital?

    2. If a company help me getting a Non-Immigrant B visa, but before they've started on my work permit I find another company willing to hire me. Is it then legal for this second company to make me a work permit based on the visa I got from the 1st company?

    Any (accurate) answer would be highly appreciated!

    Best regards,


  9. The worst part of it all is that he probably earns a decent living from it! :o

    Admin edit: URL removed

    Reason: Urls not allowed in signatures

    Member warned


  10. I think many of the bigger hospitals such as Bumrungrad often are looking for translators, that might be worth a shot. Otherwise, English teaching is always an alternative.

    Like sunbeltasia mentioned, there are certain professions you can't work with, but I think mostly you can get around that by doing consult business. Otherwise, if you have computer experience, you can always do like me and work through internet...:o

  11. Went for holiday here a few times, fell in love with the place, met a really nice girl here, so just before it was time for my last holiday here I decided to give it a shot and stay her permanently. This has turned out fine so far, but have to see what happens during Thaksin's future rampage against us foreigners. I only know one thing for sure, that I really, really don't want to go "home" to Scandinavia.

  12. The reason why the Thais "drive like they had stolen their cars" like earlier mentioned, I believe is a mix of various causes mentioned earlier, with the religion being the most important one. Many Thais simply don't care whether they live or die cause they "know" they'll reincarnated, hopefully as a rich person. Another thing I believe is the Thais completely lack of respect for everything(The working class males anyway). For other people, laws and regulations etc. Of course the training is an important factor - When you can just bribe off the guy evaluating your driving abilities with a few hundred Bath to pass it, what can you expect?

    Just my opinions...

    Best regards,



  13. Hello.

    I wondered if there's any chance a foreigner who owns a company in Thailand WITHOUT 2 million registered capital can obtain some kind of visa based on the company?

    I'm currently earning enough money online in order to survive here in Thailand, but not yet as much as the governemt require, so I was thinking maybe starting a company would help in some way or another even without the 2 million capital?

    Thanks for any advice,

    Trond Hundstuen


  14. Hello!

    I believe it's easier and easier for farang to find a non-prostitute girl here in Thailand. The girls seems to be more aware now that foreigners mostly treat girls a lot better than Thai men. I actually disagree that Thais see all girls walking with a foreigner as a whore, I think it depends upon how the girl dresses, talks and acts. I do have a nice Thai girlfriend myself, and of course I can notice sometimes that people look at her like a prostitute, but it's not that often. It has even happened that Thais we don't even know have said it's nice not all farang go for the bar girls.

    Well, how to find them? Not sure about that part, but I don't personally believe any agency would be a way to go, you mostly don't know what you get. I think the best way is simply to spend a lot of time in Thailand...Then sooner or later you'll just bump into someone, like I did. There are many nice girls here who're just looking for a man who'll treat them nice, not just for money. I guess you should try to make some Thai friends, in that way you'll get more "exposure" to normal girls.

    Just my humble opinion...

    Best regards,



  15. The quality of healthcare is as good as (or better) than the states if you go to the right clinics. But before you decide for lasik surgery, ask yourself "why do refractive surgeons wear glasses?".

    And pay a visit to http://www.lasikdisaster.com/

    I wouldn't do it but I know several people who did it at Bamrungrad with varying results. Some got perfect vision, some not. Noone went blind.

    I can tell you why LASIK surgeons wear glasses: Because of age-related farsightedness. That is something LASIK (Or any other kind of surgery for that sake) can't fix. I actually know in person 2 LASIK surgeons who's had it themselves. If you have heard some rumours about LASIK or anything else being bad, go check it out in person before you speak bad about it? A simple fact about all kinds of surgeries is that the surgeons skill and experience and the equipment used are the most important things. There are good surgeons and there are bad surgeons. If you choose a bad one you'll probably have bad results, so before having any kind of surgery find out how good is the doctor?

    Best regards,



  16. Hello!

    You should consider going to TRSC (http://www.lasikthai.com) for LASIK surgery. My girlfriend did surgery there just before x-mas, and she's very happy with it. We did extensive research about the various LASIK centers before we went there, and found this one to definately be the best!

    They got one of the world's most experienced surgeons. It's just a fantastic setup. By the way, TRSC is the place where all the rich and famous Thais go to have LASIK. They've had tons of actors and super models there.

    Best regards,



  17. Screw the united states and its pompous, self involved, stuck up, money loving people.

    Yeah, in that case wait until you get to know the real Thailand, the land of smiles...Or was it the land of double-standards?

    You know, everything here isn't as glamorous as you might think. I came here like you looking for a job and made it, but that was before the gouvernment started making it harder to get visas and work permits. If I had been scheduled to go today I would have reconsidered.

    Man, 11.000 Baht is nothing here in Thailand! YOu know why the Thais can live on it? It's because they live together in families, they can't even afford an apartment of their own! They get by because often 8-10 people live together and share the rent!

    When I first came here I lived on 20.000 Baht. That's enough to get by and for the visa runs, but it leaves you nothing extra!


    Since you're a computer nerd, why don't you start making money online? It's actually easy once you know how to make a web site. Check it out here.


  18. Sorry if I'm late here, I just kinda stumbled over an old thread.

    I have to agree with the two previous posters at this forum. My girlfriend had lasik surgery done in Bangkok around x-mas, and the results were great. We also went to TRSC, which turned out to be a great place! We checked out a couple of other places before, but chose TRSC since that's the place we got the most confident in. Better than any clinic/hospital I've ever seen back home in Norway!

    They have a pretty informative website too (That's how we found them), and it's: http://www.lasikthai.com/home.asp

    Good luck if you decide to go through with it!

  19. Thanks for the reply!

    What about a position as for example ######, is that allowed? Or any other computer-related manager position?

    The web page they want actually has to be translated to Norwegian and Swedish, my native languages. Would that help? Kind of a mix between translator/programmer?

    Best regards,


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