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Posts posted by gs4492

  1. Hi. sorry to bump an old thread but has anyone tried using a sensory deprivation tank for meditation? ive heard that being submerged in water can be soothing tinnitus.

    i was planning to become a monk but im not sure if it is for me as it is too culturally specific. Therefore i have been seeking an alternative solution. The solution involves a DIY sensory deprivation tank. I am still in the planning stage but If anyone wants to get involved please send me a message


  2. ok. Thanks for clearing that up.

    I don't have my passport on me at the moment but i remember looking everywhere for the expiration date. I even asked my friend to have a look but he couldnt see it either.

    I remember there is an ink sploge on it. Perhaps thats it :-)


  3. Hi. Can someone please clarify something for me. Today i went to get a visa extension in trat.

    I arrived in thailand on the 7th of feb. I work it out using a date calculator that 60 days from this date is the 8th of april (today). However, they charged me 500 for overstaying 1 day.

    Then today they gave me a visa and told me that it will run out on 8th of may. According the calculator on this site thats 31 days.


    So was i in the wrong to assume that my visa ended on the 8th of april?


  4. Hi.

    I would like to know what the best way to get from Bangkok to Sihanoukville in Cambodia.

    I was informed that i could get a bus to Trat then a boat from Trat to Sihanoukville. However, i also heard that the boat does not run anymore. can someone confirm this please?

    Can someone sugguest the quickest and easiest route?


  5. Im actually tempted by that solution. :-)

    The only thing is that im a web designer and need I good internet connection.

    Also ive invested a fair bit of time into learning to read and speak thai but i guess thats not a major issue.

    Can you recommend somewhere in Cambodia? Maybe ill check it out.

    Thanks :-)

  6. Hello people.

    I thought id pop on here for some advise.

    I have recently relocated to thailand. Im currently in Chiang Mai. I like it a lot but im thinking of checking out the south when i go for my visa run in january.

    I was wandering if anyone had any good sugguestions.

    Of course i would like somewhere nice and cheap with a nice beach etc. I don't want it to be too quiet but at the same time i don't want to be surrounded by lots of drunk holiday makers.

    Im currently planning my visa run and i was thinking about flying to Hat Yai and then traveling to Pinang to get my new visa. Is this possible? If so how long does it take to get from Hat Yai to Pinang?

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Hi people.

    I have just arrived in Chiang Mai. I have never been to Thailand before and i am slighly baffled as to what to eat. Can someone give me some recommendations? Also, if you could give me tip on the pronouciation that would also be very helpfull.

    p.s. I like spicy food but I had a papaya salad the other day and had to hold back the tears :-)


  8. Thanks Time Traveller! Thats encouraging advise.

    i have no intention of working for thai clients so thats not a problem.

    I was certainly considering cambodia as an option since the cost of living is low and aquiring a business visa is much easier. I had no idea about the internet speeds. i was assuming they would at least have boradband.

    Im still slightly confused about the visa issue. Of course it states in the 2008 working alien act that i cannot work without a permit. Thats pretty clear. Whats confusing is that when i called the Thai embassy in the uk (hull) and told them that i wanted to work in thailand as a freelancer, they told me it was not a problem providing i can provide evidence of my freelance work, ie company docs etc. They told me i could do this on a non-immigrant visa type B.

    I then quoted...

    "Section 51. Any alien engaging in the work without permission shall be subject to an imprisonment of not exceeding 5 years or a fine from 2,000 baht to 100,000 baht, or both".

    They told me that as long as i had a business (:) visa I would not get into trouble if caught working providing it was not for a prolonged period of time.

    Do the embassy know what they are talking about? If not they really should!

  9. ok thanks but im not sure if my question was really understood.

    niveknedwob and astra - I wasnt asking "how do i become a web designer?". I am experienced website designer working for UK based contractors.

    Also, i wasnt asking "do i need a work permit to work as a freelancer?".

    Essentially, what i was asking was about the penalty should i get caught.

    My other question was about weather it is possible to obtain work permits for freelance work in some of the neighbouring countries such as Cambodia, laos etc?

    ericthai - Thanks for your points. You also mentioned it was easy to get a 1 year visa in Malaysia. Would that also include work permits?

    One more thing...

    I read somewhere that it is possible to get 1 year visas if studying a language course. Is this correct and if so does anyone have any information about this? I would be looking for courses in Chiang Mai.


  10. HI.

    I have read though many posts on this forum but havent found an answer to this question.

    I am a freelance website designer and i would like to move out to thailand in the very near future.

    Now, from what i have gathered, in order to obtain a work permit i have to set myself up as a limited company and employ 4 thai staff etc. As a freelancer this is not really practical, as im sure you can understand.

    So my first question is how likely am i to get caught should i choose not to obtain a WM?

    What is the penalty? Im guessing it's probably a prison sentence but for how long? I assume ill also get deported. Will this mean I will not be allowed to live or work in Thailand again?

    Does the same rule apply should I manage to get permanent residency in Thailand. If not, how easy is to get perminent residency?

    What about neighbouring countries like cambodia? does anyone know anything about visa/work restrictions in these countries?

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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