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Posts posted by cjustice

  1. i just purchased some seeds from the USA and hope to get them in a couple weeks, i never grew from seeds but will try, will tell her not to plant till dry season and cool season coming up, what about December in ISSAN,,?? i get my seeds mailed to my daughtes house and then she mails them,, i know you not suppose to but <deleted>,,

  2. If You stop at any feed store and inquirer, they may point you in the right direction,

    That is how I found mine, in a little hole in the wall feed store.

    They told me they would call me when they were going to get some Rhode Island Reds chicks.

    About 2 weeks later they called me and asked If I would be interested in buying grown hens, that would start laying in about 2 weeks, they even delivered them to my house.

    The cost was a 130 baht per hen, which I thought was a better deal, then feeding baby chicks, for 4 months until they were ready to start laying eggs.

    About 2 weeks later we had our 1st egg laid and now we get 16-17 eggs per day from our 20 hens.

    Also my wife sells her baby rabbits to a pet shop in Nakhon Sawan, once I went with her and, that pet shop have different types of baby chicks, ducks, birds and rabbits.

    The pet shop where I purchased my chickens also found us two geese ,our pair of geese turned out to be two females.

    Good Luck!

    i guess i am getting ripped off,, the feed store we go to in Nang Rong about 50 klm from Buri Ram charges us 220 baht for a 5 months old,, then lay in about 2 months or so,,we have about 90 Rhode Island Reds,,,still looking for a Rooster to take care of some boom boom so we can raise our own,, anyone know of a rooster let me know,,i live in Nondindaeng,, cheers

  3. . There have been several good threads on TV, if you do a search, on avocardos in the past few months .

    I was growing avovocardos in the early 1970s and for best results you willl require grafted stock for fruit as a general rule. Fruiting will be eratic in quality otherwise

    However, because avocardos are still an attractive tree in the own right , i sometimes use seedling avocardos as shade trees and they also respond to pruning and shaping quite well, so they can be used for informal screening so they are not without use even if you do not use them for fruit.

    i did some reading on this issue and found the same informaiton, it needs to be graffed,,,i purchased 50 plants just this year and recieved 25 for a partial order,, i got them from s research center near Kai Yai,,,the informaiton is on the other thread in this farming forum section..it is not that hard to find....subject is similar to this one about growing avocados,,,check it out,,,

  4. i read somewhere that pheasants were available here ,,i would love to raise them,,my turkeys are not many in numbers yet but working on them,, now 7 poults,, 2 grown females,, and 1 papa,,give me another year and i think the numbers should go up nicely,,i am always interested in raising animals so if anyone comes up with something out of the ordinalry let me know,,Geese i am not sure of,, although i did hear they are good watch dogs,, the best,, but that honking,,,,,,,,,,

  5. i know this is an old post but we get ours up the road in Nang Rong, when we get them they are already about 6 months old. the problem is i cannot get the guy to tell my wife where i can get a boom boom rooster same same so i can raise my own,, i know why he won't sell,,where would his buisness go after that,

    we get about 40-45 eggs in the morning from 50 laying hens, not much money in it but the fresh brown eggs,, some double yoke sure are nice.

  6. sorry for my late responce, we got our GSP just outside Korat by the Army Base, it was tricky though,,we were right by the base and saw a sign,, there was our future dog,,3 months old at the time, now he is about 10 months and growing fast, name is Achilles,,but then later found out on our way to Bangkok ,, we bought from someone by the base, they said they trained,, but anyway,, there are signs just outside Korat a ways on the way to Bkk,,

  7. i have 50 trees coming from that research center mentioned above. i need to get my wife to call back again and see about them, i had put order in around October and i think recieve in May i believe. i will put them in the back of the property and just hope for the best.

  8. NIce post and good information, i am not planning on this big of a scale at first, just want ease into it if possible, and for me will have to learn as i go and read good reads as this one, thought i would get my feet wet with 1 male and 4 or 5 female, will get the set-up and shelters done and go from there,,should be good for my soil on the other 20 rai,,thanks again

  9. i think that is just a figure of speech about him buying land, in fact he did buy it buy giving money to his wife or G/F he just doesn't own it,,j my wife all the time calls our land,,:your land she says, she says your house and your truck,, anyway back on the topic, i will be going thru Pak Chong in June to look at some GS puppies at the Army place there, any better directions on this avocado place, i want to just pick up about 10 plants for my wifes land,,, ha ha



  10. this is the exact dog i want, color and everything, just stunning and his build, i have just got back to work and won't be there again till late June, where about are you located? my house will be complete and the wife moveing in about 3 weeks if not sooner, i will take a pup then so to raise with my daughter in the new house, would you suggest a male or female?

  11. i have a short and sweet story on just what the OP posted, i had been coming to thailand for about 4 years, did all the Pattaya and Phuket wild party thing, anyway i met this girl american,, when working in Iraq, she wanted to come with another couple from work,i tell her no, she insist,, so we go,,it was the vacation from hel_l,, i will say this, it depends on the couple, how they react to that kind of scene, the other couple was fine, they had a great time, laughting it up, girls all around the table, girls sitting on the ladys lap, danciiing touching her,, it was all good for them,, but me,, i couldn;t look at one,, she went crazy, i would look down at the table, she say i looking in the mirror up the skirt,, my god,, so,,, my son just happend to be in Pattaya same time, he was going to fly over the Koh Samui where we were for the full moon party,,so,, after 4-5 days of a 3 week holiday,, i said bye bye baby, caught me a flight to Pattaya and hooked up with my son and enjoyed the rest of my trip.. some people cannot handle there mate being around all those girls,, some can,, you should already know if you can handle it or not,, pulll up Pattaya online and see,, crazy and Phuket just a little smaller,, cheers

  12. I dont want to go back over things to explain myself..so may i just say that i dont actually mind at all who is balding or bad breathed or beer bellied or ANYTHING.. no matter how a man looks, if he is a gentleman, that will always shine through. I have male friends of all ages, and some of them do have a personal life that involves bargirls, but thats not my business. They never talk about that side (why would they? Decent men dont feel the need to broadcast their sex lives), and i never ask. I, like most women, always appreciate good manners in men, and will always reciprocate with a smile and friendliness in return. Thats all that matters.

    Anyway..as for bargirls, and if they are annoying or not, im sure the OP probably has a good idea about what to expect now..albeit buried in amongst all our off-topic replies.

  13. I like my Wharfedale speakers (diamond series). I bought at Central Chitlom and I think I have seen them in da Mall, Korat.

    But, why would you prefer small cube speakers? Bigger the better is my opinion - at least for the front and center.

    if you have every heard a cube (5) Bose you would understand, you cannot even see them in the room but it is like being in a theater, they crank up trust me, i have since seen there is some places that sell bose, thanks, i make take a look at the Wharfedale you mention,, cheers

  14. Here is a quote i got the other day, and yes the panels are where the most money goes out,, i am going to take this slowly after my house is finished and go another way, i am in another forum koratfarang.com and for the second or third time a person mentioned that i can get a transformer to boost my power, not sure what the price would be, i will check into that also,, here is the quote if anybody is interested,, i also with fill my needs of cool air with by buying a 10 kw or higher generator to run at night and possible sometimes during the day while i am home,, this quote below is for 12 KW

    PV Module Model: BS40 (@40Wp/module)

    Qty: 320 modules

    Total PV peak power: 12,800 Wp

    Connection: 8 modules in series string / 20 strings in parallel per inverter / 2 inverters (Total 320 modules)

    Standard listed price: 143 Baht/Wp

    ***Special price for you: 110 Baht/Wp (4,400 Bath/module)

    Subtotal price: 1,408,000 Baht

    2. Grid-connected inverter

    Model: Fronius IG 60 HV

    Input from PV system: 4,600 - 6,700 Wp

    Qty: 2 set

    Unit price: 115,000 Baht

    Subtotal price: 230,000 Baht

    3. PV Support Structure

    Model: 8 Modules per set

    Qty: 40 sets

    Unit price: 4,500 Baht/set

    Subtotal price: 180,000 Baht

    4. Cabling, Accessories and Installation Works

    Qty: 1 job

    Subtotal price: 325,000 Baht

    5. Transportation

    Qty: 1 job

    Subtotal price: 60,000 Baht

    Grand Total: 2,203,000 Baht (Not included VAT

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