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Posts posted by rustensa

  1. I've looked at the Condominium Act a bit and see the stipulations about about bylaws not contradicting the law but I'm wondering if there is a way to allow owners to vote online? Any advice would be appreciated. It seems illogical that the 20 people out of the 900 owners voting, shouldn't control what happens to the condo and there should be a way to get more owners cooperation. Thanks in advance.

  2. Does anyone have any experience with annual checkups and making a Tricare claim? Is there a hospital that lists the bill for an annual checkup so that it is more favorable to you. There are several hospitals that have checkup packages that might include checks that might normally not be covered but the package generally is cheaper that getting just the covered checks. Pointers and experience would be great thanks in advance.

  3. I've followed all of this drama for a couple months now and I've seen several articles and videos that show or say that the protesters were being paid to be there. I'm not saying they were or weren't, although it seems that many were or were promised to be. If they were to be paid...is the reason the protesters were crying when the leaders said they were turning themselves in because they realized there was no way for them to get paid? Would like to hear people's opinions. Thanks.

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