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Posts posted by minuit3101

  1. can anyone tell me if there's an apple store or an apple service provider in chiang mai? all i've found on the apple website is an ONLINE store for thailand. i need to get my cd drive fixed on my macbook! if there IS an apple store, does anyone know how long they usually take for repairs?

    thanks in advance!

  2. i'm about to book my flight from cxm to bkk and am wondering how much of a difference it makes which airport you fly into. nok air has a flight for under 600 baht. would flying into don mueang be any less convenient than the main airport if i'm staying near bumrungrad hospital? for traffic considerations, i would be arriving around 7pm.

    thanks in advance for any advice!

  3. i wasn't able to read this entire thread, tho it did get pretty interesting!

    and i'm going to refrain from my usual debate mode to simply state that for those who decide to take this route, the two girls at the Ayurveda center (Taan and Oil-- I'm not kidding) are extremely good at what they do! way better than any colonic i've had in the states (all three of them ;-)

    One of these girls has the day off on Sun and the other on Mon, so i suggest going any other day because they really work well together!

    very caring, nurturing, sensitive and competent!

    Noi is also awesome for any kind of massage and Moss, at the front desk, is a total sweetheart! I LOVE this place!

  4. actually, right now if you book on agoda.com you can get bodhi serene for about 2300 (so just over double what op wants to spend). if you play the website right, you can get a last minute special for your first two days and pay around 1500.

    for about the same price you can stay in the sirilanna, which i am liking much better (just moved today after a week in the bodhi serene and negotiated for 2200)

    here's my question: i have looked at tons of websites of nicer guest houses and boutique hotels, but haven't been able to find anything with all of the following:

    inside the walls



    under 1500

    it seems that most of the cool, trendy, nice guesthouses don't have bathtubs. or does anyone know of one that does?

  5. for the most part i have been happy with the treatments i have received at Mungkala, but i'm a bit miffed about something: the first time i came in, i was asked whether i wanted a consultation with the doctor and they charged me an extra 200baht for this. shouldn't the intake interview be part of the cost of the treatment? it seems that one of the posters here didn't have to pay this extra fee. harumph!

    also, when he comes in to treat me, i sometimes feel like he's not really listenting to anything i say.

    one last thing that i'm hoping someone might be able to clarify: yesterday, i asked him to put a couple of needles in to boost my immune system (in addition to the other treatment.) he did stomach 36 and large intestine 4 (standard), but today when i asked him for the same, he seemed pretty careless about where he put the LI4 needle and it was at least 1cm away from where it is usually inserted (i have acupuncture a lot). i looked on the chart on the wall and there really doesn't seem to be another point nearby (closer to the thumb tendon). any chinese medicine people have an explanation for this?

    all this said, the clinic is great, the staff is wonderful and i do trust them!

  6. i think instead of "old fashioned" i might have said that it's more "vibrant" "exciting" "con sabor" to describe cuban salsa. :-))

    it's so funny to see the age-old debate about where the term "salsa" comes from even here in a thailand forum! personally, i'll go with the saying i saw on a tshirt recently, "shut up and dance!" hahaha!

    now that i've burned my bridges with the local LA/NY salseros, ;-) are there any CASINEROS who might want to go out dancing? for the past 10 years i've spent 2 months every summer in cuba, but this year i'm here instead (long story)... but i'm CRAVING some dancing!!!!!

    please don't let me go home to maui at the end of the month without having danced here in thailand!!! :-D



    **email removed per forum rules--sbk***

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