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Posts posted by chillibilly

  1. As an American working in Thailand, who cares what the USA thinks anymore??? They invaded Iraq bombing the sh#% out of Bagdhad just to get rid of a slime-ball leader. This whole process to give the people "democracy" has been a failure. The Iraq people are worse off now than before. So (for me) it is sad the USA is no longer a role model for what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. (Though the Republicans and Democrats are not EXACTLY like the REDS or YELLOWS they are somewhat the same--- both parties only thinking about themselves, and not for the whole country... and slowly, the two parties in the USA are becoming more and more hostile towards one another. (And TV stations like FOX NEWS does nothing to inform Americans, only to brainwash them towards a particular political veiw point. )

  2. Do you feel the same way about Burma? There was an American who swam across a lake, jumped over a fence to get into the house where Aung San Suu Kyi was being detained.
    What "irks" me as an American (living and working in LOS) is seeing Americans getting involved when they don't even protest outwardly in their own country because they're chickens. Here in LOS, they act like they're into the "democracy scene" but don't understand the corruption or Thaksin connection to it.


    Of course, it made matters worse for Aung San /Suu Kyi. I feel the same for the (stupid) young Americans who were hiking in Northern Iraq and "accidently" crossed the border into Iran. -- Plenty of places to hike, why so close to a border?

  3. I attended Sri Racha Tiger Zoo a few years ago and was surprised how runned down and grimy the place looked. The "park" looked like it was on its last leg... The owners must pocket most of the profits and not put any money back into maintaining the place or improving it. (sounds familiar?) There are plent of package tours that go there daily so there is no excuse. AVOID IT

  4. What "irks" me as an American (living and working in LOS) is seeing Americans getting involved when they don't even protest outwardly in their own country because they're chickens. Here in LOS, they act like they're into the "democracy scene" but don't understand the corruption or Thaksin connection to it.

  5. I order from Nick's pizza about once a month for delivery. (I don't think there is a restaurant). The pizza is ...ok (I prefer the vegetarian) but I order from them because they have a reliable staff that can understand English (when calling); quick service; and knows your location after you call once. If "Nick the Pizzaman" is reading this, he needs to improve his cheese toppings and maybe have a pizza that is more "Italian" with spices than just tomato paste.

  6. Bank Gold in Soi Rungland just off Pattaya Tai near the third road junction.


    Can someone give me better instructions where Bank Gold would be (is this a "real name" or local expat name for it...a "bank" or money exchange place? I live in Naklua and have no idea where soi Rungland is.

    And what are the hours for the place...open in the evening?


  7. Let me break it down for the Americans out there. The Red shirts are like hill billies from the Ozarks and Appalachians. Poor, not well educated and a bit marginalized by the rest of the country. They idolize a corrupt billionaire named Bernie Madoff, they thinks he's the cat's ass. Bernie is in jail for his misdeeds but sees these rubes as his ticket to freedom and the restoration of his ill gotten fortune. He tries to enlist the help of a million of these fine folks, but through bribery and angry rhetoric he only manages to get 50,000 to participate in his scheme. He has them march on Washington, he even puts gas in their pickups so they can make the journey. They occupy the streets of the nation's capitol. They piss on the sidewalks and make a nuisance of themselves. They loiter and block intersections and hang out at the Lincoln memorial. They hope by doing this that Obama will not only pardon Bernie, but that he'll declare him the new President. Sounds insane doesn't it? What about the other 300 million or so citizens? Shouldn't they get a say? No, all that matters is that Bernie Madoff gets rich and powerful once more. And when he does his protesters can go back to moonshining and marrying their cousins.

    And that in a nutshell is what it is like to live in Thailand these days.

    Brilliant...... :) (and i'm not even from the USA)


    The USA also have such "political parties" but they're under the names of the REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS. Both parties couldn't care less about doing what is best for their citizens - total selfish tunnel vision. Instead of bribing the "uneducated/ unworldly Americans" each political party spends BILLIONS in bribing the common American's mind. At least the Thais are not so busy paying off their credit cards and have the spirit to go out and voice their opinions --both Reds and Yellows.

  8. Seems strange one cannot go to a Pattaya bank and exchange baht for dollars. Planning on a trip and need to take dollars with me... where can one exchange about 35,000 baht for dollars in Pattaya? (I don't want to wait until I get to the airport, with my luck the bank at the departure area will be closed.)

  9. Songkran is one of my favorite times of year in Pattaya. Why? It is the time of year when the miserable, forgotten how to have fun, I've been here since Nam and all tourists are noobs, flee to other places and even other countries and good riddance to the lot of them.

    OK, so there are a few dickheads that go over the top with the water guns that I will agree but overall it is the time of year when the locals like to celebrate the water festival and wait for it....have fun!!! If you don't like water and don't like Songkran then you don't like the Thai way

    I have celebrated Songkran in Phuket, Bangkok and in Pattaya and have a great time---one big party of happiness. However for those who live in Pattaya, like myself, and get a week off for holiday (I work in the area) Pattaya keeps up its "Wild Wild West" reputation by NOT following the official two days that are declared as the days for celebrating, but some of the party goers, tourists start about a week before and then it gradually builds up. People (like myself) leave Pattaya not because we are "old farts" or party poopers, but because we do not like getting water thrown at as for a week as we walk to the bank, go to the store and such.. WE HAVE A LIFE. I will celebrate Songkran in Phuket- have my two days of fun, then move on to Bali for holiday. You people that don't have a "LIFE" can stay in Pattaya, and stand out in the streets for a week and throw water at each other.

  10. What do I like about living in Pattaya...let me count the ways:

    1. Accommodation (renting or buying) is quite cheap compared to most places "back home."

    2. Food (either grocery shopping or restaurants is pretty cheap and good quality and restaurant dek-serves are friendly and happy with 5-10% tips (not 15-20% in "civilized" countries.

    3. Resort/beach city ambiance and weather (I don't mind hot...as long as there's air-con when inside).

    4. Proximity to Bangkok and its cultural offerings (concerts, lectures, shows, and again food) only 2 hours away; also an international airport for world-wide travel.

    5. Thai people being generally friendly and easy-going hosts.

    6. Very good shopping options for city its [small] size (2 Lotus, 3-4 Big C's, Carrefour, Central Beach[!], Tuk-Com, and lots of small shops to fill any need.

    7. Made lots of new expatriate friends who are nice people and not stressed out freaks with a fat-wife and fat-mortgage driving them into the ground.

    8. Can drive anyway I want to on the road and not have to worry about a copper hiding behind every light or stop-sign waiting to give me a $200.00 ticket for not signaling during a lane change

    9. Relatively low tax burden and none of my tax money going to support welfare state loafers or over-breeding mothers or millions of illegal immigrants in the country.

    10. Personal philosophy (atheism) is fairly compatible with the prevailing Buddhist mores of Thailand and there are very few Jesus, Moses, or Mohammad freaks to have to contend with!

    If I think of any more, I'll let you know :)

    I second every single point, and I add:

    11. Living in a villa on the Dark Side it's quiet like in the countryside though you're just 10 minutes by scooter from one of the Asia's busiest resort city.

    12. You can live a sober and restrained family life as well as a total depraved and debauched life: it's just up to you :D


    Thanks you two for taking the time out to seriously answer my question. You have brought up some good points. In the future, I wouldn't mind retriing in Thailand but was thinking of Rayong or Hua Hin (Phuket is too expensive). The focus of Pattaya having all the modern conveniences and being international (so the locals understand English) are good points. You forgot to mention the golf courses!

  11. I live in Naklua area because of my job - not by choice. I would like to know why people (farangs) choose Pattaya to live at (not talking about vacationers). I find Pattaya's weak infrastructure and busy streets as a big minus (among other things)...so why do YOU choose to live in Pattay instead of elsewhere?

    (Ok, other than the ladies that are available here to single, retired men.) Are there other reasons?

  12. Russian tourists are in every nook and cranny in Pattaya area - not just in Jomtien. They are thick in the soi 16 Wongamat area around Long Beach Hotel. This area is now called "mini-Moscow" by the older expats who have lived there for a long time. There is even an Eastern Orthodox church there.

    Wongamat Beach will be quiet during the low season (mid-March through mid-October). The nice thing about the area is that it is only a few minutes to the village town of Naklua that has family runned shops (electric; hardware; clothes; kitchen;lumber; curtain; furniture; watch repair; post office...) and a couple nice outdoor local markets. It is a "real" town, not a sleazy group of bars/tailor shops/ "massage" parlors which have sprung up in Jomtien. Naklua already existed before Pattaya became a massive tourist ghetto.

  13. I don't think any one on this forum has any objection to the poor being given the opportunity to work themselves out of poverty and to have a brighter more secure future. And as Abhist has offered mediated talks; which would be an ideal forum in which to bring up their hopes and concerns, and have some concerete promises laid down, as to how a brighter more equitable future can be achieved - A meeting with the PM seems the perfect opportunity. So why dismiss it?

    It seems that the 'poverty' card gets played with the provision, that only a 'red' alligned political party is allowed to solve this problem and that makes me seriously wonder if certain political parties really want to solve the so called underlying problem. Or if they prefer to use poverty as an excuse to further exploit the down trodden.

    The whole democracy thing is just smoke and mirrors. Democracy takes may forms in many different countries. And in 18 mopnths new elections will be held. If the Dems manage to solve the poverty problems in that timeframe. Then the Reds really will be up the creek.

    I have a solution to the poverty problem take Taksins 46 billion confiscated baht and start some real help for the farmers and poor in general. You ever seen how the majority of the rice is planted, harvested, threshed etc. BY HAND. A lot of small tractors, combines and other farming equipment would help alot. And how about attracting, financing cottage industries all over up country. Interest free loans with credits for increasing production and industries loans with credits for employing local people. There is a lot that could be done with 46 billion baht. how many poor head of households are there? I have no idea but if it is 1,000,000 that would be 46,000 baht available for each for farm and business improvements. So what does the powers that be have in mind for this money?

    :):D:D:D:D:D is that their mindset???

    Good idea. The present adm. should do this to really show that they care about the backbone of thailand's working class. It would score more points with everyone (including the foreign journalists) than anything else.

  14. Chaos planned for Bangkok tomorrow

    "The red-shirts have won the hearts of people worldwide as the anti-government rally over the past week has been peaceful as we said it would be", he said.


    -- thaivisa.com 2010-03-19


    World wide? :)

    Analysts outside the country do not have an anti-Thaksin take on things like foreigners here seem to:


    Well that line has been trotted out a few times on TV. Obviously all the farang newspapers and journals are in the pocket of Thaksin.

    It is well known that international journalists sit in cocktail lounges with other journalists without even going into the "trenches" or doing research on the situation. Living in a luxurious hotel/ serviced apartment and just "newworking" with other jounalists keeps one in a bubble.

  15. Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

    Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


    How about both parties???? Remember, the smiling Yellows closed down the international airport??? Both parties can go down the toilet and let the average Thai (who is too busy working) to get their wish...and that is get things back to normal.

  16. Crap local and Korean-gay-boy bands (Question: Why do all these supposedly hetro young Thai girls go nuts for obviously little Asian-boy bands?) ...who gives a <deleted>!

    Just have to be sure to mark my calendar and keep away from Beach Road for the duration :)


    Sounds like you should stay away -PERIOD with your prejudices and shallow assumptions (and ignorance).

  17. This festival is not match with old farang in Pattaya. LoL , It's a festival for young people in Thailand. Don't try to complain if you are not interesting. They are so many plenty who love it.


    True. It is geared for the young Thai; however since they have three stages, it would be appropriate if the organizers had one stage with "Western bands" from a variety of countries. Not necessarily "famous" but able to represent music from that country.

    My two Thai buddies and I like to walk down Beach Road and see what is for sale at the vendor stalls and people watch...but by the time we get back to the apartment, we are all drenched - like walking through a hot sauna, wall to wall people. I can only take about 45 minutes of the crowds. The concerts are shown on one of the TV channels.

  18. I have lived here (North Pattaya) for over 5 years and think March is busier than it has been compared to 2-3-or 4 years ago. This is because of all the Russian families (not just single men) and more "bus tours" (Koreans and Chinese zooming around in their coccoon on wheels). Before, March had less people because the "snowbirds" would be going back to Europe.

    Question: Does anyone know how many flights from Russian land at Utapou (sp!) / or how many enter Thailand a day??? --Seems like thousands. I swear 80% of the tourists are Russian in Pattaya. (not this way only 5 years ago)

  19. what cracks me up is the leaders of the Red shirts are all HI SO's! Wealthy. Just like in the USA, where the Democrats say they are for the working man...as they drive a Benz and take vacations around the world. Same same.

    We were watching the red shirt channel the other day. My wife saw a lady get up on stage and goes "Oh! Look at her...she is big time HI SO in Bangkok." And there she is trying to get the poor people to sleep on the street and walk in the sun for them...crazy....amazing what you can get people to believe...


    Craig, thanks for an excellent example of "generalization". It would be more fair to replace the word "democrats" with the words, American politicians- Republicans or Democrats. (I bet you watch Fox News as your main source of "world" news.)

  20. I do not believe one second that there would be an assassination attempt on the PM. Desperate elements within the government are simply looking for sympathy. This is not uncommon in dictatorships. It would not hold any substance as murdering this man would not change a thing. There are others that really hold power and would make more sense to get rid of. The fact that the red shirts have not resorted to destructive action says enough. The yellow shirts had no trouble shooting on people from under a portrait on passerby. They had no trouble to hide hundreds of kilo's of explosives in the government house compound, they were the ones who paralyzed the country by making "fun", according FM Kasit on the airport by screwing hundreds of people out of a job both foreign and local.

    If anyone has visited the government house during their occupation they know that their guards were under the influence of drugs and heavily armed. If there is an attempt it will come from his owns ranks not from the reds. The reds are always associated with Thaksin maybe it is time to read the latest article of Giles Ungpakorn, another man screwed out of his job for speaking out.


    Dude, are U for real? Do you LIVE in Thailand or just a has been tourist? It is easy to hire anyone in Thailand to kill off someone... could be your jealous girlfriend hiring a motorbike guy for 5000 baht to knock you off to the mofia taking care of "business". And you think Toxin (sp) was legitimate???? Either you are writing up sarcasm or not very intelligent.

  21. Can someone explain the story I heard that Taksin thinks he is recarnated from King Taksin and in order to get "his" land back a fortune teller/ dream? told him that the land would not be returned unless blood was spilled on the ground.... A Thai was trying to tell me but it was so crazy that I couldn't fully understand the whole story. :)

    //Edit: Replies to this post have been deleted because discussion of Royals, past and present, is not allowed by the forum rules. -- Maestro

  22. Mark24y says : I like Thai beaches. Once I got used to the Elephant poop and the vendors the rest was downhill. You people from Europe and those other countries that swim and tan at the beach have it all wrong. That's not what Thai people do at the beach.

    ??? True, many Thai people do not want to get darker, so they do not tan on the beach ; however, if you gave Thais a choice between a pristine, clean beach or a beach with polluted water with rubbish laying all over the place, they would choose the cleaner beach wouldn't they?

    It has been proven as countries become more developed and educated, pollution becomes more of a concern than when the developing country is hastily trying to modernize (look at China)... I can remember back in the States in the 60's when they had this big government campaign (using the owl as a mascot) "Give a hoot- don't pollute!". The campaign was directed towards students (which I was at the time) to make them conscious of the environment and what to do with litter. The kids, such as myself, then would get after our parents if they tossed garbage on the ground or in the sea water. IT worked. All it takes is Thailand to do a big advertising campaign for a couple years geared at the school age child to get them to know not to throw rubbage in the water or on the ground...but you also need city garbage bins sitting around and police to enforce the laws.

    Second thought... It always surprises me how Buddhism seems to focus on respecting nature, (Christianity doesn't) but I don't see it practiced. (except feeding stray community dogs)

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