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Posts posted by tonytigerbkk

  1. I once ordered 'La fromage a la raze le fenetre ' and the waitress had no idea what I was talking about, strange woman.

    Cheese in a burned down window! blink.png

    Must have been a spelling mistake, I was actually asking for the cheese that has the shaved window.

    Still, I have to say that your talents are wasted on here.

    At least if you were my waitress I would have gotten the cheese and the window (even if the window is slightly overcooked).

    Ah, in that case it's "a la rasee".

    Well it's no wonder that the waitress was confused, poor woman.

  2. I once ordered 'La fromage a la raze le fenetre ' and the waitress had no idea what I was talking about, strange woman.

    Cheese in a burned down window! blink.png

    Must have been a spelling mistake, I was actually asking for the cheese that has the shaved window.

    Still, I have to say that your talents are wasted on here.

    At least if you were my waitress I would have gotten the cheese and the window (even if the window is slightly overcooked).

  3. I once ordered 'La fromage a la raze le fenetre ' and the waitress had no idea what I was talking about, strange woman.

    Outrageous did you file a complaint with the tourist police and sue the restaurant, the natives need to learn, cant speak proper English, dont know what basic French dishes are, this would never happen in New York City, which is in America

    Better still, I reported the case to Dave Walsh.

    The ex-SAS mobile strike force are now on their way to the venue (via Jomtien) to crush this rebel waitress.

    Resistance is futile but apologies are a side dish and cost 10 Baht extra.

  4. I once ordered Twinings English Breakfast tea at one establishement in BKK and recieved Starbucks English breakfast tea, whats wrong with the natives are they stupid or something, i was going to call the tourist police to report this scam

    Soutie, you should have taken a photograph of the offending tea and posted it on here using the free wifi that you can enjoy at lower class coffee houses.

    There again, I'm not sure if i would be able to stand the excitement of reading 2 posts in one day about being served the wrong foodstuff in Thailand.

  5. So I can wander aimlessly around Pattaya or ask on here and get an answer. I love all the bitter people on here.

    Or you could go to a petrol station (any petrol station) like millions of other people have nanaged to do without having to have their hand held.

    Are you from Iowa by any chance?

  6. Some people are really clueless.... Honestly! Where do I get air in my tyres?.... Does your mum know your out?

    Totally agree Tolsti.

    Maybe he's a product of our digital society and he can't find an I-Phone app that shows the exact location of the air hoses that are in every single petrol station in Thailand.

    I wonder if he has trouble remembering where he lives. facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

  7. Personally, I think any one who assumes he can grab a girl no matter where he is should be taught some truths.

    Even in the sleaziest bar, for someone to expect free "feel" is not on in my book.

    if you have bought her a drink and its that kind of place then that's different but even then be careful to suss out what is the norm.

    PC, I don't normally agree with everything that you write but you are on the money with this one. thumbsup.gif

  8. The RAR file is a compressed file (like a Winzip file).

    To use the SRT. file you will first need to open the RAR file and extract the SRT. file.

    To open the file download a free program such as 7zip (http://www.7-zip.org/) then extract the SRT. file to a new folder.

    The SRT. file does not have to be embedded into the movie but it does have to be in the same folder as the movie file.

    Add the movie file to the same folder and make sure that they both have the same file name but remember that the SRT. file will have to have .srt at the end of the file name.

    For example, if the file name of the movie is The Godfather then the file name for the SRT. file should be The Godfather.srt

    Ensure that the device that you are playing the movie through has subtitles enabled.

    For your future reference, one of the best sites to get your SRT. files from is http://www.opensubtitles.org/da/search

  9. Many new cars have "pearl" instead of metallic in the paint. It's ground-up oyster shells and it does give more of a soft glow than a shine. Could that be what you're seeing?

    Most new cars are painted by a robot.


    Incorrect, My company makes auto accessories and more than 99 % of the products that are painted to match the vehicle's colour is not pearl.

    We paint about 10,000 units per year and in the 14 years that I have been working at my company we have probably painted less than 20 units in a pearl colour.

    The majority of paint used on vehicles is metallic followed by flat and pearl way behind and bringing up the rear

    Yep, it'll most likely be white pearl - I don't think Mitsu do a standard white. In any case, white is always a hard color to make 'pop'.

    As for the orange peel, that actually settles with a little time.

    Mitsubishi's main white colour is 'Polar White W32' and their pearl white is 'Pearl White W54'.

  10. Of course exports have dropped, especially in Europe.

    Europe no longer accepts the Form A/Certificate of Origin from Thai exports, so the importer does not get tax relief on the goods.

    On top of that many Thai companies had to adjust their prices to counter the damage caused by the effect of the minimum wage increase.

    It is now cheaper to buy the equivalent product from manufacturers based in Europe or if importers are willing to take the chance, the copy version from China, Vietnam, Turkey, etc.

    I'm sure that Ms. Wilaiwan (president of the Thai Labour Reconciliation Committee) will feel good when she forces through another the minmum wage rise, pushing Thailand further out of the Export Race and as such closing down more companies and putting more Thais out of work.

  11. And yet the evil called Marijuana is still banned.

    Medicinal studies in the US found that consuming Marihuana is benefic to the mentally disordered ... People who use Marihuana are mentally more stable and less agressive ( and depressive ) than others .

    I have been working with people who used "Ganja" on a regular basis in the past and have to clearly state here that I found all of them being:

    A ) lethargic

    B ) slow

    C ) absolutely unreliable

    D ) in total denial (I could stop at any given time, blablah...)

    E ) dishonest

    A agree with alcohol making people more aggressive and depressive, but that doesn't reduce Marihuana to a harmless "snack".

    And I'm calling bull on this.

    I seriously doubt that you have ever met anyone that you know is on ganja or otherwise you would not be making these stupid and baseless claims.

    The window lickers are out early this season. biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

  12. Its not cheese ,its just a bit of plastic with some flavouring in ,mind you many Americans may think its "real cheese" whistling.gif

    There is no comparison really. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

    No... THIS is REAL AMERICAN cheese... You ought to try it sometime... And actually, this brand is actually available in Thailand via Villa markets and elsewhere -- for a price.



    Please John, this is a serious thread about real cheese and not about about fermented curds that taste of plastic.

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