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Posts posted by JonLee

  1. Bank of Ayudhya is an American Bank. The owner is GE Capital.

    My, my Jonlee you are putting your foot in ya mouth today aren't you . the following is taken from BAY website "GE Capital also has a strategic investment in BAY and holds a 33 percent stake in the bank"

    33% sure ain't ownership.

    My apology to have my fact wrong. I re-phase:

    Bank of Ayudhya is 1/3 American. The American side is own by GE Capital.

  2. "try to whittle it down and pay a bribe. It's not worth my time and effort to go through all that shit again - and if the <snip> have you dead to rights, then going about it through the proper channels is only more costly and time consuming" quote from above

    Sorry but I have to admit that we Foreigners always think that it is OK to break the rule than bribe our way out. We even do that on purpose. Like not having a license plate and yet do ride it on purpose. Saying that it take a month for the plate to arrive is no excuse. Do you complain that your Ferrari takes 12 months to be deliverer?

    They other thing I was think is the King Power case. What if, just what if. What if the 2 Brits did shoplift, got caught, and thought that he could try to "whittle it down and pay a bribe. It's not worth my time and effort to go through all that shit again - and if the <snip> have you dead to rights, then going about it through the proper channels is only more costly and time consuming". I bet they are in for a surprise that the 100 Baht trick did not work, and end up pay 7K GBP or what so ever.

    Get your act together. If you don't want to scam by the police, don't even think that you can get away with bribe. The real looser is you, not the police.

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