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Posts posted by mausplan

  1. It is also important to note that stress is a big factor and that diabetes is not a death sentence , People do manage to reverse it or stabilise it with exercise and diet. Thyroid problems are often tied in as well, all comes from the same basic source too fat too little exercise.

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  2. I also think Suthep is being clever, turning things on and off. The Gov are responding to him. I passed through the Asoke / Suk crowd about one hour ago. they seemed happy, souvenir sales looked brisk, lots of food, nice music and some powerful speakers in between , clean and organised. The only problem with Yingluck walking is that the next in line is Uncle Fester ( aka K.Surapong ) . Thats a scary thought. Can't they go straight to number three-oh no thats Big C. Yingluck come back we love you

  3. I wash my hands of politics , I just want to live in peace, etc etc , recent quotes from Takkie the reformed angel

    Thaksin said his terrorism charges were politically motivated. He is right ,he tried to overthrow the elected Government by force with a rent a mob. That was political and a deliberate act of terrorism.

    Now he is going to carry out political activities in Denmark, lets see what happens with that Government when Thaksin starts calling for an uprising using their soil. The Germans have already stopped him doing this so you have to think they all will.

    He could come back and face the courts, nothing is stopping him apart from his pride.

    He once claimed he was persecuted like Mandela. You think he would have jumped for joy when given the prison sentence as he could have been the poor little downtrodden serf just like Nelson. Mandela thought got 20 years solitary . Takkie only had 2 to server so the time would have been a snip and you could guarantee he would have had colour TV in his cell and slept on his own.

  4. Hey Random

    Abhisit offered a September 2010 election-remember. It would have been all over except that TS 's ego got in the way. At the first TV conference Verra Weng and Jatu looked like they had just dudded Abhisit and got away with it , then Jatu got a SMS right at the end remember , No idea who sent him the text , but Jatu straightened up and clicked his heels together and then told AV to take a hike. Remember ,it seemed to be that TS thought he was going to win within a week. TS underestimated AV and he believed the TV reports from Dan Rivers that the masses were rising up.

    During the riots I had a meal at the Siam on Siam Hotel which has a rooftop garden where you can look down at the Ratchprasong area. A number of people commented how insignificant the riots looked from up above compared to the mass of Bangkok. It highlighted the absurd notion that the red bunch were going to overthrow the country.

  5. If you know the brand and have the purchase receipt the manufacturer will provide it with copies of these documents and ID from you and serial number from the safe . There are laws here preventing them from giving the information out over the phone as you might just be Joe the safe cracker.

    I have a Leeco safe for odds and sods and lost my keys and got spares and the combination back , it was quite painless .

    If your safe is a Leeco they have a shop in Klong Tan

    RAM KHAMHAENGTEL.(02) 719 9104-7

  6. Ian Forbes and Ramindallas have given you good advice. Thais' family units are very strong and they need to be able to explain who the farang is and what he wants.

    Teachers ,in fact in any kind of academic field you are likely to have a good chance of finding well educated , independent women who may not want to get tangled up but will travel and do things of common interest. This includes people at language schools , other sorts of classes. Demure looks don't always mean demure personalities privately. If a Thai women is over 30 and unmarried they think thats it so they throw themselves into other pursuits. Be prepared to show patience. I have met many Thai couples that have had long courtships and they claimed were celibate at least on the womens side. The women had adopted the US Army policy , dont ask , dont tell to their menfolk needs, as someone noted , Thais are broad minded about these things.

    At the end of the day , it is not much different here that anywhere , common interest ,respect and an understand of the cross cultural factors are whats needed . Join some classes , study groups ,

  7. Yes, I got involved in one of those accidents in KlongTan involving two motorcycles and two cars, I had just parked and was about to get out of the car but this unfolded . I had parked my car in a narrow soi.

    A bike was racing down the soi , no lights and coming up to my car from behind. I heard it before I saw it as he had the thing wound up. . Coming towards me from the other direction was a little Toyota. Behind it was another bike with two young guys . The Toyota propped as another car on its side wanted to leave and the driver thought she could park there. The bike behind it dodged the propped car and popped out into the middle of the soi, The two bikes were now facing each other. Racer boy ,by now only a few car lengths behind me , locked the front wheel and dropped it. He and the bike spun down the road on their side and slide into my parked car hitting the drivers door. His bike slid along the bottom of the door and front guard, the damage to my car and his bike was minor ,he has a gash on his leg, The bike coming the other way also went down at much slower speed and slide gently into the front of a parked car opposite me. The riders were not injured neither was the bike damaged. The ambulance arrived, food vendor set up stalls to feed the gathering mob and copy CD's and T Shirts then went on sale.

    Someone in the gathering crowd claimed they were hit with flying debris and injured and now suffering PTSD and 500 pairs of eyes swivelled toward me or rather towards my back pocket. Fortunately my GF told them all to take a hike and told me to get in the car and say nothing. Of course it was all my fault . Officer Plod reasoned the guy coming from behind might have thought I was going to get out ,got frightened and locked it up and therefore it was all my fault.

    Moral of the story , have first class insurance and a tough GF riding shotgun

  8. I use Vuse and stream to the TV via their PS3 media server and it works well. as other note, it varies because of lots of reasons. I keep my "seeding scores " in the green . Giving back what I download help others avoid the stuck on 98% problem

  9. Odd piece , they have smoking rooms at the airport , oh wait , I have got it now.  With all the publicity about the Cigarette Police in town they need to shift them somewhere until the heat cools down , so make Swampy smoke free but don't tell the tourists and ping them everywhere. Kind of makes up a bit for the lost gross from the Stolen Trolleys, reduced cash flow from the cut back with the taxi scams and worst of all the loss of revenue from cancellation of the long term car park conversion into a food stall and massage parlour.

  10. BTW , Even the mythical Officer Somchai ( Thai version of Officer Plod ) would be that stupid to have a camera running in his office pointed at the very corner where he was going to do the deed so the question might be ,who put the camera there ???? or was he just a major voyeur ?

    On a small point , the good captain was immediately suspended pending a review etc. Khun Somkid , despite having a summons to appear in court in 6 weeks on a capital charge , was going to be promoted until common sense won the day. Go figure, this amazing country we live in. a smile every day

  11. In almost any other country the head of the Government would issue an order to control a key strategic industry and that would be that, these are public servants after all . As much as I am a critic  of the Chinese Government  , right now we could use some of their toughness to smack a few heads together to start to control the corruption and self interest that riddles Thailand right now. <div><br></div><div>This is the worst case example of MaiPenRai ,     of Thai's not wanting to offend each other. <div><br></div><div>Can you imagine the singing and laughing at the victory lunch the CAT and TOT boys will be having today.  </div></div>

  12. The enthusiasm to join the international community would be commendable if the Thai house was in good order. There is a full scale war being waged inside this country which is being won by the bad guys -the insurgents. The casualty figures are horrific. Yesterdays brutal slaying of four elderly people was heart wrenching, to read about these poor people pleading for their lives and their neighbours listening and doing nothing. The only reason for their slaying, they belong to a different club,

    The book "The War of the Running Dogs " by Noel Barber tells of the simple strategy used to defeat the Malay communists . Note that when I say defeat , it was almost perfect, the communist remnants escaped to Southern Thailand where their hatred festered for 50 years and has now been rebranded recently under a different banner but with the same aims. The successful strategy used by the British and Malay forces was simple, deny the enemy territory and space. Live in their back yard and don't let them rest , protect the local and isolate the bad guys and pick them off. The US used this in Iraq with the surge and were successfully

    It seems all too logical that good police work would soon identify the unemployed youths with a bad attitude and yet always with enough money to buy food and services , repair vehicles , rent TV's ,. movies or whatever they do in between killing. It seems it would not be hard to find the patterns and it seems it would not be hard to completely project all the villages in one province if there is not enough troops to protect them all. It would seem to not be difficult to own the night ,meaning the bad guys cannot move without fear of being caught. It would seem that taking over the province would be safer than the keystone cops tactic of the poor soldier rushing to an attack site only to be blown up again and again

    Maybe instead of another 100 APC's or Pirate Patrols , more boots on the ground in southern Thailand would be the answer.

    BTW , Takkie was going to fix this in 30 days as they were only common bandits , remember !!!

  13. There are quite a number of companies that offer this service , as usual ranging from expensive down.

    Be aware that nowdays Revenue can visit at very short notice to make sure the company is where it is supposed to be and the people who are on the books are there. I have had such visits twice now , one in Bangkok in a temporary office in the Regus serviced offices in Wireless Road and once again in Samut Prakan ( different Revenue office )


  14. Craigt3365, thanks for the info, I have to go to Wittayu at 6.00pm for a function. I hope the Reds keep part of their promise ,they have already broken the no loudspeaker and no blocking the road part so its looking 50/50 that they will go home on time.

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