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Posts posted by BlueSkyCowboy

  1. On 6/6/2017 at 3:17 PM, phantomfiddler said:

    Yes there are hordes of Chinese tourists here, but they get dragged around Pattaya Bay under their parachutes, get led to some huge Chinese run restaurant, and then they go back to China and reminisce. The Indian tourists are here to take over, just as they do everywhere else.

    I hope not LOL


  2. On 11/5/2016 at 0:30 AM, Rojelio said:

    How much sense does it make to keep a convicted two-time murderer that has been sentenced to death hanging around in a prison for 34 years; then, decide to execute him at 74 years of age.  So, he's lived a full lifetime at tax payers expense after having killed two people.  Insanity! 

    So we can agree that the murderer is not important, just the money for the lawyers and jailers. We can figure that he cost the taxpayer about 2 million $


  3. We often hear this refrain "bought and paid for" with respect to politicians, and for sure there is some element of truth in that. But, to assume that every politician who accepted $250k for a speech will then automatically then sway legislation and government favor in consideration of $250k is silly.

    If I'm on the board of a corporation that pays someone $250K and all we get is a speech, someone's got some serious 'splaining to do.

    And anyone who claims they got paid over $500K for speaking because "that's what they offered to pay" (and there are no other strings attached), is too far out of touch with the real world that 99% of us live in. Corporations don't pay that for a speech- it's $20K for the speech and the rest is for access and influence over $$ Billion decisions.

    We, the fools, do have the government we "elected" and deserve. Just look at the illegal "Squatters" in the WH

  4. Obama denouncing the Brexit bunch is like Trump being denounced by Kim Jong-un, mainstream media, the EU, China and the UN. Good on Obama to get the Brexit campaign heated up. The whole George Soros, globalize and socialize theory is at stake in both the US election and the Brexit vote. Enough is enough!

    I don't think that the Brits need any advise from a Union Organizer

  5. I've seen people having sex on beaches all over the world. France, England, Italy, Greece, California, Israel, it's what people do, I never heard anyone complain about it as long as the couples are discreet. Pattaya is the world's best known destination for sex with prostitutes, sex with boys, sex with ladyboys, and until recently, sex with young girls, so who really thinks that it is possible to harm the reputation of a place such as this?

    You mean no more young girls? That will do the damage to tourism

  6. First of all, one has to keep in mind that a foreigner has no rights in Thailand. The lawyers and courts are mostly crooked and prejudiced ( I am not talking about the two Obama's, but they would be a good example, about being crooked lawyers who lost their license).

    A friend bought a conco in BKK for 15 Millions and it has been locked up in litigation for 6 yrs. He can not rent it out or live in it. A long, but a sad story

  7. Born and raised in California and been through some of the biggest earthquakes over my 60 plus years , was driving down the freeway on the last big one there, missed the collapse by a few seconds of the freeway.Look if it is you time to go nothing is going to save you. But IMHO Thailand in particular Bangkok is way over due for some Rock n Roll.

    Now u tell me that we are "overdue". Last year I sold my house in LA exactly for this reason LOL. I think the government will be faster destroying our country then an earthquake

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