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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Good for them, hope they keep up the pressure
  2. Does non appearance for the 90 days not cause a red flag ?
  3. The truck driver, along with the roadwork staff, noticed the large amount of gas escaping and fled the scene in panic, without shutting off the valve and so not preventing the gas from leaking. They were trained well - what a bunch of monkeys
  4. and gives a bad name to all tuk-tuk drivers 555 a bit late for that
  5. experts criticize the country’s approach, noting that plans remain vague and lack robust incentives for adaptation yep that sums up Thailand perfectly
  6. must consist of both a Thai and a foreign company, with the local firm being at least 60% Thai-owned and contributing a minimum of 30% of the JV’s registered capital If the Thai end owns 60% then they (the Thais) should be on the hook for a minimum of 60% of the capital
  7. Crack Down on Low-Quality Chinese Imports Unfortunately that is all the majority of Thais can afford
  8. The police uncovered illegal employment, false health claims, and deceit upon investigation Yea ok but apart from that everything else was fine
  9. Waste of money, the single runway is criminally under used now so what is the reason for 2 runways?
  10. The contract was signed in 2019 which happened before those happenings - wake up !
  11. But they are not allowed to do that back home - Mummy and Daddy would tell them off
  12. So this will be the revised, revised, revised version of the original contract from 5 years ago ?
  13. Here is the BBC take on it : https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crkmdd4vevxo The most telling part is : ...unaccountable power is wielded by palace officials, senior judges, business tycoons, and military and police officers
  14. aligns with international standards Umm - NO
  15. Stopped off in Finland for a spot of berry picking ?
  16. Bet he's popular among the Thais
  17. Someone lost the Shilling for the meter ?
  18. Well who would have thought that
  19. Rachada warned that foreign envoys should be careful I feel sorry for her husband
  20. Does that not happen to most people in a family resort ?
  21. So what is this amendment which aims to promote domestic stability ?
  22. scrutinised the progress of an ambitious project aimed at linking the airport with a high-speed rail network that will connect three major airports Well that didn't take long - nothing has been done !!
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