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Posts posted by ridgydidge

  1. I can't believe some of the comments I'm reading about the stills of the CCTV footage.

    One member suggested that the date stamp wasn't straight and even used his own Photoshop skills to draw a red line under it to prove it! So what do you think? Someone put the date stamp on there and thought to themselves and thought "I know, I'll just use the Transform tool and bend this text"??? The curve is because it's a photo taken from the CCTV monitor.

    Another member said the date stamp is in black and white text when surely it should just be one colour.. So what do you think? Someone put the date stamp on there and thought to themselves "I know, I'll just change the colour of some of the text for no apparent reason"?? It would have been easier to have left it how it was? It's like that because that's how it is on that particular CCTV system.

    Another member suggested that the shadows of the people don't match up? So you think someone actually went to the trouble of super-imposing the people on to the image?? Use your brain just a little.

    The best way to fake any image is to use as much of the original as possible. The easiest way to fake that image would have been to use an image from another day and then change the date to 13 and the day to Sat like in the still. Just a couple of minor changes.

    They could also have used Adobe Premiere or any other half decent video editing suite to just add the time stamp onto the original footage, if they do ever release it.

    • Like 2
  2. Not found all murdered bodies to steal ??

    Oh sorry, too many yellow shirted farangs here...

    Be happy, kids, it is NOT over..

    Your IP is logged, as are your terrorist threats. Would one of the moderators please forward this to the CRES?

    Thanks in advance.

    Don't be such an idiot. Of course its not over, evreything will start to gather steam again and it will happen again. How many coups have there been in the last 60 years?? 16 or 17?? can't quite remember.. If you know your Thai history you will know that there is only a coup when there is a popular government in power.. (popular with the majority of the country that is).

    It won't happen now though because the 'correct' people are in the government.

    This is how things will go until Thailand gets true democracy (ie. you can say what you want about certain things without fear of prison):

    Government elected by the majority of Thai people = Military Coup

    Government put in place by the elite =Peoples Uprising

    Remember if you are in Thailand, everything you will hear about Thaksin is bad. Everything you will hear about the Government is good.

    Thaksin is no angel but you're a fool to believe everything you hear or read in Thailand.

    Now you want to log my IP?? I'm running it through two proxys which makes it untraceable u d***

    If you live in Thailand using a proxy is the only way to know what is really going on because your precious government has blocked so many websites.


  3. We farang may not have a vote but we have a choice not to spend 1 satang on any red related business moving forward, from somtam seller to beverage company.

    Seems like many on the board are new, don't you know how Thais act? Watch them in a street fight, 5-20 against one if they can get it. They do NOT share Western ideas of property or value of life. Maybe they are not wrong, but they sure are different. I have a few friends who are Thai and they feel shame over some of the things that are happening. But Central World burning will often get the response, so what I don't shop there.

    The important thing is for us expats to realize that these are our hosts. These are the people that run this country from the bug vendor to the PM. I exclude the King as he seems to be the only demonstrably great guy around. I weep for this country when he passes.

    My wife and I have been talking about how one can feel safe in this country? I am not sure. I have had 3 unsuccessful pickpocket attempts on me. one successful, a rip off by maid, several tools and shiny things pocketed by "workers" I was unable to watch constantly and an attempted grab for my Baht chain while on a baht bus. My wife had her wallet stolen out of her purse in Carrefour. Idiots have blocked roads, airports, and burned their city. It is true that pick pockets abound in other parts of the world and political riots often get out of hand. So what is different? I can not read these folks.

    There is another man from my neck of the woods that has a business here in Pataya and often took the same driver I used on multiple trips to Bangkok. This guy was charming. My friend had put him up in his house when it was too late for a return trip to Bangkok. One day our trusted driver called us and maybe others with the need for 2,000 baht to get his wife out of the hospital. We were already set up with this information a week or so before and we both deposited money in his account. I got took for $2000 my friend for $3,000. The point is that we as westerners do not have the chops to judge these folks. My thiefdar don't work here, neither does my terroristdar.

    I have never been pick pocketed in any other country and I am not the kind of man who is usually targeted. I am over 6'4" tall and a too hefty 232 lbs. In my old home country people often are killed in drug deals, answer stay away from that area. Here the people seem to bring it to where I want to be. I need to go to Bumrungrad and most staff and my doc are staying away and there is a warning on the website. When people asked why would you move to Thailand one of the answers was always the people. When I can finally leave this place I will be sad for what it once was and when people ask me why I left Thailand my answer will be the same as why I came here, the people.


    You clearly haven't got a f**ing clue about the troubles in Thailand and what the REAL cause of the problems are. Unfortunately I can't tell you because I'll get banned. But one of the paragraphs in your statement is so far from the truth it ain't even funny.

  4. "Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

    PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

    Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

    At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

    Many of the expats that live in Thailand and never learn the language don't really have a clue whats going on. They're just pissed that Nana was shut down!

    With the government controling the media and putting out anti Thaksin statements continuosly its hard not to be braiwashed by it eventually. I myself fell victim of it untill I started digging deeper.

    The truth is Thaksin was becoming so powerfull that another 'very powerfull' figure in Thailand became upset by it, hence the 2006 coup.

    All the problems in Thailand are because a group of people want to keep Thailand in the dark ages. Now who could that be???

    WHO? WHO? Like in the Harry Potter moveis... He who must not be named!!

  5. Aye its about time people started doing their own research and look behind the scenes.. The old guard have come up against the new and what they see is not to their taste at all. The usual pawns of the game are the General Thai public. At the same time the stakes have never been higher and so the tactics of both sides play out in front of the world.

    On one side you have the current self appointed Government stressing that the "terrorists" cannot be reasoned with and showing various pictures supporting the terrible Reds actions and claiming they are holding the country to ransom.

    On the other side you have claims of unjustified force where its sticks stones and handmade weaponry against the might of a modern army with plenty of pictures etc to support it.

    Somewhere in all this there lurks the privateers undoubtedly on both sides.

    When the yellows blockaded the Airport what was the response of the then government and why wernt similar measure taken as now ? Who had the ability to arrange such a thing even

    The city is filled with smoke as is this website full of smoke filled posts and Propaganda on both sides... Somewhere behind all of this are the puppeteers quietly making the calls and pulling the strings.

    When all seems in panic and chaos ask yourself WHO really has the most to gain and to lose here ? ( other than the normal Thai people )Look to the history of this country that they don't and will not teach in school, ask why the education system is so controlled and who benefits from it being this way....

    Ask the question why in a modern and global world there has been a positive progressive attitude towards protectionism and closing the country down towards foreign investment. Internet site censorship and draconian measures reinstated when most other Asian countries are opening up Thailand is firmly closing itself off.What benefit is this to the general populous of Thailand ? Why would some wish to push their country backwards when all others in the region are surging forward isnt that just crazy ? surely a country that had such a healthy reputation at the beginning of this decade would have continued to build on its success and want to continue to be one of the leaders of the Asian economies.Who could possibly want to change all that and why ? what is there to be lost or gained by doing so ?

    Look further than the current TV coverage and do your homework, if you truly care for Thailand in any way you need to research what is at stake and what not only the motives are but what the prize and goal ultimately is.

    Wake up there is a whole lot that isnt said or reported but its there if you care to do your homework.

    This is the best post I've read. Everyone read it again and ask yourself WHO? WHO? WHO?

  6. Well let's see. The government has been more than patient in my humble opinion. They can't let this drag on. Had this been China and may other places the Reds would have been forced out long ago. I hope that no one is killed,but if they are so stupid to think they can over throw the government which has the support of the police and army, they are mad.

    If they had the support of the police and army it would have been over long ago. Don't you know anything? Sounds like your the mad one! Lol

  7. Now I am sure that many of you who did not understand before are getting a more complete picture....

    The Yellow shirts the minority by far will not relinquish control to the red shirts who are a majority of this country's population.

    The Yellow shirts know that they can not win an election....

    The Red shirts know that who ever they elect will get thrown out for a multitude of reasons...

    Maybe a cooking show..

    A corruption charge....

    Can be anything....

    So again the tail wagging the dog in this country there is no doubt.....

    There is a solution but .....no one can talk about.

    U hit the nail on the head there!!

  8. The government shut down the reds tv station so that it can control every piece of news that comes out put it's own spin on it. I really think that every news report you hear should be taken with a pinch of salt. This is practically a civil war and with war comes propaganda.

    Don't be so quick to believe anything you hear.

    And if you think that it isn't war and that it's just some 'terrorists' you've been duped by the media. It's been going on too long now. The country is split right down the middle, that's why they can't act against the reds, because it would result in real civil war.

  9. No end in sight. Is there a way to end this peacefully?

    Well, why not let them vote? Plus, it just might save some innocent lives - and some people say, the economy too.

    No government should be forced to call elections by violent mobs.

    yeah they should just be forced out instead like when the yellow mob took over government house and the airport! some people have very short memories.

    The bottom line is that this government was never elected.

    And why do people keep saying that abbisit should do something? Do u honestly believe that he really has the power to make any descision? All the descisions are made by "someone else" in this draconian country.

  10. Oh for crying out loud, just CALL for ELECTIONS already so we can have some PEACE! Suck up your pride and just DO IT! Good grief, Mr. Abhisit! Even if it means "The Terrorists Win" or whatever.

    That record's stuck again. :):D

    I agree. The bottom line is that this government was never elected and was brought to power on the the back of the yellow shirt mob who closed the airport and crippled the country.

    Did they really think there would be no retribution for that?

    They don't want elections because they would lose. It's as simple as that.

    Dissolving the government and holding democratic elections is the only way to solve this problem.

    This elitest government has so much financial backing that surely they could buy more votes than Thaksin... I don't see what they're worried about!

  11. About the UDD's objectives and the so-called 'watermelon army,' ie divisive ranks within the armed forces, the Asia Times had some interesting observations to make:

    Some Bangkok-based diplomats suggest that Thaksin's post-coup reliance on discredited politicians and rogue military and police elements to push his agenda has further undermined his already questionable democratic credentials. That, they say, will conspire against any future Thaksin bid to portray government suppression of UDD protesters bent on violence as an anti-democratic crackdown deserving of international censure - as he attempted in the chaotic wake of last April's riots.

    source: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/LB20Ae01.html

    In Thaksin's mind, he is a legend and well respected throughout the international community. Contrary to his mode of thinking, this article sums it up very well. He's a has been and his "democratic" principles are highly questionable. The article also mentions that Thaksin's US visa has expired and it seems as though he cannot obtain a new one, and would be placed in "secondary confinement" if he attempts to enter the US. Only in Thaksin's mind does the world have respect for him.

    How can any sensible readers of your post believe you claims about what woould happen in Thaksin tried to go to US. We have seen hundreds of outrageous claims of having classified information only to see all the claims about Thaksin's extradition, passport and visas were false. Only a fool should believe these kinds of claims coming from someone hiding under the cloak of anonymity.

    Absurd on its face.

    That's the whole problem.. the brainwashing! It's everywhere.. You would think that Thaksin is the devil himself!! You have to question any information you get in Thailand.. Don't just believe it and accept it like a fool!

  12. It's not going to work as planned.

    The Abhisit government is legit and decent. There's no real groundswell against him and his administration.

    What planet are you from? He was brought to power by a military coup and then by the yellow shirts taking over the airport and totaly destroying the Thai economy! You call that legit and decent? what country are you from?? lol

  13. wow seems the embassy is back to the turn around times we enjoyed back in 2003/2004 when we applied for my husbands SV. Great news for all those applying now but super frustrating I'd imagine for those who endured the 11+ weeks of waiting that was average for applications in early 2009. :)

    The waiting is over!!!!!!!!!!! Finally the embassy phoned to say my wife's visa decision has been overturned!!! Thanks for eveyones help and support, it's been a long 6 months.

    Good Luck to eveyone else still waiting. :D

  14. Cheers TJTHAI.

    Too be honest i was shocked myself and i could not have done it without the help from the boys on here.

    so thanks again guys


    Well Done you're a lucky man!! I'm still waiting over 3 months for the initial decision to be overturned by the ECO (7 months in total). It looks like appealing is a waste of time and money. I should have sucked it up and paid the 500 quide visa fee again instead. Let this be a lesson to anyone else thinking of appealing. :)

  15. It's been a while since I posted so here is a brief summary of my situation. Applied for settlement visa in April and I came back to the UK in May. My wife got refused (accomodation and my work). Got about 70 pages of evidence together and Appealed. Got a letter in September from Asylum and Immigration Tribunal in England saying 'Appeal was lodged on 17th August 2009, The Tribunal directs that you (the ECO) to send all the evidence of application etc back to the UK by December 7th.

    As it's now the 1st of December I thought I would ring the embassy to see what was happening. The woman told me that the evidence had already been sent back to the UK and that it still hadn't been reviewed locally, the review should be done by the 20th December.. :D I then phoned the Tribunal office in the UK and they told me that they hadn't received the bundle yet, but it was common practice to sometimes send the bundle back to the UK before it had been reviewed....

    Anyway, the 'December 7th' date which I have been clinging onto as a last hope seems to be meaningless... So do I sit and wait until the 20th and call the embassy again? Do I book a flight back to Thailand and spend Christmas, January and February with my wife in Thailand (assumming the application isn't overturned) and wait to hear when the UK tribunal date is before deciding whether to start a new application? Or do I freeze my arse off in the UK knowing that the visa will eventually be granted and everything will be ok?

    I'm so sick of waiting and not being able to plan anything. It's been going on since April... :) and I feel like I'm going mad..

  16. Did anyone appeal for UK settlement Visa for Thai wife at British Embassy in Bangkok? I appealed on 30th June 2009 and still waiting to hear if ECM will overturn the decision. The appeal process takes ages. :) I wonder if British Embassy have already sent my appeal case to AIT england or not yet. Hope to hear from someone here that appealed at the same time with me. Thanks

    Hi Tapeboat,

    My wife lodged her appeal on August 17th and we've now been waiting about 8 weeks. About 2 weeks after she appealed, she received a letter from the embassy saying they had received her appeal and that it should be looked at within 16 weeks :D . About 1 week ago we both recieved copies of a letter sent to the ECM from the AIT here in England saying that if the ECO didn't overturn the decision, then he must send all of our evidence back to the AIT before December 7th.

    Did you get those letters too? And has anyone else here had an appeal overturned recently?? The waiting is killing me. :D

  17. My wife's visa was refused on accommodation and work grounds. We have since appealed with over 70 pages of new evidence. I posted everything to my wife in Thailand and she took it herself to the emmbassy and left it with the security at the front desk and was given a recipit. About 2 weeks later she received a letter saying it can take upto 16 weeks for the ruling to be overturned in Thailand. We have now been waiting 6 weeks.

  18. So when the ECO says in the refusal notice
    You were advised at the visa application centre that in order to put the Entry Clearance Officer in the the best position to make the correct decision on your application you should provide correlating evidence of maintenance and accommodation in the UK. You were warned that failure to provide such evidence might have a bearing on the outcome of this application
    s/he is incorrect?

    The document checklist has the following declaration on the bottom

    If you choose only to provide some of the above documentation you must sign the following declaration:

    I have been advised to provide the above-mentioned documents but I intend to submit my application with limited documents ticked in this checklist. I understand that failure to provide the other documents may result in the refusal of my application.


    Was she asked to sign this?

    If the VAC accepted the documentation without advising her that it was incomplete, or getting her to sign the declaration above, it may be worth mentioning this in your appeal.

    Although, as already said, it is not the VAC staff's responsibility to judge the quality of the evidence.

    I repeat, from the note at the bottom of the refusal notice there is a good chance that submitting the missing documents with the appeal notice will result in the refusal being overturned.

    She wasn't advised about any of that, and she didn't sign anything saying that the documentation was incomplete. They were more immpressed with the amount of photos and information substantiating our relationship if anything..

    I'm gathering my evidence together now, and then what?? I fax it to the embassy? If anyone could give me some advice about that I would really appreciate it. Hopefully Pingit will get back to me soon and let me know the best procedure.. Thanks all..

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