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Posts posted by chainarong

  1. Can't work out any of the Thai's governments Covid moves . It seems to be run by a sloppy bunch of amateurish medical students. Lets face the problem head on, lets tell the truth and please do tell everyone that Singapore does not even recognize the Chinese Sinovac vaccine.  Thailand you're going down the sewer, those submarines just might come in handy after all..   

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, ozz1 said:

    its all under control remember nothing to see here im going to phuket and welcome all the arrivals in the litter box 

    All organized they said as they shut down BKK and every one left for the provinces,  spreading the virus all over the country . Suggestion when you shut down that's what it means, shut down not spread around. Try a road block or two. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, zyphodb said:

    Why shouldn't us from Blighty own most of Oz? 

     It was always OUR island after all lol   (irony alert)

    As a part of the Glory-ous  Empire jolly old chap and an Aussie to boot I can't see much wrong with the British having an invested part of Oz and we can buy in England , however China is an altogether kettle of fish , try buying land in China  .

    • Like 2
  4. On 4/26/2021 at 12:01 PM, scorecard said:


    True but I'm aware that during the Covid 19 period citizens can take some flights Bkk to Sydney, additional to the flights organized directly through the Aust. Embassy Bkk.


    Two weeks ago the agent at Flight Centre Northern Beaches (they have re-opened some of their shops) mentioned one option is an approved flight on Cathay Pacific, Bkk to HK, 2.5 hr stopover, then direct HK to Sydney. Luggage, boarding passes etc., booked right thru to Sydney.


    Fare AUD$860 (one way per pax) includes check-in luggage (from memory 30Kg), includes meals, no extras for seats etc. And authorized to bring passengers into Sydney under the daily quotas of arrivals rules etc.


    No hassles in terms of transfer in HK.


    Before disclosing the above the agent asked me if I was an Oz citizen and I am. Whether the above is available to non-Oz arrivals needs to be checked. Whether the check-in luggage can be increased also needs checking. 


    The agent mentioned beware of flights showing on numerous searches, some with very low fares but everything is extra and expensive and there's no information whether transfer is allowed. One example was a transfer in Manila but passengers have to claim their check-in luggage, go thru customs and passport etc., then re check-in for Manila to Sydney. Labelled as a 'self-transfer' flight with no option for 'help'. Plus no details available whether passengers are currently allowed, under the Philippines current Covid 19 regulations, to do any system of transfer in Manila. Also no info whether the flight is allowed to bring passengers in under the Covid 19 period quotas on arrivals.


    One other thought, I wonder if both you and your having completed the 2 jabs of a Covid 19 vaccine would help?


    Good luck, hope you can make it. 

    No, the jury's still out in on Flu jabs no decision  made there yet ( work in progress). I'm not sure of all your other stuff. As Of yesterday Adelaide just opened their airport to International after stopping flights for the past two weeks, Perth has reduced international numbers this week to one thousand passengers a week  and Brisbane has just came back to numbers they will take after a reduction , each state will only except a certain amount of international passengers per week. All people from India are now stopped from entering. I'd get in touch with Foreign Affairs if I was you, and get all the right info and proper procedure. The flights entering OZ are only allowed a certain number of seats, they certainly are not packed out, some flights arrive with 10 passengers, as the weekly arrival numbers have been reached.  


  5. Best to contact the Australian Embassy as getting back to Oz is no easy matter whether you are a citizen or not. . You'll have to do 14 days quarantine on arrival and be reminded there's still 30 thousand still trying to get home from last year as entry into OZ is restricted.  Good luck. 

  6. On 4/15/2021 at 5:27 PM, dennnis said:

    How can be that constitutional?  You don't have supreme court down there? 

    They have a war cabinet basically Dennis,  Federal and State together,  it's run on a war footing principal , they can do what they like and say what they like, they are talking about 2022 for international travel and some bubbles like Singapore and NZ.


  7. Unfortunately while there is one person who is out there without immunity ie vaccine,  no prediction can be made on any normality or out comes. Perth, my place of origin at present has done a complete emergency lockdown (again) because of TWO community cases one is suspect super spreader. That along with vaccinations is the only way to curb out breaks otherwise you'll end up like India, the heard method doesn't work, the bigger the heard the worse it gets. Australia is virtually virus free but sacrifices have been made( IE International Travel) and a lot of people and businesses have suffered.  Like or lump it we will eventually have to live alongside Covid 19 as we do with AIDS and SARS.

    And lets us not shirk responsibilities , we must thank China for their part in all of this. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, ayahuasca said:

    Yes, I saw that the powers that be had revealed at least the B 1.1.7. 


    In the U.S., the Rockefeller Foundation recently launched a plan to develop a national genomic surveillance network for viruses. 


    From their news release: 


    When significant mutations occur, there is a need to understand their biology at the molecular level and determine how these changes in the virus impact its transmissibility, its virulence, or the effectiveness of vaccines and therapeutics against it.


    Thus this seems fundamental: how can transmission be effectively stopped (and likewise businesses know what the future may hold) without specifically knowing what is at hand. 


    Currently,  there are 5 major variants in the U.S., . What variants are in what was the most popular destination for Chinese tourists? 


  9. At the being of the pandemic, the Australian Feds put out warnings to come home, they gave plenty of warning advice, so much so China laughed at them for closing the international borders. 

    They've cut back expat arrival numbers again due to the UK and Sth African virus strain cropping up like mushrooms from return Expats.

    If its any consolation,  you are with a whole heap of expats from au still stranded o/seas . Emirates has cancelled all flites into Australia, except into Perth, because of cost, Thai Int has a flight once a week in and out of Sydney.

  10. On 1/8/2021 at 10:28 AM, Natai Beach said:

    Sensible decision, giving it to health workers first who are the highest risk of catching and spreading it, and people over 60 who are the highest risk of dying. I am happy to wait for my vaccine and have them vaccinated first.

    It will upset the anti vaxxer, anti Chinese crowd on this forum but it is a huge positive step to getting back to normal.

    I hope it is effective against the new UK highly infectious super covid mutant strain that has unfortunately now spread to Queensland and Perth in Australia.
    If it is effective I can see this nightmare being over by the end of the year. The economy needs it.

    Not only AU, 13 got of the plane in Singapore with Covid 

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