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Posts posted by NUMBNUTTS

  1. I have been using 3G for like ever - it is a disaster - I am not even sure where in LOS it has been effectively rolled out.

    GPRS/green is the default - everywhere in the world, 3G networks appear to prefer this to 3G/Blue

    Even when you have the blue status lite on, dont expect much more than optimum GPRS speeds.

    I have even been all over Vodafone, they could not fix it - I suspect that their phone networks are all that old that

    they dont have the gateways in place to utilize the newer cells, or is the blue LED exactly that?!

    Go wifi or a decent DSL wireless router.

    I believe wimax will kill it.


    Besides - I hate the thieving telcos with a passion!!

  2. None taken Dave - would like to hear from the OP though.

    Internet latency problems, zombies, hijacks - there's a jazillion reasons why an O/S would grind to a halt on line.

    I simply would never write a thesis 'on-line'

    Common sense tells ya to get in and out pronto - especially running a M$ O/S

    I dont use Cyber Cafes - ever. I run businesses.

    There is nothing to learn in TB - it is simply an email client - you write it offline and then send.

    Doing it online leaves about 250 ports open to attack - ever wonder why your NB/PC sucks?

    It is fighting for its life. I use Linux only online - we call it safe-sex.

    I wouldnt tear the box apart - he is a self-confessed noob - and look for love in all the wrong places.

    If it runs good offline and has not bugs/virus/roots - leave it be. Next thing is it wont even boot.

    Self medication is a fatal business, as is brewing ones own.

  3. The reason for all this is simple - you are running out of memory.

    Use a decent email client and the problem is fixed.

    Anyone who writes email on-line is asking for trouble.

    Dont ever remove your AV protection - that will simply exacerbate your problems.

    Leave Skype alone - next thing is some idiot will tell you to remove XP

    The problem is more apparent in Thailand because of its immature Internet infrastructure.

    Thunderbird is excellent, your modus operandi is a little antiquated, is all.

  4. It is indeed a relief to see that somebody managed to insert Thaksin's calling - yet again - to come home to papa - like a good boy - and serve his time!!

    This entire post would have been meaningless with out such brilliant commentary. We thank you.

    Now I can safely return to reading Yomama's 3,000 page soliloquy - to be, or not to be?

    Note to self - get out und meet some real people today

  5. Just another BIB scam to track IP's so that they can go to the beach and arrest all the baby-oiled, near naked Farang, who are all drunk and 'whine & whinge' posting on TV!!

    Now they can claim to be actually working at the beach 24/7 and claim huge overtime pay.

    All the confiscated laptops become state property immediately and are sold off to eager pawnshop owners.

    Very clever idea!!

    Way to go LOS!!

  6. One must therefore presume that the illegal coup, et al, is simply a figment, and that Thaksin will receive a fair trial now, as opposed to 2006?! I always thought he was simply on a vacation, and not AWOL.

    So - man's greatest asset - freedom - is not in jeopardy here - he must simply 'return' - do some time, and all will be copacetic with the (Thai) world?!

    How pathetic - where do these pseudo-intellectuals live?! Oh yes - on Twitter.

    Were the situation reversed, there would be this giant sucking sound as 'they' all left Dodge.

    Thaksin - ex cop - billionaire - free - must do what now?!

    Intellectuals - indeed!

  7. Geeezzz ... if there wasnt the ol' Airport Shuffle, I would think I had landed in sleepy SG and get back on another flight!! That is half the charm of landing in LOS - the boogie-woogie - ya dont have to actually buy anything or take what they offer you - its like all those poor saps who get nailed by King Kong - they were up to no good, is why.

    Get someone to pick you up at the airport if ya lost all ya negotiating skills - it aint that expensive!!

  8. Writer: BangkokPost.comPublished: 7/09/2009 at 03:10 PM There are about 90,000 to 100,000 drug dealers and addicts in Bangkok, according to the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB).

    ONCB Region 1 director Prayong Preeyajit said at a 'Crimes and Narcotics in Communities' seminar on Monday that the spread of drugs in the capital was mainly due to the environmental factors such as night-time entertainment venues and management of student dormitories.

    "In addition, the current state mechanisms could not help suppress the spread of narcotics," Mr Prayong said.

    Deputy metropolitan police chief Pongsan Jiam-on said people have to work together in fighting illegal drug use.

    Pol Maj-Gen Pongsan said the public cannot just hope that police will solve drug problems alone. All sides, particularly community key members, must help keep an eye on their areas.

    At the same time, the police must keep the information of informers confidential as their lives could be at risk, he said.

  9. Go the other way - go to your mobile phone website - they will have instructions on how to setup

    the various protocols on ya fone - that was the easiest way with AIS - the manufacturer simply texts them to ya - you accept, it installs automagically and away ya go. Make sure the actual email gateway works - I did a cc to my main email box as reference - they are quite lazy at AIS.

  10. Guys like you always suffer from delusions of grandeur, normally when its way too late, and ya hiding in some crappy safe-haven - why would anyone care or be looking for just another stupid, immature motor-mouth drunk - 99% of this community & 100% of Pattaya would be texting outa Cell Block C, instead of the local Cyber Cafe, or a friend's IP - thats real neato. Now he gets blackballed also.

    But before the grandeur stage, which is normally brought upon by copious amounts of elcheapo beer, which you know ya can never process successfully - but yet ya persist in doing. every nite - then decide to marry the babe - one can only feel incredibly sorry for all the terrific babes who so wrongly perceive louts like you to be their saviors - their Knight in Shining Armor - what a crock.

    At least be man enough not to drag your buddy into the toilet along with your miserable a$$ - if they they indeed do have some beef with you - so please stay where you are.

  11. Simply another silly, opinionated, self-aggrandizement article by someone who has way too much time waffling about facts that kids in college dont really have the time nor inkling to remember. Nor should they - too busy trying to get good grades, and staying off the dope and out of the bottle.

    That would make mom & pop real happy - there will be plenty of time to remember all that nonsense after the latest governmental appointments, and after yet another coup or New York Heist whilst the duly elected Bossman is doing the people's work - when the student who did know the answer, and didnt make it in big corporate, or anywhere else, but who decided to write about it instead, and is now a full-blown, low-level lush.

    Thats First Prize - Second Prize is being the understudy!!

    The author may have scored a couple cheap points - Lordy - I would simply hate to have heard the rest of the opinionated nonsense that was sprouting-forth that evening. One thing is for sure - he did his vocation no favors. A bleeding-heart Tim Robbins wannabee!?

    That genre - by-the-way - does produce an extraordinary amount of alcoholics, per capita.

    People who make silly speeches have egos larger than any President of any major corporation - without the ambition & drive.

    Presumably it was for free also - so what is the point?! That they frequent the open bar, drink real brands & day-old, finger snack circuit? Oh Man!!

    The author was the only one in-step on the whole parade-ground - research a litany of facts and snare the unforewarned?!

    And that diatribe created how many hi-tech jobs?! Or any jobs?!

    Wonder how many folks the author really fooled?! One - maybe!!

  12. Maybe you never checked the bat temp before?

    How do you know its warmer? Is it uncomfortable on your lap?

    Run it on battery only - see if you get the same 3 hours - probably not any more.

    Normally extra battery heat indicates more power going into battery - ergo charger is working harder - might be a bad cell in the stack

    It is relatively easy to replace cells, depends on if you feel you are up to it - otherwise get it checked, and/or replaced

    Mostly cells go out at about the same time, its a time thingy, the others are not far behind.

    It might also be your charger that is on the fritz and is having to work harder to maintain the battery status quo- as when you are using it.

    I would clean the CPU vents & heatsinks regardless - I do mine every 6 months - my CPU are all say 35/40'C

  13. This finally appears to be going in the right direction - they have isolated a marker in HIV infected healthy folks, that is hugely promising

    It sure has remained elusive!!

    Posted Fri Sep 4, 2009 6:34am AEST

    Updated Fri Sep 4, 2009 7:10am AEST

    Breakthrough touted: Scientists have discovered two powerful new antibodies

    US researchers have discovered two powerful new antibodies which could hold the key to achieving a viable AIDS vaccine, according to a study published in the journal Science.

    The antibodies are produced naturally by a minority of people infected with HIV and are able to neutralise a high percentage of the many types of the virus currently in circulation worldwide.

    Researchers in California believe they can create an effective vaccine if they are able to stimulate the body to produce such "broadly neutralising" antibodies before exposure to HIV.

    "The findings themselves are an exciting advance toward the goal of an effective AIDS vaccine because now we've got a new, potentially better target on HIV to focus our efforts for vaccine design," said Wayne Koff, senior vice president of research and development at the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative.

    "And having identified this one, we're set up to find more, which should further accelerate global efforts in AIDS vaccine development."

    These are the first broadly neutralising antibodies to have been identified in more than a decade and are the first from donors in developing countries, where 95 per cent of new HIV infections occur.

    Just four other broadly neutralising antibodies have been discovered to date and they functioned by binding to places on the virus that have proven difficult to exploit.

    "These new antibodies, which are more potent than other antibodies described to date... attach to a novel and potentially more accessible site on HIV to facilitate vaccine design," said Dennis Burton, scientific director of the vaccine initiative's California-based Neutralising Antibody Centre.

    "So now we may have a better chance of designing a vaccine that will elicit such broadly neutralising antibodies, which we think are key to successful vaccine development."

    The antibodies target a region of the virus which is used to infect cells and has evolved to thwart attacks from the immune system by becoming highly variable.

    The antibodies appear to target regions of this protein that do not change, the study found.

    This could explain their potency and breadth.

    High potency is important because it allows for protection without requiring the body to produce large quantities of the antibodies.

    The breadth of neutralisation is important because HIV - the virus which causes AIDS - has evolved into so many different subtypes.

    The antibodies were isolated using a new screening method which tested the blood of more than 1,800 HIV-infected volunteers from seven Sub-Saharan countries, Thailand, Australia, Britain and the United States.

    Researchers are hopeful that the new method will help them discover additional broadly neutralising antibodies.

    - AFP


  14. A couple years back, we all flew Thai - the service was stunning - we dumped all the BA, AA etc - then they all started to suck - even Emirates

    got in on the act. Emirates?! With their Uber-Alles mentality?!

    Singapore nailed everyone to the Cross. I walked thru HK Airport one day - all those hip hugging uniforms changed me forever.

    It would be a kick in the head were Thai to, once again, gain the upper hand. Maybe a while, though.

    The lady with me tonite is SGA

  15. Luckily, I am quite tall - 6'5'' - so I have never had this problem, but, having said that, I do give many folks with one or two items only,

    a free pass - OK, OK - they have to be young and very cute, otherwise they can pound sand, wait in line like the rest of us.

    Of course they all thank me profusely which leads to all kinds of conversation, dates, wild trysts, etc, which is what life is all about.

    But I guess if y'all gonna stand around like a 'whole bunch of cows' whinging and whining about even the smallest social transgression,

    you aint never gonna get noticed, let alone any of the free nookie. Besides - whats the hurry, Jack? Where ya going?

    Down to the free, public library to see if your card has expired? Off to ya local Internet Cafe, where you can recall, for eternity and

    all to see, all the terrible trials & tribulations of standing in line at Tesco, with a single bar of cheap soap, waiting for God?!

    You will be absolutely blown away by how many wonderful, beautiful people are out there, ready to enrich your world - give them a chance.

    Perhaps it is not only the invisible suit that burns ya, but indeed the anti-personnel barrier, the 'Oh woe is me' attitude - like the old dudes

    back home, who always run their carts into your ankles, who know ya not gonna slap them, or is it that snail pace that tells everyone that

    ya have nothing to do and the whole day to do it in?!

  16. Even Yankees dont eat wienies for breakfast.

    Most of us - on the West Coast - eat low fat yogurt or muesli und yogurt, or if its a decent coffee shoppe, early in the morning - NO - not Starbucks pulleeez -

    ya might get an all bran muffin + double non fat latte to go .... but nobody eats wieners for breakfast - maybe San Fran

    That is possibly the scariest awful offal one could ever think of eating. It is loaded with animal brain & nerve tissue - the one known source for MC disease.

    I am sure there are other bush meat sources.

    For a good trucker breakfast - try a Flying J Truck stop in the US - off the 10 freeway - their breakfast will make Denny's look like a mild palpitation compared to the Full 10,000 calories Monty, Big HA, plus enough cholesterol to flatten two good horses. Dont leave for a while - ya will regret it and turn back.

    On Emirates, in BC, they served me an omelet, with steak und green peas, for breakfast, once. Apparently, they had run out of food.

    Ate the steak - not as tough as the omelet. Unusual for them - their sashimi is normally excellent.

    I am jonesing for those darned fresh biscuits and real gravy - Big Bear anyone?

  17. Perhaps ah have been real lucky - maybe ah mah time to suss the scene out - that way ya stay alive - dont get robbed, shot or mugged.

    I have an internal early warning system, and will often walk away when its a no-go situation.

    Having said that, my survival instinct is always in play - which makes the smile-factor almost a natural for me - it speaks volumes.

    I observe it mostly in the eyes and aura - the eyes actually - for moi - confirm everything that the aura transmitted in the first instance.

    If there is no chemistry or there is some reluctance or hesitation, I walk - it might be somewhat cavalier, but I aint that desperate, I never second-guess my instincts.

    Plus this is not squats in the gym - its supposed to be highly pleasurable, erotic - drinks, dinner, boat ride, pillow talk, etc. No regimen.

    When a woman smiles - really smiles, you see it in here mouth, her eyes, her soul, the way she holds her head, just so, the pout, that natural strut. Everything.

    I have always loved women more than I would ever dare to admit publicly.

    A woman's most endearing smile is that shit-eating grin that says later ...

    Keep smiling baby.

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