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Posts posted by petergawin

  1. The SK was offered a location on the main Superhighway 200 yds from Makro, FREE, AGENT, but he did not even reply to the offer!!!

    I had a look today but couldn't find it even though I'd copied the map, I'll have another go next week with the satellite map.

    Same here, The only wide soi in that area is one that goes to some shophouses, and houses, and it isnt soi 1-was 7 or 8. Some signage would be helpful.

  2. Please clarify. A Thai address? UK license?

    A UK license renewal can only be sent to a UK address.

    I require to use a UK address and arrange for FEDEX to collect and forward to me in Thailand.

  3. Does any one know where I can obtain finance to buy a car?

    My BF,Thai, is prepared to put the car in his name. When we lived near Hua Hin we were introduced to a Car company that was prepared to arrange the finance themselves and we paid into their bank every month but now we live in Chiang Rai.

    BTW I am looking to buy a good secondhand HONDA JAZZ.

  4. Can anyone explain why it is generally accepted, and ignored, when you see a beautiful girl and a "Tom" together but if gay guys walk together everyone points them out?

    I am not an "Acting" gay guy but live with my BF and have done for 6 years.

    I live near to CR university and there are ,literally, 100's of girls and "Toms" pass my house every day.

  5. We are two guys, one Thai and one Farang who have succesfully lived together for 6 years we would be really happy to be your freind's and maybe help you with some dating?? If you want to contact us we will be happy to help as there are many problems you can come across.

    Thank you so much everyone especiall Eddy. I really appreciate it. Not only I can help my friend, but I also help myself as well. We were and we are like almost in the same spot. When you hit to the bottom of your life, you will find the courage to do something new and different. And the result could be something that you have been waiting for all your life.

    By meeting new people and try something different, may help us to find the exit.

    If my friend and I can overcome the difficulties, and be able to settle a new life again.I will never ever for get your help. When someone gives you a hand in the most difficult situation, you will always......always..... always.... remember that hand for a long....long time

    Thanks everyone again

  6. :) Hello,

    I have just moved into a house in the mountains and been infomed that I have a working well in my garden.

    Can anyone help me by suggesting a suitable pump that will pump, direct from the well, when a tap is opened in the house. Also i need a strong pump that will "lift" about 30 ft. With good pressure.

  7. I live in the North of Thailand, on a mountain, it is very hot daytime but the night brings a very cold temperature. I am looking for a wood burning stove, as we have an abundance of old trees on our land.

    Failing that does anyone have an idea for heating? ( only required for 2 months every year)

  8. I have to local community storage tank ( 500,000 litres) on my land but my house is slightly higher so my water pressure is very low, also the previous owner reduced the supply pipe from 2" to 1/2" to our house.

    I plan to install a new water pipe 2" to my house but also want to install a filter and a pump to increase my pressure for a shower etc.

    Can anyone recommend a pump and filter? ( I live near to Chiang Rai)

  9. Having been a backyard gardner in the tropics for 40+yrs.....25 yrs Hawaii, 7 yrs Philippines, and 8 yrs in Thailand, I've experimented with a lot of seeds and have come up with a short list of my successes here in LOS and would like to share with other backyard farmers.


    We have just moved to Khun Korn,Chiang Rai and inherited a garden that was completely overrun!

    I have cleared a small area and tried to plant many seeds. ( Pea, lettuce, cabbage, brocoli,Basil, pumkin,etc,etc) but none of the seeds seem to germinate? Out of 2 rows i only got 6 carrots and spring onions 2, The same with many other seeds.

    I know i have many insects and bugs and have sprayed for them but i don't like to! Is there an alternative?

    I have been a gardener for many years in the Uk but cannot understand my failure here!

    (Except the heat and monsoon rain :) )

    Peter Jon

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