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Posts posted by johninthai

  1. :):D:D MY APPOLOGY...from the heart

    I have posted on tv a few times and now in retrospect have become one of the petty minded, bitter and twisted posters that seem to cast all expats in bad light.The advice that expatdiana gives about one needing to leave at least once a year so you dont become bitter and twisted is spot-on for all .I unfortunately don't have the energy or the motivation to do so.I wish....

    My terminal illness is the catalist for my lowering down to the gutter level with several other well known identities,but is not an excuse for it.

    When one is basically home/bound small things tend to become HUGE,and my reaction to some threads became almost an obsession,as an outlet for the frustration i have along with the clinical depression..tends to cloud ones mind!!!

    Please, don't think i'm looking for sympathy, ..far from it, i'm just so embarressed now when i look back over some comments i have made..it is simply not the old me to make such pathetic conversations and especially, to ever, in my 55+ years to post on a forum..WOW.,I always had so much to do to entertain myself.Looking at some of my sparring partners..makes me wonder if there is a name to attach to them...CPD for eg [compulsive posting disorder] Honestly ,previously if i had a spare moment or two ..very rarely.., i would rather watch Thai soapies with my lady, than post on a forum. Scurilous actors on soapies are a better choice than some of the "characters" on forum that i let [at the time unknowningly] drag me down to their level.NEVER AGAIN!

    I saw on T visa one time this quote, along these lines..'' Dont argue with idiots,because they will soon drag you down to their level and beat you up''.Unfortunately i did argue.....

    and the detrimental effect it has had is huge..but it was my doing!!To the nice people out there...be lucky, take care. To the others....take time to smell the flowers,and take that holiday so you dont stay bitter and twisted!

    I'm outa hereshortly,this has been home, and up till recenlty loved it, but my family want me buried at 'their'.. home....Finally an old quote but a relevant one..Live every day like its your last, because one day it will be.....never thought it would happen to me... :D

    To the thing that referred to my enquirey a while ago,about where i stood regarding back to back visa..understand this, i wasn't complaining to anyone about my pitiful pension, simply

    asking a question relevant to my circumstance. For you to use that in your petty attack on me has left me shocked, to say the least. Karma will get you... :D

    Come on you lot....life is short..nobody needs all this hostility.

    Thanks for the ride...

  2. "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist"

    No matter where I am in the world I will speak out about injustice, about crime, about people being preyed upon, about animals being used inhumanely, about children being abused, etc etc. What do you do ? Close your eyes when you see bad things and think of your happy place ??

    Strong men taking action against injustice is what makes the world a safer place for the weak.


    I figure that you are definately one of the 'group' that was pointed out!!Your reply is exactly as i for one would expect from you.

    You tell us my friend..what exactly do YOU do, apart from breastbeating on this forum? Please inform, i figure a lot of us descent expats would like to hear some good from you for a change..thank you

    You more often than not choose not to see the point being made and twist the post to suit your needs,maybe just to,as EPD says to "create angst"

    All the lady said was that in typical asian countries, the rot is so deeply encased that you have not a chance of changing things. All you will get is a headache...I hope you have a BIG box of panadol..lol :D

    Also a gem from you;

    Strong men taking action against injustice is what makes the world a safer place for the weak.

    When Queried by Yamantaka ..you posted;

    Perhaps your confusing me with one of those strong men.

    <deleted> are you on about here?

    Anyway EPdiane's post is a refreshing, and pleasant post.See if all can keep it that way..

    And definately NO ,The swill who commandere TV are definately not truely representative of all expats.

    Something about "the noisy minority" !! Good luck EPdiane, we need more people like you here and i for one hope you do decide on Phuket.

  3. The link in the chain that needs to be said is this, Jetskis businesses are owned by the local families, those local families are the very few registered voters for Patongs elections, those votes put Pian and Chirat up to the trough every few years.

    Its a tolerated scam because it suits everyone. The on the ground boys make money and can act like tough guys.. The police make money and kick it upstream through the ranks.. The local families make money and in turn that concession is leverage for votes and hence those sitting right at the top maintain thier grip on town.

    This isnt about one incident, its about far more than just jetskis.. Its down to the very attitude that 'we are Thai' and that gives them the right to do any scam / theft / control they like over the never ending stream of tourists. Its the attitude they are farming the pink coconuts and that more just grow on trees every high season. Thai people are not great at cause and effect thinking, or future planning, they have seen 15 years of non stop growth and that creates the mindset that business will always grow, more tourists will always come, bringing ever greater sums of money. But now they have hit tipping point, Phuket is now not much cheaper than the west, drinks, poor quality clothing, etc etc is on par but Thais dont know that. The attitude that you can do anything because "we are Thai people" and that visitors are there to be ripped off is now being covered, its all over youtube, being covered in shows like these and the global impression that these things create go a lot further and faster than some 'amuzing Thailand' adverts on CNN.

    I should also point out Thai people can be genuinely friendly accommodating and superb to be around. But this island is attracting people from outside the province whose aim of coming here it to make as much from the unprotected rich farangs by fair means or foul, its not a fair indication of the whole country but its rapidly becoming an on the ground truth here on this island.

    This isnt about one incident, its about far more than just jetskis.. Its down to the very attitude that 'we are Thai' and that gives them the right to do any scam / theft / control they like over the never ending stream of tourists. Its the attitude they are farming the pink coconuts and that more just grow on trees every high season. Thai people are not great at cause and effect thinking, or future planning, they have seen 15 years of non stop growth and that creates the mindset that business will always grow, more tourists will always come, bringing ever greater sums of money. But now they have hit tipping point

    :) dead right livinlos...but everyone thinks LOS..land of smiles, right? wrong ..land of SMIRKS !! right.. :D

    Lets not forget as you point out... this isn't just jetskis...from the moment you arrive in Phuket, as a newbie you are very obvious to these lowlifes.I recently had a young lady[ friend of my daughter] come visit my daughter,also on holiday here.She paid1,500 baht to get from airport to kata...HER QUOTE.."he was a really nice guy ,told me should be 2000 but happy day for you, only1500baht!"

    Then every single thing you want will be loaded against you,The 2 tiered pricing system is open slather!

    When you understand the Thais and are confided in and accepted[ especially in TOURIST AREAS ] you will hear" Farang in thailand generally are HATED" We'll take your money and SMILE..[sMIRK] and immediately you go, the talk amongst nearby traders is along the lines of"How much did you TAKE them for?"

    One thing that makes it easy for this to happen is people on holiday see the prices as generally cheaper than "back home" and pay the high price and also most farang dont like to haggle for lower price.And up till now there has been an endless stream of WALKING ATM's, but this is changing so expect bigger and worse problems in all areas, because it will be OUR FAULT.

    Don't want all you.."if you dont like it p-ss off brigade" to come back at me with all your venom, these are hard cold facts..I know i am still a newbie{only 14 years here} but have many ,many good Thai friends and family throughout the LOS, its a fact that the vultures and lowlifes of T/land have flocked here after seeing how the local "families"[from beach boys to BIG BOSS] have enriched themselves at our expense, and figure they all can have a piece themselves.

    Its all going to end in tears!! :D Sooner or later...

  4. Show me a 700 gram thick sliced wholegrain loaf in any supermarket mentioned for anywhere near 60 baht and i will give you 1000baht...cash for you! :D

    Ill send you my accont number, transfer the money and PM me your adress - iI send you the bread, Whole Grain, Rye, "Farmers Bread"!

    :) Interesting....tell me more please.eg where in phuket are you?

    The bread is as asked ie.700 gm thick sliced WHOLEGRAIN? Yes? near 60 baht/ yes?

    If not you send me 1000 baht ..ok..lol


  5. :)

    I returned yesterday with my new "double entry" so hopefully am good for the next 6 months, and i have been doing the same for maybe 3 years now.

    PLEASE advise me of my future prospects....i receive a disability pension from aus and due to the serious nature of my health i do not have to 'visit" australia at all.

    I CANNOT/DONOT work at all and simply aim to live here till i die here! I just scrape by in my 30,000 baht monthly and take care of my long time thai g/f and vica-versa.

    I have Absolutely no money for luxuries and live a basic lifestyle. I had a car and a motorcyce initially and have sold a bike to have money on hand for visa runs and living to supplement my pension..I have this and only this to get by on.I have under 60,000 baht in bank and assets of [my car...230,000 baht] so leaves me far short of satisfying the authorities as to long stay visa and the pension itself is well under the required 60,000 plus they require.

    Apart from the obvious"UP THE CREEK!!'' what are my options to stay here? :D

  6. Oh dear, how can a topic about Wholegrain Bread go so far downhill into a slanging match between some members.

    The last 6 posts have all been removed.

    Doubt there is much more to be said about where to find Wholegrain Bread. But if anyone has a good recommendation then post it up. Otherwise this post will be closed if the bickering continues.


    Hello livinginkata; really glad you stepped in,i don't like cencorship but there are obviously times when maybe you should not stand back and wait till things get so out of hand.I don't know the guidelines but maybe in future "in any post' if the reply is irrelevant you can"send back for consideration" or something along those lines.eg my looking for bread brings in a"troll for potential baker" totally irrelevant and maybe should not have been posted.

    This is only one small example of what happens and others have pointed out numerous similar queries that have turned into a free for all..which definately is not what this is all about.

    If people have something to offer of relevance, great for all, if they have no worthwhile comment pass on the subject...it really is that simple.

    Thanks anyway..John :D

  7. Phew!!!...... well, the animosity that can be generated on this board by a seemingly innocent request for information never ceases to amaze me.

    There was a similar thread recently where someone tried to make an enquiry about the availability of sea salt. That too descended into a mindless slanging match.

    To return to the topic…. should anyone be interested. And, johninthai I hope that, despite your justified protestations you are still reading……..

    I think we may have been a little cross purposes given the myriad variations in the English language.

    The flour which I use is imported from Australia. It is labelled "WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR (stone grind). To my thinking this is wholemeal.

    I usually add a little white flour (from the same company labelled "hard wheat flour") which produces a lighter, less dense, loaf. The word, "hard" in baking terms indicates a high gluten content, or wheat protein which produces a bread with a better texture. Soft flours produce more "cakey" results.

    Thailand often adopts the American way (this alone, is a subject worthy of some discussion) and labels flour "all purpose flour" which is both a misnomer and unnecessarily confusing.

    Making bread is so easy here, given the friendly temperatures. You do not need a "breadmaker" which, in any case, would be imported and therefore expensive, but you do need an oven which is the only stumbling block. Thais don't use them in the home so they are shoddily made and overpriced. I am currently on my third electric one which has died only four months after purchase!

    I am coming to the conclusion that gas ovens are better but few of them seem capable of the requisite temperature. Any recommendations here would be gratefully received.

    For further information, there is also a very good baking supply shop in Bangkok Road, Phuket town on the right hand side just before the fountain.

    There is a German or Swiss baking supply shop in Rawai which, I think is called Schmidt. They sell all manner of German bread mixes.

    Now then, some of you, try and find something contentious in that!!


    Thanks mrjohn...i wasn't comming back initially ,but when i saw your post i weakened and here i am.

    Like i said initially your reply was the only sensible one, and as you and hopalong pointed out the behaviour of a few[the local gang] is shameful...i believe you read the obnoxious postings just before the moderator removed them...same as the seasalt and many, many more.

    Never been so embaressed to be an expat in my life,the local gang should hang there heads in shame!

    Anyway i am replying to you and if the gang misconstues anything i write as of now...i will not lower myself to play there funny games again.

    Mrjohn, give up on the electric oven option . Look for the Sanyo gas oven, made in thailand i believe.In "a previous life" i was a chef and gas is the 100% choice in pro kitchens because of the rapid initial heat up and after ,the degree of control of this heat from low,slow simmer to rapid boil in seconds is unmatchable in the average electric oven, let alone a Thai-style one..

    It is a conventional size, white enamel oven with three gas rings on top, one of which is a large one to use a wok on.

    The oven has both top and bottom heating and seperate top and bottom controls, and all have auto ignition facility.

    I used mine for two years in C/M every single day and sometimes twice daily and had NO problem at all. When i sold my house the oven still looked and worked as new.

    The only small problem is the temp guage built into the door..had a m,ind of its own, but after a few uses you soon get a feeling for it and you can also buy a cheap therostat to place inside and double check.

    I often cooked pork roasts and the crackle was the best! because of the high temps you can get, so it will be excellent for breadmaking where you need a good "solid heat".

    The next best thing about this oven is the price...I paid 5500 baht 2-3 years ago so maybe up to 7000 now..i think we bought at Macro but not 100% sure now.Excellent value..go buy with confidence..

    After showing friends in C/M the idiocy response from 'the local gang' a mate up there has organised a weekly delivery of the great bread from the bakery to my condo here for under 90 baht a loaf!!Too easy,and the info from the bakery is as you say mrjohn, wholewheat flour but with added WHOLEGRAINS to give that extra flavour and texture... :D

  8. We've looked in here a couple of times, never seen any loaves, only baquettes and cakes.

    I think enough has been said and the consensus is the best is at The Belgian Bakery

    Johninthai seems to be getting a bit jumpy so I'm signing out.


    Good on you welly..."ME? a bit jumpy...HEY all i did was post a request for exactly what i needed to know and why shouldn't i point out that the responses are out of touch with the request.

    Hey look back..i get a guy claiming i'm a baker "TROLLING"..lol thats the winner! :D

    I say "not interested in Carrefour etc" and what do i get ?Telling me to buy bread AT CARREFOURE, bigC lotas etc...come on...it was a simple request...why reply if you cant help?

    Wholegrain to wholemeal is like comparing Diesal to petrol...my car needs diesal...my body needs WHOLEGRAIN ..

    Maybe you have face daeng after throwing off at me BEFORE you read my previous response to you welly...lol.[even tho it was appreciated ]..i think you missunderstood my note to mrjohn and maybe more as he was good enough to point out where people were going off track..EG to karenbravo... [mrjohn IS NOT johninthai.. i hope you know that]

    Hello mrjohn..thanks again for info re making bread..but my condo has only basic cooking appliance...

    For future plans though, can you buy wholegrain breadmix where you buy your flour?

    Mabe a breadmaker/baker will be the go!

    Anyway if any readers have the info i'm looking for ie 700grm WHOLEGRAIN [sandwich, square style] bread i welcome your serious informed info...thank you :D

  9. The topic under discussion here, was and is, "REAL WHOLEGRAIN BREAD" ........not baguettes, and certainly not "brown" bread. Good white bread has it's place, and there are good white breads available all over the island. Personally I rate the Bastogne white bread very highly. I have yet to try the bread from the bakery near Promphan.

    But the issue was, where to buy good wholemeal (AKA "staff of life" bread).

    I still maintain that the answer is to make your own.

    I made three loaves of 100% wholemeal bread today at approximately 25 Bht per loaf!

    :) Thanks mrjohn for your pointing out that this discussion is for REAL WHOLEGRAIN BREAD..but are you making wholegrain or wholemeal bread?Wholemeal bread usually contains only 10% meal [that is the milled and crushed "skin" of the wheat ] and 90% white flour...thats why i eat and enjoy the flavour of WHOLEGRAIN bread which is made with a variety of WHOLEGRAINS, not just wheat.....

  10. The thread is about wholemeal bread NOT wholegrain.

    By saying that the baguette was good at the bakery next to Promphan, I was making people aware that:-

    1. There was a bakery there that they might not have known about.

    2. If the baguette was good, maybe the WHOLEMEAL bread is too.

    Hello karenbravo The post IS ABOUT WHOLEGAIN bread...not wholemeal..and the info wanted is for 700 gm WHOLEGRAIN bread thank you can buy baguettes near anywhere, not so for what i want!!

  11. Soft,squidgy,not really edible except as lining for a bread and butter pudding

    If you want a Proper loaf go the The Belgian Bakery, opposite Chalong Wat, will cost 120 bht

    Dead right about the sh--t they sell as bread in supermarkets...Thanks will try The Belgian....

  12. Is this a troll from a 'potential' baker? I use many different bakeries, but have never seen decent bread circa the 60 baht target price? Anyone else?

    :) WHY bother replying if you cannot supply the information i requested??

    LIKE I SAID ...In C/M i was paying 60baht for a 700 gm loaf of whole grain bread!!!

    Now looking on phuket for similar..i realise that phuket prices will be inflated and will pay accordingly.

    "A TROLL' from a potential baker??????Good grief,what are you on?

    Thank you MRJOHN for the one and only decent and RELEVANT reply....I'll keep on looking..

  13. Recently moved to Phuket after 3 years in Chiang-mai. RimpingSupermarkets up there had an amazing range of imported foods at good prices.

    What they also sold was REAL WHOLEGRAIN BREAD made locally. NOT sweet doughy Thai style bread but exactly the same as aus bread...700gram loaf sliced thick was 60 baht!!

    QUESTION:where on phuket can i buy same-same?

    Help any leads please?

    PS Not at all interested in overpriced Carrefour etc.... :)

  14. :) Hello to all..Am off to Vientiane next week for Tourist visa..Will arrive at the border near 7.30 pm.

    Any problems this time of day..crowds , closed? etc...?

    I heard you pay 1,300 baht for Laos visa...YES?

    Do you need photo copies of relevant passport and personal photo or Two to apply for Laos visa?

    How much should you pay for a ride to Vientiane city?

    Anyone stayed at Riverine on riverfront, or at Riverside hotel, near each other?

    Can suggest a better hotel??? near 600 baht

    Thanks for advice to follow! :D

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