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Posts posted by dubwise

  1. Im sorry but to those who are singing its praises : Singa Light is an utterly repulsive drink!

    I think I would rather drink normal Sing and accept the next days fate than put that disgusting c**p into my system!

  2. it's her culture...and her country...

    well when we get behind closed doors there are just 2 of us - and unfortunately that equals the cultures of 2 people, and 2 countries. Im not demanding I be able to plant kisses all over her like some demented rapist, I would just occasionally like to show her my affection with a kiss, thats all!

  3. (Assuming you are on the level and not trolling)

                                Did you ever consider that she just does not like you? Just like in the west, girls usually do not kiss guys they do not like. Maybe she likes you, but only as a friend. Maybe she is playing innocent and has 3 giks on the side (I know it hard to believe "real" thai girls actually do that!?). Maybe she is just shy. Who the ###### knows? I do find it strange that after knowing her for 2 whole weeks, you are already thinking about bringing her to england. Also when a woman says "you can never kiss me", this does not inspire confidence in further relations......

    Well a. im pretty sure she does like me

    b. I wasnt thinking about takng her to England that was purely a hypothetical scenario

    and c. i dont think she exactly said 'you can never kiss me', just 'dont kiss me its rude in thailand'

    as for the post about not being able to kiss her until I marry her, well frankly if in the long term she had continued to be 'offended' by my desire to kiss her then I would be the one starting to be offended. And what happens if I marry her, and then it turns out she STILL wont kiss me???? Sure, this is Thailand and like I said I have the upmost respect for Thai culture, but there are TWO people in a relationship, and whilst I accept that if I am to be with her I need to adapt to her culture, likewise if she wants to be with me (and it really does seem like she does), im afraid she also needs to adapt somewhat to mine.

  4. Ok - forgive me I have long been a reader of this site but this is my first post. Basically I have been living here for 3 months now, had a couple of liasons with bar-girls here, simply because I have friends here and that is their 'scene', although not mine. I am fully aware of the differences between BGs and 'real' thai girls, and the last 2 weeks I have begun courting a girl who is most definitely 'real' (forgive me - im not implying BGs aren't real, but you know what I mean). I am 27 and she is 24. Now tonight an 'issue' has arisen - I attempted to kiss her, and she refused my kiss - she told me 'no- you can never kiss me - this is very rude in Thailand'. Now I have the upmost respect for Thai culture and I know you are not allowedd to touch peoples heads, but the problem where I come from (England) is that we SHOW AFFECTION by kissing. This girl really likes me, and vice versa - I want to have a relationship with her -however, I cannot possibly contemplate never, ever, being able to kiss her. I mean its not only that, if I introduced her to my parents/family friends, the first thing they would do is kiss her!!! What have others done in this situation? All I can think about is the thought of kissing her - its the way my brain works. Do you think I would be able to eventually convince her that its ok for us to kiss?

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