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Posts posted by cup-O-coffee

  1. The sad and disgusting reality is that this kind of mindless pap is fed to Thais daily, and they truly absorb it with an alacrity that no science can explain. Their giggles and broad smiles upon reading this kind of trash beggars the mind.

    It reminds me of how Asians, throughout history, had treated their prisoners of war, and I am not surprised at this present, diminutive behavior.

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  2. So, parents should ignore their children most of the time, and only give them attention when they screw up, and beat the daylights out of them. That is what the OP is suggesting, yes?

    Who is really guilty of incompetence here?

    To summarily dismiss the behavior of those, whom the OP is suggesting enforce the correction of the bad behavior, and to assume that these enforcers go out and "set an example" from the same set of principles which they violate, seems to me to be a desperate act of irony.

    The people might be a lot of things, but they are not stupid, and I trust that this very behavior is proof, and moreover a bad symptom of the much larger problem: negligence of responsibility, duty and obligation to one's charges, in a manner that must be honorable and above ill repute.

    Nah! I didn't think so!

  3. Both the Egyptians and the Syrians had the most up-to-date Russian anti-aircraft defense capability at the time (1967, 1973) and it did not help them defeat Israel so there is no reason to think anything has changed.

    you seem to be a strategic genius. please tell us more how surface-to-air missiles are used in a "land war" -specifically in tank battles- which happened outside of Egypt and Syria.

    The Israelis had total air superiority and the Arabs tried to neutralize that superiority with top shelf Russian air defense weapons which failed miserably. Both wars were won from the air. In 73, once the Israelis crossed into Egypt they quickly knocked out the Egyptian air defense turning it into a route. It took them a bit longer than six days as it happened in 67 but it was quick. A cease fire was a blessing for the Arabs in the 73 war.

    Thanks for the history lesson. It's 2015. Russia is arming its friendly neighbors against attacks like this from ever happening again. We already know what Israel, the US Federal Zone and their Masters have done and does, and how they legitimize their crimes, trespasses, treachery, blackmail, secret wars, spying, etc. against those who are not "for them".

    It's refreshing, as an individual who must sit and watch the story unfold, to see someone step up to the plate and finally give these criminals a black eye and make them stop dead in their tracks.

    • Like 1
  4. Like it or not, this was expected after US fiasco with Ukraine.

    Did US administration think Putin will just take the abuse and crawl into a corner.

    I am afraid, this is only the start, more to follow to undermine US everywhere else.

    Already some UN members are advising US to listen to Russian advice on Syria,(though unsure what the actual advice was)

    One thing you can not take away from Putin is that he is an excellent tactician and plays very well.

    Only US is surprised, this was most certainly expected and the more US and NATO play around Russian borders, there would be more sales to come and not always to the friendliest people on this planet.

    I agree with everything apart from your adulation for the 'excellent tactician'.

    He is a reactive, never proactive force in both tactics and what he passes off as Russian diplomacy. I guess he has to be when militarily, the Russians are poorly matched versus the US and NATO. Even with regard to military spending they are also-rans. The biggest ace he holds right now is the US and Allies' growing disengagement with realpolitik which I consider only contributes to messes like Syria and enables aberrations like IS to spread. It is noted how Putin doesn't offer to assist with eradicating what is obviously an evil blight on humanity but continues to use its divisive nature and the west's disarray on a united policy or strategy to the great disadvantage of what he still still considers to be the old enemy.

    I read an enlightening article about the younger Putin as a KGB officer in Dresden a few weeks after the Wall fell. Allegedly when faced with growing civil unrest by the local populace, he called on the local Red Army tank commander for a show of force. He was told "We cannot do anything without orders from Moscow and Moscow is silent." He was on his own and some consider that has helped mold the Putin we see today. Unlike the tank commander who was left holding a silent phone in 1989, Putin is not going to rely on or even wait for the worlds permission. When things get out of hand, he subverts, invades or annexes. He is like a hammer and delivers only what hammers can; blunt force trauma.

    @NanLaew: A lot of what you suggest has already been said over the Internet. There are a lot of pros and cons about this man, and for me the jury is still out, but I find that my admiration for him is growing steadily day by day as he handles multiple issues that have been handed to him with great deftness and skill. I need to see things unfold more and how he handles those things before I can form a concrete opinion on him, but for the time being, let's say were I to have to choose him over Obama for my POTUS, then I would definitely choose Putin.

    I would appreciate your views on Putin and how you rate his performance against the odds and those who are against him and their tactics as well.

    • Like 1
  5. I think the author is not disengenuous but focused on geopolitics, while you focus on the adage "follow the money". I agree with you that on this issue, money trumpts (geo)politics.

    Incidentally, I think you mean the The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). That's indeed a big development, underreported by the media. The AIIB is a frontal attack on Bretton Woods and the dollar as the global reserve currency.

    It almost seems disengenuous to write this article without any mention of the newly formed NDB (New Development Bank). Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS).

    This new reserve currency bank will have is completely backed by gold. Moreover, Germany plans to back this new bank. It is also not new to the Internet that, "The Russian and the Chinese wanted to stop use of the Treasury bonds in their banking systems. The crime for Russia is not only did they boot out the Rothschild bankers, they wanted to stop US dollar trade settlement. So they got the same treatment that Iran and Irag got-war." here.

    I personally believe that this is a significant development in world economics, and regarding the visceral behavior of the NWO, in military strategy as well. I invite anyone to investigate this new development, which has many articles deserving of due diligence.

    To merely write an article implying that the United States (Federal Zone) is paranoid and not mention this legitimate development is, in my view, another attempt at deception. Shame on this reporter for his ignorance or aganda.

    Keep in mind that the bank will be set up with 100 billion, but that is 100 billion backed by gold.

    Paranoid, I think, is not the appropriate word for those who hold nation's economies, food supplies and labor industries captive. The interesting thing here that is being proven, and will eventually be difficult to ignore for even the most unintelligent person is that a story held together by lies comes apart quite easily when the audience has a better place to go.

    Just my take on this... and buying up gold and silver is the way to go, it seems.

    A few good speculative reads:



    Thanks, but I mean the NDB brought about by BRICS. It's not the same as the one you mentioned. Totally new.

  6. I have no problem with Iran.

    Of course not. You have had numerous posts deleted for being clearly anti-Semitic over the last few years. You don't even pretend that your main concern is Israel as opposed to generic Jews. Radical Islam often proclaims, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

    Do you realize that you are admitting and condoning the fact that I have had numerous posts deleted for being clearly anti-Semitic over the last few years?

    Nice one, UG. You are doing the job for me and I haven't even raised a finger.

    Yes, I am condoning the fact that you have had numerous posts deleted for being clearly anti-Semitic and racist over the last few years. This is no place for hate speech and I am quite happy to "out" you for that. I just wanted to point it out to members who missed these nuggets of bigotry before the moderators got rid of them, so they would know exactly who they are dealing with.

    Well, yet again you are calling out a lot of attention on much much more than little ole' me,

    "For those who understand, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, no explanation is possible."

    • Like 1
  7. I don't get it. What's the big deal? It's not as if so-called Americans and Europeans aren't guilty of being in support of their own leaders from doing that and much more. US military budget annually totals more than all other nations combined.

    I have no problem with Iran. It's a country many thousands of miles away, and every Iranian I meet when out and about are truly kind and generous and seriously interested in my thoughts about world events.

    Iran is a great country with a great history, cultural values, traditions, etc. and moreover has not attacked anyone in over 200 years.

    How many military bases does Iran have all over the world?

    The problem is not with the Iranian people or the country, the problem is with the Iranian state, those who hold the power in Iran and what their agenda is. The Mullahs hold the power, the state backs internatonal terrorism, wish to spread islam and sharia law across the planet and have a stated aim of wiping Isreal of the map. Obama seems hell bent on letting Iran aquire nukes and putting in place such a sophisticated SAM system will ensure neutralising the nuclear threat from Iran becomes orders of magnatude more difficult.

    A state which supports, funds and exports the terrorist ideal of islam, has nukes and also posseses the means to defend themselves is not in the west's interest and must not be allowed to happen.

    I understand the construct of your argument, yet I also understand that you have built this argument from a myriad of pieces which are spread all over the table, a table that is in front of us all. On this table are hundreds of bits and pieces of truths, from which if a construct is created and the wrong pieces left out, or the wrong pieces used in the construct, one can build an argument that seems good enough, yet misses the other points entirely.

    If we focus only on Iran, and if we only permit ourselves to listen to the distorted views of the NWO Elite and their puppets, then, yes! Iran is a danger. Is it possible to get struck with a bolt of lightening? Yes. But what are the probabilities? The NWO Elite, their puppets and the puppet media would have you believe that the probabilities are an absolute certainty. They do not count on you using your brain, and only to altruisticly embrace therir every announcement.

    But with that being said, I am convinced that the NWO Elite and their puppets have absolutely no interest in me, and moreover they are more interested in doing far worse to me - who I consider to be one they should be sworn to protect and uphold laws of human decency - than that which those insist that Iran endeavors to some day do to me, or my sons and their sons and daughters, from 13,000 miles away.

    The point here is... and I stress this point... is that were the idiot fools of sheep masses to truly understand the very underminings going on in their own countries at present, and the lies and deceptions being used to distract their attentions away from their very own freedoms and benefits being stolen away... and rather instead having their attentions being trained on mindless, filthy lying pap spewing from the TV and media, then there would be revolution on a much larger scale than what the "terrorists" are purportedly being accused of.

    Were it to come down to a discussion of comnparing, say, the USA and Iran, regarding crimes against humanity... crimes against the peoples of these nations... crimes against the leaders for violating the laws of the land... the Constitutions and such things as the Bill of Rights, etc. ...then the USA would come out on top as the worst offender of all. Iran would appear as a garden paradise next to the USA.

    What it really is all coming down to, or so it seems, is that this NWO is aggressively speeding up their agenda to dominate the world with their power, fiat currencies, control of governments by installing puppets, and so forth. I do not wish to go into great detail because there simply is not enough time, and moreover, for those who understand, no explanation is necessary, and for those who do not, no explanation is possible.

    Nations are getting fed up. Iran is no different. This mad concept of us against them is getting to wear thin, simply because the ones who are telling us it's us against them... well, they are in fact the ones against us all. They are the ones attacking other nations with economic sanctions. They are the ones resirting to usury and putting nations into bankruptcy... they are the ones punishing those who refuse to go along with their agenda.

    What gave the UN the right to murder Gaddafi without due process? Does anyone even know that Libya was peaceful leading up to the UN attacking, Gaddafi was in the process of making his own currency and backing it with gold? There is so much more? Article 1 of the UN Charter declares that Nations have the right to their own self-determination. The UN murdered Gadaffi without due process... right under every freedom fighting, freedom preaching human being's nose. But again, who gave authority the UN to murder him without any cause or due process? As the UN is a sock puppet arm of the IMF, the World Bank and others, I am not surprised. But people are so utterly ignorant, stubborn, stupid and supersititous these days that they are almost not worth saving in these times of deception and myth.

    People who occupy their own countries have an inalienable right to work out their own wrongs. They have an inalienable right to elect their leaders and to decide how their way of life will be. Interfering in this matter is the highest form of crime I can think of. Doing so with deception, murder, lies, sanctions, blackmail, bribery, etc. makes it only worse.

    The things of which Iran is accused of is so ironically ludicrous when one pulls back the sordid dealings of those accusing Iran, that one cannot help but ponder if there is some kind of crime being committed. One feels that prickling feeling at the nape of their neck. Yet when one decides to turn their attention to the Internet and give themselves over to hundreds of hours of self-study, and apply their intellect and heart, one begins to see the truths being revealed. It takes time... months... years. Many mistakes will be made in views and opinions, but as time goes on, and one presses in, one will truly begin to see the lies which spew from Western leader's mouths.

    Thusly, what you say seems good enough, but I simply cannot take it at face value and bring my guns to bear on Iran. Were Iran to be guilty of anything, I would consider that to be nothing more than a symtpom of a far greater evil that deserves my attention. Ridding ourselves of the disease would in all likelihood resolve many of these symptoms, which the disease would otherwise have me focus my attention on.


    I agree with most of what you have said. Still it is perfectly valid to outline the threat posed by a nuclear Iran without going down the many twisted paths of geopolitics.

    To me it's simple. The power base in Iran is populated by fundamentalist islamists who wish to dominate and rule the middle east and then spread their twisted version of islam around the world. Iran has developed ICBM's whose only possible utility is to carry a nuke. Iran is furiously building cascading gas centrifuges which will allow it to produce weapons grade uranium. They are now positioned to become a existential nuclear threat. This can not be allowed to happen. If the USA and Russia don't get a handle on this then you know that Isreal will take matters into their own hands and the result could very much affect us all.

    Understood, but if the track record of Israel and the USA Federal Zone are supposed to be of any confort to me, then you have fallen well short.

    To even suggest that something which does not exist... will exist ...and that those who are in part responsible for these symptoms (Israel and the USA Federal Zone) are somehow the good guys and I should worship them and thank them for saving me from the very edge of doom in which they have brought the human race to, then I must abjectly disagree with your point of view.

    The USA Federal Zone and Israel are about as evil as it can get when one considers how much the one has deserted its people and the other raises its people to messianic value. In my view, that is extremely dysfunctional and sick. Where is the humanity in that?

    Iran has not even begun to do the things you submit, and yet you seem to be so obtuse as to not even see that Israel and the USA Federal Zone are scores and scores ahead in the game of crimes against humnanity, war crimes, treason, etc.

    Iran's so-called intentions (as you see it and have bought into) could very well be is a sympton of the evil which comes from those who you suggest need to "do something about it".

    That, quite frankly, scares the Hell out of me.

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  8. I have no problem with Iran.

    Of course not. You have had numerous posts deleted for being clearly anti-Semitic over the last few years. You don't even pretend that your main concern is Israel as opposed to generic Jews. Radical Islam often proclaims, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

    Do you realize that you are admitting and condoning the fact that I have had numerous posts deleted for being clearly anti-Semitic over the last few years?

    Nice one, UG. You are doing the job for me and I haven't even raised a finger.

    "For those who understand, no explanation is necessary.

    For those who do not, no explanation is possible."

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  9. No man or group of men throughout history have ever managed to quell the human spirit.

    It's odd that TV World News has not said anything (unless I am mistaken) about BRIC.

    The downfall of the New World Order and the Jewish Bankers, the Queen and the IMF. People are getting fed up, to include Greece and others.

    Vladimir Putin is a man to be dealt with,

    Check out BRIC and the new currency soon to be coming to your local 7-11.

    Brazil, Russia, India, China.

    Bye Bye Fiat currency and NWO, and imposter POTUS, and Jewish banker control of slave nations.

    Hello BRIC and the regeneration of freedom.

  10. Much ado about nothing. The reason I say this is because people devalue those who did far more for those who were not Jews and they do not get such recognition. This stinks of more propoganda and is moreover a moot point in the vast consideration human compassion, kindness and generosity. It's a celebration of mediocrity. Let's move on already. Since 70+ years ago hundreds of millions have dies and sacrificed. I am gettin sick of this trump card.

  11. Thai visas finest debating integration. Typing from Thailand. Oh the irony.

    Simple solution about not integrating, let's stick them all on the australian equivalent of a temporary visa. According to some erstwhile posters here that is the reason why they don't need to integrate into LOS. They aren't permanent. They are expats!

    What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right fellas?

    Comparing us to the lowest bottom feeders of the human race is not going to get you very far. We leave and take our companies, toys, corporations and money, and Thailand goes back to the stone age. They leave our countries and we rise back to greatness. We are here because we can do it at our convenience. They are there because our governments pay for them to be there and in turn destroys our futures, traditions, values, cultures, etc. and drives the intelligent ones to places like this, where we aren't bothered that much. We do not stir up trouble in the proportions they stir up trouble.

    Big differences here, Chief! Your logic concerns me very much.

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  12. The Chinese come and rarely assimilate, that's why there are Chinatown areas all over the place. In the 90's Aussies were afraid of the Japanese because they were buying up lots of real estate. Gold Coast was renamed Little Tokyo.

    So now it's the muslims turn and next decade it will be someone else's turn.

    Australian economy is going to downturn very soon and they are in for a lot of problems and some will try to blame everyone but themselves.

    I left Oz a couple of years ago and returned for a short holiday and am in no hurry to return again. The place is way too expensive now and it is ready for some major unrest.

    Aaah, xenophobia - and we thought it was a Thai thing .....

    The Chinese have been in Australia since the Gold Rush of the 1800s and they've contributed a hell of a lot more to the country than the Lebanese. Check a map sometime and ask yourself which is closer - Hong Kong or Beirut. Australia will - hopefully - wear a predominately Asian face by 2150, and that has to be a good thing for its future survival.

    I would submit that Linky is not describing his irrational dislikes or fears. He does not have to make a long, drawn out post to state what I suspect are his rational and legitimate dislikes and fears he may have, as well as rational and legitimate complaints and such. I call that survival instinct... NOT xenophobia.

  13. Large class sizes... too much parading before classes allows for only around 35 minutes of lessons after everyone is seated and has their books out and all the chatter dies down...

    Having the teacher not lecture, and turn the discussion over to groups is also stupid if this is not supervised. The kids get to decide who they will be with in the group... one or two always dominate and... lecture, or carry the conversation... the remainder always sit there waiting for the dominant ones to lay down the law, and everyone else follows along blindly.

    After a few weeks of this, the blueprint for this training begins to suffer from Thai culture, and the details begin to get foggy... people begin to forget the intent... lazyiness and apathy set in... students lose interest in the methods to get them interested...

    Back to ground zero.

    Results? Wasted effort!

  14. It seems that the only time parents are mentioned in the headlines is when they are killing, being killed, or were a factor that caused a tragedy. Never are they mentioned when issues like education, family values, etc. are being brought to our attention. Could the problems with Thai families run so deep that Thainess avoids these core problems?

    I am certain that a child does not just wake up one day and decides to murder his or her mother and father and brother. But the ignored factors leading up to this are so regrettable and despicable. When anyone endeavors to look in to these issues, too many people lie and conceal the truths that might bring abut a healthy change. Too many people protest, and the ones endeavoring to look in to these issues are shamed into the Thainess form of avoidance and embarrassment for "offending" someone.

    It's never a Thai's fault, and you'll be a daisy if you ever hear one admit it when consequences and ramifications towards the accused are involved.

    My view on that.

  15. ""We are taking this seriously and investigating it," said the official, who asked not to be named. "If the taxi driver indeed left the passengers behind, it certainly constitutes a wrongdoing, because the driver did not take the passengers to the destination."

    Problem 1: The copper says he and his will take this seriously, but does not want to be named. Sounds to me like a liar and a coward.

    Problem 2: "If the taxi driver indeed left the passengers behind..." equates to, "We have to locate him and hear his sad sad story and all the legitimate excuses so as to make sure that this poor, lowly, Thai man is not misunderstood by us, the media, the people and the world. We are the HUB of compassion when it comes to understanding our people's legitimate actions and foreigner's complain."

    Eventual results: Nil. You stupid foreigners. Nothing happened. You simply do not understand the process.

    That is exactly how I feel about that.

  16. Given the gossipy nature of the people in these areas, I find it difficult to buy into the story that there aren't any clues out there, or statements dropped over a cup of whiskey, which might provide a lead. This is simply too much to believe, that no one knows why, or even has an inkling. I submit that someone knows something, or suspects something, but will keep it to themselves until retribution is carried out. Just a guess, but more in line with the way these people operate within these tiny, close-knit communities. Justice seems to be carried out, outside of the local "law" and the police seem to be only there, three steps behind, to pick up the pieces when they are not occupied with their own agendas.

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