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Posts posted by WildChilli

  1. He's Swedish. Sweden has one of the most extensive and generous welfare systems in the world. I personally know a Swedish resident (not even a citizen) who was recently flown home from the IDC.

    If this man is not insane then he must want to sleep on the street near nana plaza. After rereading the OP it appears the man has mental issues. Let's hope he gets home soon and on proper medication and into rehab.

    Like many expats, addicted to alcohol & Thai female pheremones. And this isn't even a troll post or a joke. Poor unfortunate guy.

    There's a cure for the Thai female pheromones

    Just marry one

  2. The joys of Thailand sadly the greed and corruption of the population will sooner than later leave Thailand a deserted place for Thai only and anyone who's silly enough to go there only for the memories of what Thailand used to be
    Bless them for their ignorance of the outside world and what we as turist and long term stayers being with us in funds who feed many family's every year
    They have in resent years made Thailand a unattractive place and in so many ways made it in more than clear that westerners are not very welcome at all though it's not the view of all the population the goverment is making a stand that is now so transparent no one can deny that unless you are Thai you better get out
    Bless you all whom have moved heven and earth to make a life there
    My plans of early retirement and a life in Thailand have changed to a no way I will put my self through that kind of torture

    Won't even go on holiday there
    I Treat Thailand like I do a shop with bad service
    Ain't getting a cent out of me
    Pease out
    • Like 1
  3. "If this is true, then I doubt that anything less than a good beating of this teacher would satisfy most western parents. You send your kids to school to learn and become educated socially and academically, not to be beaten and abused - by anybody. I'm ok with parents giving their own kids a clip around the ear when it's necessary, but that is reserved for parents only. This teacher needs taking for a picnic with the other fruitcake in a precious thread ( Postman Alcky ) and sorting out properly !"

    So lets get this right. You would condone physical violence against women in this case?

    If it was my kid beaten black and blue

    You would not be able to stop me from hurting who ever assaulted and abused my kid in such way !!!

    What ever your choice may be OP

    Do not let that monster of a person get away with this if the law don't protect the kids SOMEONE have to

    Bless you for bringing this out in the open

    • Like 1
  4. Y2k.

    Honestly take the advice from the lads here

    Unless you are ao filthy rich you can throw money away and not worry about it

    In witch case can you throw some my way too


    Loyalty from some of the Thai girls only goes as far as your wallet can supply new stories that they tell their friends of how much money you spend on her when the wallet dry up so does the stories then your not good enough for her anymore


    Sure there is good girls too I know a few who stand by their man in good times and bad

    But they are as rare as milonare Thai girls who wants to date poor westerners

  5. The day I dropped my iPhone was a big disaster.

    I thought.

    I had bought an ฿8000.- Samsung for my wife's birthday a month or two before so we decided to stick with that for a bit. No way will I be buying a new iPhone now, Samsung does everything I want and I don't have to log in to bloody iTunes when I want to do anything. I have Google maps, which is a big plus for me and that saves me buying a GPSA system that I have to hide (including the mounting bracket) every time I leave the car.

    Jailbroke my first Iphone 4 within first hour I had it

    Still use it now as a GPS tomtom app works great no SIM card needed and as a jail broken phone all apps I want I can find free somewhere never had a problem with it had it since dec 2009

    Only reason I upgraded to the 4s in 2013 was volume on the 4s was louder than the older 4

    It's Easyer with apple if you want it different jailbreak it as for risk of damage when dropped both have been used and abused at work dropped more than 50 times between the 2 of them from heights over 1 meter not once a scratch due to my choice of cover the soft silicone style one have protected them both from day one

    With a screen protector film on both sides

    Did I mention I hated apple products till I had a play around with one in dec 2009 and found out how easy they where to use compared with windows based android ones with their silly menus

    apple wins any time with their easy menus and well working functions Jailbroken sure to be able to mod to what I prefer my phone to be a tool for work and a toy for them pesky moments where I want to watch a movie I have plenty ready to go in minutes I can add movies to VLC player or download comedy with mx tube from YouTube

    Battery life who cares there's charges in any place you go now a days laptop car planes

  6. Not wanting to seem naive but are all dating sites a scam?

    No thailovelinks it's not a scam site

    However there is a few pro scammers on the site

    There are more nice girls on the sites and it's easy to set up a few meetings for a holiday should you wish to do so

    I have personally met and made Freinds with a few girls online and meet up with in Thailand meeting their family's on my travels in Thailand

    So wish you

    Good luck

    be kind to the ones who are gunuine

    • Like 1
  7. Watch Cesar the dog whisper on YouTube

    Used same and similar ways to train my dog

    From a stray dog that was aggressive towards

    Other dogs and dark colored people

    To a perfect family dog that with hand signals would follow commands without words

    It would certainly worth speying them as it may well modify their aggression. Even if it doesn't your ahead as when they come into season you won't have an annoying pack of suitors at your gate.

  8. I know what you mean. Why I remember reading a thread about a guy who accused all Thais of having no shame or morals because they overcharged him 5 baht on a cup of coffee. Imagine confusing a 5 baht overcharge with shame and morals and worse applying his judgement to all Thai people because of his experience.

    I don't know what to say.

    I don't know what makes Farang so bitter. Especially over 5 baht.

    A Thai woman ( ॢ◡-ॢ)

  9. Is there any penalties to the seller if the dispute is opened? That's what I want to avoid.

    If no, then I'll contact the seller and notify him that I will also take it to the resolution center?

    Shipping was free (means cheap) so no tracking number.

    As long as seller solves the missing item in disputes center within the given time no problems

    Your feedback in disputes center and feedback on sellers eBay page can always be left as positive or negative with a decryption of sellers willingness to resolve the situation they run a business treat them like that

    If payed by PayPal sellers can lose the paypal account as a seller if they don't solve the issue in given time

    Only once had to do a dispute as the items sent some 500$ Worth where not originals but mass produced unlike the eBay description on sellers page I recived a 50% discount within days

    Positive feedback sent but with a description of what is really being sold

  10. Even from Thailand you should be able to find

    A didgy on eBay I'm sure I've seen a few sold there for a resnoble price

    Should that fail pm me and we can make the arrangement to have one sent to you

    Shouldt take long to find a place in Fremantle where they sell them

    Could even take photos and measurement and send via txt message / email from a local shop while I'm there

    When I first saw my post had 24 replies, I was quite excited. Finally, somebody knows where I can purchase one... And then, to my chagrin, I realized that this board was filled with a bunch of <deleted>. But, I digress...

    I've been playing the didgeridoo for a while, I've mastered circular breathing. I'm only intersted in purchasing a didgeridoo, not any other wacky instruments you guys find humerous to mention. I have built pvc didgeridoos in the past, and I could settle for one again.

    Does anyone know where I might be able to pick up some pvc pipe in phuket?

    Only looking for genuine answers. I appreciate any valid responses. Thanks!

  11. 3 pc laptops never had battery life go past 2 and half hour all where treated like my current

    2010 MacBook pro always on hard life surfing downloading 24/7 the mac performs perfect

    Battery life is still 6-7 hours surfing the net or watching a movie or 2

    Pc laptops maintenance constant updates and minor anoying issues alway something that needed sorting out the last of my 3 Todhiba laptops did a shut down and could not be restarted for 2 weeks while on holiday took it to 7 shops all failed to get It started up then it just woke up like nothing happend and is still running to this day and serves as a movie server for my tv

    Mac some updates had one shut down due to overheating auto 24 hour shut down and I'm happy and would recommend mac to anyone who want a top performance all round long term good laptop that just work and is easy to use

    Once you go MAC you never go back

    Thank you apple for being in my life

    • Like 1
  12. You might go out to investigate

    "A nearby resident said she heard a woman screaming at 3 a.m., but did not go outside to check."

    Amen. My thoughts exactly.

    So, a screaming woman at 3 am is apparently nothing out of the ordinary in Ranong. Note to self.....

    Fact is some people are scared to interfere. Happens in your place too. And in the place you come from...

    Many people are afraid even to the point of calling Police. This is the time to collect stones, not throw them.

    Very very true be it Thailand or elsewhere ( I'm in Australia Perth )

    Most people are to scared to even look out the window when carp like this happens

    In my street we are 2 people who DO GO OUTSIDE a steet with 200 houses only 2 have the balls to stand up against antisocial behaviour

    Why are they scared cos there is no protection from the police after they fear property damage / personal injuries by the villains

    can you blame them not realy

    BUT if we all stand together as good people there are more of us young and old that are good stand up everyday people than there are villains

    I will go down fighting to protect me my family and my nabours why cos I won't be bullied by antisocial villains

    • Like 1
  13. NO it doesn't ,but i sometimes wonder why some posters live here and where their thought processes come from ,maybe they are not the sharpest tools in the box.

    Part of it might just be conected to what they saw when on holiday great times

    However living in the same place means dealing with everyday issues that you have to deal with where ever you come from before relocating

    as in Thailand you also have to add the some what tedious dealings with the imigration rules and regulations

    ( many places are Easyer to live in. Once your in your in )

    If they where not happy where they came from

    Chances are they won't be happy anywhere

    It's a state of mind you can be happy if you chose to ritch or Poor

    it's all up to YOU not the people around you to make your every day a good day

    Just smile not evry day of the week have to be a Monday

  14. update:

    I went to the police station.

    It was rather difficult to make the police feel like they were not loosing face.

    We made a report. I was the witness. The victim was also there.

    Tomorrow they'll catch him and put him in jail.

    Chances are small that he will stay long in jail (probably somewhere between 3 month and 1.5 (=5/2 -1) year), because:

    - he stole only 2500B.

    - his mother has a handicap.

    I am a bit worried about that but I think I did the right thing.

    Tomorrow they'll catch him and put him in jail??

    You convinced the police to put him in jail?

    And the jury and judge is?


    As the op have clear video footage of the perp entering the property he have admitted to the crime of stealing

    oh why do I bother replying to a troll post like this

    As someone found out a couple of weeks ago


    I catch anyone within my fence line

    I Am The Law ,Judge , jury , and executioner

    He nearly died in my hands but I would do the same next time

    If we can't feel safe on our own property's anymore we the people must act to protect ourselves

  15. You only give her "all the freedom", until you have been burned ones...or twice...

    Have been burned and survived so what if you can't trust your better half she's not worth it

    you don't own a woman it's a long term lease

    when will guys in general grow up an stop being insecure !

    If a woman is with you it's you'r luck that she wants to if she dosent want to anymore you can't stop it anyway

    My wife can go out when ever where ever she wants to without me ringing or messeging her

    I've. Offen asked her to go clubbing with her Freinds when I hear about them planing a night out I'm happy to stay at home Lokking after the kid or kids of her freind need a babysitter

    Kids are much more entertaining than drunk people in my opinion

    So Just as I expect that to be if I want to go out

    one day but I prefer a quiert night at home

    Most of the time

    • Like 1
  16. Let's just hope it dosent go so far that any one pushes the big red nuke button

    On ether side

    I firmly belive the USA wont do it unless NK does it first And the consequences would leve a mess not only in NK with terrible results for civilians in and around NK

    A world wide ban on Nuclear Powerd weapons

    1 big step for mankind in the right direction

  17. Ok, here's an update and some answers.

    - I am not the owner of the building. My wife's family is the owner. I know the people that live here very well and many people in the condo are scared. So, it's important that we do something.

    - We contacted a much higher ranking police officer from another office and not long after that the victim was contacted by the office that didn't have time for us and tomorrow were are invited back to the same office. This time they will have time for us.

    - I can talk Thai and found the thief without any help. The thief is Thai as well as the victim and all others.

    - I gave money to the victim because he just came to live here and he used his last money for paying the guarantee of the rental agreement (how do you call that in English?). Most Thai people that live here have almost no money on their account and live from their last months income. This is not a high class place.

    I don't care about the money and for me it's easier and safer if I leave things like they are and if the thief doesn't go to jail. But, in this case the thief will not stop stealing and others will suffer.

    It's a hard decision.

    Not a hard desision at all he did the crime he can do the time. !

    He stole money spent it on going out !

    Now if he had stolen food to eat I would let him go as that would be stealing to survive

    I would properly even give him a chance to earn some money by giving him some work

    Always something that can be done somewhere

    kindness can change the life of a person in need

  18. What date is today?

    Also why worry, a significant number of local drivers seem to be trying to master right-hand driving without the added cost of a refit.

    Mmm..next April 1st centre lanes will be reserved mobile users and tourists?

    Lol it's gota be a April 1st joke I'm surprised no one else figured it out before your post

    Page 1 I was pissing my self laughing

  19. Why do you think you need it? Gotta say that if you think you do need to buy/carry that kind of stuff in Thailand you probably need to look long and hard at your own behaviour.

    One does not need to leve the home to need protection this is video from saturday evening the 16/3/2013 in perth western Australia

    My wife&daughter and 4 female Freinds + another 2 kids where in the garden 5 meters from front door

    Wife and i had a few friends from work visiting Saturday evening for a BBQ

    4 girls from her work and 2 kids all enjoying the evening in our garden eating a arrangement of BBQ and Thai food

    Kids playing on the blanket on the lawn I was inside relaxing with a movie in bed half asleep I was

    When one of the girls saw a guy lurking around behind the cars near the house and then disappear into the house she asked My wife if i had a friend visit ?

    then the scream woke me up there is a guy in the house his in the house

    I found this fella in my 3 year old daughters room and took him down while wife called police

    Who arrived 15 minutes later

    I had to hold the ba%#^>|{ down for 15 minutes

    Pepper spray wound have been a good help

    Link to Video of the intruder being restrained while waiting for police below


    That has to be the strangest video I have ever seen in my life!Why on earth would you put a Black-Eyed Peas soundtrack,or whoever it is to a clip of you strangling an intruder that broke into your house?

    I find it hard to believe that it's real but if it is you should maybe seek help!

    He was resisting I'm a big lad but not very fit having to be holding someone down for a good 15 minutes by my self takes a lil efford hope you never have to find out how you will react in a similar situation

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