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Posts posted by Ahuramazda

  1. heh,,, you know what? The Koran is based upon the Bible and the Torah. One only has to read it to see that its some BS written by an Arab (MAYBE, I have my doubts about that, but,,,), written by Romans and Jews (translated by an Englishman), which was based upon some OTHER crap written by Jews who killed other Jews who tried to usurp their power (also translated by the English), ETC....

    Its a bunch of CRAP based on a BUNCH OF CRAP, that was translated from a BUNCH of CRAP, and so on, and so forth.

    The problem here is simple. $h!t bags will continue making the world a horrible and painful place, using whatever excuse they can to continue to exist and make the world a horrible place.

    The Muslims are obviously $h!t bags, but,,,,, then again, it wasn't too long ago that Christians were $h!t bags as well, and before that,,, the Jews were the $h!t bags,,,, My only concern is,, who are the next $h!t bags?

    Fuggit. The world is a pile of $h!t and that will never change. $h!t bags will always try to hurt and main people, and until all the $h!t bags are dead, it will never stop. But, since we all think another person is a $h!t bag, we'll just keep on killing until a few of us are left, then maybe it will end.


    Open your eyes.

  2. I have been lurking for almost a year now. I gotta tell ya, this thread had me paralyzed with laughter.

    Somone made the comment:

    ""The next warning is OUT" and we worry about the Thai authorities! Come on Dr. this is a forum, and freedom of speech should prevail."

    My quip is this: It seems to me that freedom to FLAME other members prevails in this forum. It sounds a lot like the people who sit in the bars of Sukumvit and Soi Ramutri talking about "business" (the boarding pass jobs they do for some Sri Lanken guy) and their cock sure know it all attitude that I have dealt with since I came to this country 3 years ago.

    I'll tell you, in the last three years, very few of these people are still here, and those that are, are hopeless heroin addicts, drunks, struggling english teachers and the like who sit in the bars so they can talk to the "new people" and get a little hero worship from them, and then come and ask me for money because I just came back from Japan, after they told me that they know everything there is to know about Thailand.

    I hear a lot of the same words, and feel a lot of the same attitudes from people here.

    My question for you is, if you know it all, and you've been here for so long, and your so eager to share, what the %&$* do you care if some snot nosed kid still wet behind the ears wants to talk back to you?

    Why do you care? Everyone has the right to open the oriface below their nose and spout a putrid swill of verbal diarrhea, and it seems that most expats in Thailand are going to continue to do just that. You, by contrast, have the right to relocate yourself or ignore the person if you are in a public setting, and to remove the person from you presence if he is in your home or private setting where you have such powers.

    This is a public forum. So what's up with all the flamming? Is this what the Expats are throwing fists over in the bar? I thougt it was only becuase of bar girls and the like, maybe I was wrong? Why are things so heated here?

    This is a very simple discussion that began with something written in The Nation, a publication that I don't even bother reading, as I find it to be repulsive, I prefer the Bangkok Post, and it has exploded into a bunch of children hiding behind a computer screen and throwing insults at each other. I've seen this happen in many forums, for many months.

    Why don't you guys meet up in the outskirts and pound the #($* out of each other? Otherwise, lets have some civil conversations here. There is no need for name calling and insulting. Someone called anoter person a name, and then said there was no need for name calling, and no need to be negative. The hypocrisy here rivals the Torah, the Bible, and the Koran combined!

    My advice is to be a bit more civilized. Most of you look very foolish to those of us who lurk and laugh on a day to day basis. I just thought you'd like to know that.

    I hope I have not offended the Great Council of Elder Expats who advise on their experience, but, for Christ's sake, chill out people. If someone doesn't agree with you, so what? What does it matter? Let them wander blind through life until they hit their head, you warned them. Why spit venom?

    I'm sure I'll be flammed now, but, so be it. I'm just trying to help people in their own personal advancement. Some people really need to learn about diplomacy. I am no diplomatic artist, and I tend to be quite a bastard myself, but, come on. This is foolishness.

    I await the flamming of those who cannot deal with their own social inadequacies with great pleasure, as I know I will soon be laughing so hard that I might die.

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