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Posts posted by smittenkitten

  1. hi there

    Does anyone have difficulties liking their inlaws?

    I know some view farangs as ATM's, but my case they have been extorting money from my wife (to be) long before i came on the scene. The MIL is a basket case, using manipulation, guilt, verbal abuse in order to get what she wants (though I appreciate she could be suffering from some vague mental illness). The brother wants to be a successful business owner, and is in the midst of dragging the whole clan down with him. Just extorted 200K from my wife that has evaporated and is apparently wanting to sell some family land.....familar story no doubt.

    Needless to say it puts one in an awkward position given that I really want nothing to do with them, but they are family of the girl i love. I know somehow one has to come to terms with these types, but its just so hard. How to you deal with people like this? Anyone managed to find a balance between commitment to wife and accepting toxic inlaws?



  2. Hi there

    I see a few of u guys are using er6n's for track bikes. Are these better than the 6f's, why if so?

    Is the stock suspension adequate for the track? What else apart from tires and pipe would be suggested?

    any help much appreciated.


  3. hi there

    My wife and i don't use condoms, and sometimes during sex i feel a burning sensation on my penis, and then the next day have a slight rash. This does not happen all the time. She has no STD's but i have had problems with the skin on my penis being sensitive, when i used condoms some years ago a doctor thought i may have an allergy to rubber. We don't really wanna use condoms.

    I was wondering if it could be due to some kind of chemical levels varying in my wifes vagina, like Ph levels or something.

    any help appreciated


  4. hi there

    had my appointment yesterday, the doc suggested i take Valtrex once a day for 6 months with the hope that this would suppress the cursed virus. I think he said 1x500mg tab daily. i could only get the valtrex generic brand, Zivirax, which are 200mg. Now these are quite expensive, 1200B for 25 tabs. Of course its a small price to pay if it does indeed suppress the virus. Plan to check online to see if its possible to get them cheaper.

    My friend told me that there are tabs that a non-infected partner can take (valtrex i assume) that reduce the risk of them contracting it. Not sure about this, will ask the doc on fri when i return to get my test results. Which, by the way i can only assume will be positive, for what else could cause the symtoms? i doubt they would be some kind of yeast infection, but will know 4sure on fri.

    Despite being tested for HIV before we had sex, i thought it wouldn't hurt to get tested again. The unlikely prospect of this test turning pear shaped certainly put my herpes curse in perspective. I finally broke the news my GF the other night, it went OK. She was understandably peturbed, but we both figured it was just something we have to deal with. We are yet to more fully discuss what to do about the sexual part of our relationship. Neither of us wanna use condoms, especially as i hav had the snip. But in the end it will be her call.



  5. Made an appointment to get a test this tuesday, so that will be the first step. Think i will feel relieved either way after this is completed. Though from everything i understand about this affliction, its not merely a yeast infection, but lets wait and see.

    thank u all for the input, everyone has been very supportive, which i appreciate heaps



  6. hey, thanks to everyone with yr support, makes me feel much better. It is definately the case that its the social stigma that causes the shame, its a hard one to kick. One thing i realize is that when i tell my GF it will make it better if I don't present the issue as akin to armageddon (which is how i felt yesterday when i posted). It was unfortunate that i wasn't more candid up-front, but whats done is done and best i can do is learn from it and move on.



    PS. below are the sexual health specialists Sheryl recommended in a previous post. Also another poster PM'd me and recomended Dr Paitoon Boonma, an infectious diseases specialist at Bangkok Hospital, saying he was very compassionate, so plan to see him asap


    Dr. Kavirach Tantiwongse - did a fellowhip in Sexual Medicine and Neurourology in the US, Fri 17:00 - 19:00 , Sat 09:00 - 12:00

    Dr. Apichat Kongkanand - US trained and a Professor at Chulalonghorn: Mon, Wed, Fri 09:00 - 12:00 and 5:30- 8 PM ;Tue 13:00 - 16:00; Sat 09:00 - 12:00

    Don'y buy your meds at the hospitkl pharmacy though, they will be much cheaper outside. Sertraline is available in local generic forms (Serlift, Sertra) and would thus be the least expensive option if cost is a concern.

    Bangkok Hospital

    Prof. Somboon Leungwattanakji, US trained. Monday, wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat 09:00 - 15:00, Tuesday 12:00 - 17:00

  7. hi there

    i'm hoping someone can help me because i've done something really really dumb.

    I've been dating a girl for three months and recently we had unprotected penetrative sex, and i had'nt told her that i have herpes (I'm fully aware of how patently irresponsible this was, so please don't be too vicious in yr condemnation, i'm feeling totally shitty enough as it is). I am very committed to this girl, and am in it for the long term.

    Anyway, I'm not sure if I have HSV I or HSV II, i've never actually had the test. I had a general STD test before we had sex, and all was clear, but i don't think they tested for herpes. But i can only assume its herpes because i get occasional outbreaks on my lip and genital area. Of course the first thing to do would be to have a test and see what it is. No doubt my GF will have to be tested as well. Being Thai, she's obviously very self-conscious (she's probably never had a pap smear), about that area if anything has to be examined.

    What i would like to know is if there is a knowledgeable and empathetic doctor we can see together, i suppose it would be expecting to much to find a female doctor here in BKK. I've checked out a previous herpes thread on this forum, but i'm still left with many questions that can probably only be answered by a specialist. In a PE thread Sheryl recomended some specialists in sexual medicine, perhaps they would be able to help.

    The next thing i gotta do is tell my GF, which of course i'm dreading. But it's gotta be done. I'm just praying that i have not infected her. Trying to be gentle on myself, but feel soo dumb for not saying something before.

    Anyway, hope someone out there can be of some help



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