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Posts posted by HalibutJones

  1. Starbucks is a great example of how people are completely full of shit.

    Every person you talk to will say they hate Starbucks, their coffee is awful and they know somewhere far better, and yet there are multiple stores in every town and city around the world with most of them busy. Go figure.

    Oh please! Do you know what a logical fallacy is? This one is called an "appeal to popularity". Just because something is popular does not mean it is good. Here are a few examples.......


    Justin Beiber

    Korean Fashion

    I rest my case.........

    No. I do know what "I don't care what anyone else says, my opinion is the right one" is, tho'. It's a common belief found everywhere, and seems to be very prevalent on certain websites.

    You seem to be the only one pushing that attitude. The rest of us simply stated our dislike for Starbucks coffee and you seemed to take it personally......strange.......

    Just 'cause you're a majority doesn't mean you're right. Ciao.

    • Like 1
  2. Starbucks is a great example of how people are completely full of shit.

    Every person you talk to will say they hate Starbucks, their coffee is awful and they know somewhere far better, and yet there are multiple stores in every town and city around the world with most of them busy. Go figure.

    Oh please! Do you know what a logical fallacy is? This one is called an "appeal to popularity". Just because something is popular does not mean it is good. Here are a few examples.......


    Justin Beiber

    Korean Fashion

    I rest my case.........

    No. I do know what "I don't care what anyone else says, my opinion is the right one" is, tho'. It's a common belief found everywhere, and seems to be very prevalent on certain websites.

    • Like 2
  3. Just saw the news on TV3.

    It was reported that passengers informed the driver that the brakes appear not to work properly - the driver choose not to look into the matter and kept on driving.

    Was this before or after he fled the scene? Not that we know if he did, of course, and it's pure speculation and Thai bashing on my part, with no basis whatsoever for the accusation, but let's, for some bizarre reason, assume he fled the scene ... ...

    • Like 1
  4. Regarding the import of own cars from abroad, the way I understand it is the duty is on a sliding scale over 10 years of ownership. For instance, if you have just bought a car in, say, the UK, you would pay 100% import duty when bringing the car to Thailand. If you've owned the car for 5 years, you would pay 50% duty, owned for 9 years then you pay 10%, and sole owner for 10 years or more you can import your car without paying duty.

    Not saying this is gospel, just the information I was given.

  5. RE: new car buyer "issue" and the tax rebate, sometimes the TV fortune tellers are spot on, or at least hit the tree.

    Gotta love (trying) to buy a car here.

    Stopped at Toyota last week, told sales person "I'll have "that" Fortuner right there, 1.2/3m Baht, I'll pay cash".

    "Sorry, can not, you wait 8 to 9 months".

    Told wife every new car stacked out back was spoken for.

    I could have the Camry Hybrid on display.... 1.8m.... over 60k USD. Yeah, right.

    Walked over to second hand, "I want "that" 2008 Fortuner right there. How mutt?".

    "1m Baht".

    <deleted>!, "Really? I can buy a new one for 300k more". Confused look, no response.

    "But can not, somebody sign already, waiting for bank loan".

    Hmm, bank loan for an 8 year old car, this sounds like a real winner".

    "OK then, if he doesn't get the loan, I'll take it. Here's my number, call me".

    She does not take my number, smiles, "Can not. Somebody else waiting".

    You can't compare the used car market back home to what it is here. The second hand value is kept high due to the exorbitant duty on new cars, be they imported or produced here. The BMW dealer at Rama4/Suk24 had 10 year old 7 series cars for around £30,000, a car that'd cost no more than £5,000 in the UK.

    • Like 1
  6. I took the advice of a fellow TV member and started leaving their doors open in traffic if they refuse.

    It's funny to see how angry they get when you're passive aggressive back at them.

    You guys should try it, it's good for a laugh while you wait for the next taxi!

    You should try it until they take their gun out, as happened to a couple of us last week on Nana, outside Omni. Bravado is all well and good, but in this country it can get you in deep sh*t.

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