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Posts posted by theseahorse

  1. Is your nitrate for bacon? Bacon should really be cured with nitrite, not nitrate. It is illegal in the west to use nitrates in bacon.

    It is possible to cure with Nitrate and people have done it for centuries, but it is much harder as there are too many variables (temperature/ bacteria etc) for the nitrate to turn into the nitrites that will do the curing. To get a properly cured peice of meat you will find it takes much longer to cure and will often taste salty. It's one of the reasons that cured meats used to have to be soaked before use.

  2. Have you looked in the heavy duty kitchen equipment place on third road Pattaya, I think its just before Pattaya Tai,

    In fact if I remember I will go in and have a look for you

    I will try drive pass that place, on my way home, thanks for the suggestion, i did find something online is like 25-.30.000, and with 50 baht profit on each chicken, its a little expensive way, so i might try find some one who can fabricate it, we should just need to Buy the Burners, and then it is not hard to make the enclosure, and the metal rods to make the shit spin around.

    it is always interresting to duscuss a project like this, but the risk of some one copy it is very real.


    25 - 30k is a good price for the size you're looking at.

    For a rotisserie that size (like the picture you posted) you'll fit nearly 50 chickens. At 50 baht profit per chicken you'll pay it off after 10 batches. Even if you sell one batch a night you've paid it off after in under two weeks, thats good going. If you don't think you'll sell 50 chickens, why such a large rotisserie?

  3. You should check out Da Overstay (google it or PM me for details) its a huge ex-brothel warehouse place where artists and musicians come together. You can stay there also for a small price and they have regular nights on. If theres no nights on there is usually a bunch of artists or musicians just making art and music and chilling out together. It's got an artistic squat like vibe to it and the electrics in the place look dangerous but some of the artwork (graffiti, paintings, all sorts) are amazing!


  4. In most National Parks (everyone I've been to except for in Phuket, but thats Phuket for you!) you get local rates if you show you are a resident of Thailand and not a tourist, same goes for most tourist attractions with double pricing.

    Just show a Thai drivers license or similar Thai ID and 99% of the time they are happy to charge you the local fee.

  5. I like crumpets too...(aka 'english muffins')



    englishmen in a bar in SE Asia: 'a bit of that brown crumpet would do, wot?...'...the americans: 'I'm gonna plug that one and her friend...whaddaya say?...'

    English Muffins and crumpets and completely different things. An English muffin is a type of bread (goes under your Eggs Benadict), whereas a crumpet is made from a batter mix (like a pancake mix, but with yeast in). The Aussie Drop Scone is similar to a crumpet but is a thicker batter and doesn't need a mould to shape it.

  6. I've never seen the makro puff pastry, so can't comment on that, but I normally use Villas own brand. It's about 100 baht for a 250g slab and is the best I've found here. The imported Jus Roll stuff is terrible and very expensive. I guess its so bad here due to none of the supermarkets realising you shouldn't let it defrost and then freeze again (a big problem in every supermarket in this country). The Villa brand has the best butter flavour out of them all and isn't sweetened. Foodland also make their own and it's a little cheaper, but isn't very good, bad flavour and has been 'worked' to much and is like trying to roll out rubber. Also, if you're in BK then the Rama 4 branch of Big C import a range of fresh pastries from France that are good too.

    In Europe I often made my own puff at home, but in this heat it's tough and gave up a few years ago. I occasionally make 'rough puff' here but even then it's hard with the heat.

  7. I've (thankfully) never seen Richmond sausages over here. The nearest you'll get are the mass produced imported ones in the freezer section of the farang friendly supermarkets.

    Richmond are a Irish company that mass produce cheap sauages. I think they contain less than 50% meat. These are not what a British (or Irish) sausage should be like. But in the same way people seem to think that a McDonalds is nice, some people like cheap sausages too. Each to there own.

    If you like Richmonds then the locally made 'British' ones may suit your taste.

  8. I do use nitrites with my bacon, although you don't have to. It's the salt that cures it, the nitrite means it keeps longer and gives it an added 'cured' flavour as well as the attractive pink colour.

    To make it, its rubbed in a mix of curing salt, dark brown sugar and black pepper sealed in a bag and kept in the fridge for about 8 days, turning each day. Then its rinsed off under the tap, dried and left uncovered for 24 hours in the fridge. Then just slice and cook. Its not hard, but to make good bacon you need good pork and that can be tough here.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

  9. Is the farmers union yogurt or yoghurt, im kind of getting tired of the tart flavor of yoghurt. I have been eating bulla cottage cheese (very high protein/calorie ratio) but villa never seems to be able to keep a steady stock, atleast the one one thonglor. Would love to fine somewhere that can keep a steady supply of these or able to buy bulk.

    What do you mean is it Yogurt or Yoghurt? Same thing just different spelling - same as color or colour, they're just English and American English spellings.

    There's a few brands now that aren't sweetened, but if you eat lots just make your own. No need for a yoghurt maker in this climate, just turn your aircon off, it's a great temperature to make yoghurt here. I do mine in the evening and let it sit over night in the kitchen, by morning it's done. I've been doing it like this for every week for years and only ever once had the problem it was too cool.

  10. I think I saw them in Kluay Nam Thai too.

    They're probably half the price than in PM, but it's whether you can be bothered to go to Rama 4 to save a couple of hundred baht.

    Thanks again for the additional info.

    Actually, I prefer not to go into Bangkok at all... if at all possible. I like that PM is willing to ship... but again, the price for their aluminum molds are about the same as would be for stainless back home.

    So, I guess I just have to decide my course of action - trouble my mom (for stainless), or just buy here... or keep looking a bit more...

    I certainly appreciate all your help.

    I was in PM yesterday and took a look at the molds, I often make pasta with my daughter and thought I'd copy your idea and get some for her to use, but I wasn't impressed with them at all - very thin and I don't think they'd last long.

    I need to go to Kluay Nam Thai next week anyway so I'll take a look and see what they have and let you know.

  11. I watched the video and the guy was going apeshit and had to be restrained by another westerner. The one thing I learned living here and being married to a Thai is that the stick is the way they deal with things when it gets to a point. They do it with their kids, wives, husbands, dogs and whatever pisses them off. I've seen it with my own wife with her siblings and local Thai dogs (She only Muey Thais my arse LOL). A bop on the head is how they handle things here and in this case doesn't suprise me at all as the guy was getting pretty unruly. I actually thought the Thais there were keeping their cool pretty well for a while and trying to settle him down, but just like with a spoiled kid who won't stop whining, sometimes a good ear boxing is the only way to get their attention. I don't think it has to do with any inherent hatred for us as I have never really experienced any of that beyond just the scammers and taxi drivers. To the contrary, I've been accepted in my wife's village as one of the family when we are there visiting and I have never had a cross word with a Thai in all my years living and coming here. I do think that outside the city we can be viewed as a bit of a curiosity and we sometimes get looked at like we are from Mars. We also seem to scare the little kids sometimes upon first impression, but other than that its all good. As far as complaining, we all know the Thais don't like that and consider it impolite. Has nothing to do with us except when its us that are coming on too strong and creating a culture clash! Its their country folks and its us that need to assimilate, not the other way around.

    Although I agree with most of what you said, to be fair the video shows the guy after he was struck. If I was hit on the head because of some ballons, especially in front of my daughter, I would be pissed off too. We don't how the guy was reacting before he got struck as it was't recorded, but although I'm sure he was being disresecptful and arrogant, to be hit over the head is extreme and shouldn't have happened.

    I'm suprised this isn't being hushed up by Thailand, this is exactly the sort of thing that the British tabloids love, I can just imagine the headlines - 'Clubbed over the head because of childs ballons'. Yet another excuse for tabloids to show the bad side of Thailand and laugh at how backward it is in Asia.

  12. Just re-read the OP.

    Why do you need white chocolate for butterscotch? It's butter, brown sugar and cream - boiled to a soft crack, then cooled.

    OP wants "butterscotch chips" -- not butterscotch candy.


    So he does. Maybe I need some glasses.

    Have to admit that I've never even heard of butterscotch chips, let alone seen them.

    I'm guessing it's an American thing?

  13. Do you know if Schmidt has sugar-free dark chocolate?

    Not sure, but I don't think so.

    Back in Europe, I only ever saw sugar-free chocolate sold in chemists. You get the pure cocoa mass in bakers shops (and at Schmidt here), but it's not edible like suger-free chocolate as it doesn't contain the sugar alcohol to sweeten it. I'm guessing you're wanting it for a diabetic, not for some special recipe.

  14. Not sure about butterscotch chips they mainly sell European bakery goods but Schmidt is your best bet to get real chocolate (makro only has fake 'cooking' chocolate and even the UFM places don't sell any real chocolate, only the greasy compound stuff.

    Schidt has the full range of real chocolates, just pick your percentage. They have a range of about 1 a dozen different dark chocolates, 10 milk chocolates and maybe half a dozen white.

    The Bangkok Schmidt is near the corner of Sukhumvit and Rama 4. They have a website with a map.

  15. Just because the wildlife sanctuaries is owned by Farang, it does not automatically be respected, nor immune from raids.

    Farang are not GODS. There are bad Farang as well. Some deal with drug, some underage protitution, some traffic humans, set up casio, some sell animal parts, etc.

    And don't change the subject.

    Why Wiek had no papers for more than 100 of the 450 animals at his centre?

    Edwin is a good and well respected man doing something that Thai's should be doing themselves, sadly most Thai's don't give a dam_n. As for the papers from what I have seen on numerous blogs and videos on the raids, the officials turned up and demanded papers instantly and did not permit them even an hour to try to locate all the paperwork. This is just about retribution nothing else.

    This is a very Thai problem that the Thai people should be dealing with, why is it left to a farang to point out problems like this.

    When Phuket police raid your car, do they demanded papers instantly and did not permit them even an hour to try to locate all the paperwork?

    When Pattaya police raid your bar, do they demanded papers instantly and did not permit them even an hour to try to locate all the paperwork?

    When Patpong police raid your bra, do they demanded papers instantly and did not permit them even an hour to try to locate all the paperwork?

    They came to check the paperwork for the WFFT's elephants and after spending all day trying to find a problem with the elephants paper work (they didn't) they gave them an hour to produce paper work for over 400 animals and wouldn't except anything on a computer. The following day all the paperwork had been organised and printed out but they refused to even look at it and carried on the raid regardless of all the papers being available to them.

    It's a bit like being pulled over and after seeing your cars paperwork is ok, asking to see you homes documents and wanting it instantly.

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