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Posts posted by 350torana

  1. Sorry to bring this thread up again. Have been outta town visiting family.

    My wife is with me. I had to lie and tell her I would come back to Thailand with her after Xmas. This won't happen and I think the <deleted> might really hit the fan when I tell her :D

    I worry that dredging up all my wife's mental problems, hospital admmitances, incidences of abuse ect will effect her chances of further visas. I will never take my daughter back to Thailand , but I want my wife to be part of her daughter's life . Free to come and visit her anytime she wants .

    Oh well, the plan is , hopefully, wifey will go back alone. Get off all the ###### medications (sleeping 18 hrs a day , like a zombie when she is awake, doesn't lift a finger to help me look after our daughter )with her family and friends around her for support . If she is ok for a month or two then we can discuss the future of our family

    I think I have my ass pretty well covered , passports, birth cert, citizenship certifcate all locked away with a long time lawyer and family friend .

    My only real worry is her family putting a contract on my head or something :o

  2. Hey

    I coudn't find the old thread . I don't know if anyone remebers. I had major issues with custody of my daughter... with my wife, and mother -in-law . Happy to say I got her back on Aussie soil :D:D The thing that really sucks is that we can never go back to the Land of Smiles , to much of a risk :o:D:D Can I still post here?

    Just wanted to say thanks all those who gave me advice.

  3. I don't know about legally. But if it was a Thai guy I think there would be little(or no) finacial responsbility if the father chose that path .

    Morally, another story. I would be making sure he was the real father(DNA test) before he pays anything . Only say this from the OP's post.... 'she trapped him , and lives up near Pattaya' . Then ,working out access/shared custody before I gave her a cent ...if that's what he wants of course

  4. It is a one year visa and Thai's can work in Australia. They can work for any employers for up to 3 months at each company. The applicants must have a university degree and sufficient funds to take care of themselves.

    Applications can be made at the Australian Embassy Bangkok.

    When I see Holden and Ford utes on Sukh, I'll believe that there is an FTA between LOS & Aus. :o

    I have seen Holdens in Buriram....got a pic of one somewhere and used to see a few Geminis around as well between BKK and Buriram

    I woudn't rate Geminis as a Holden :D . Always thought of it a a world car, jap car, sold in alot of countries under different Gm badges. The ones I have seen driving in LOS are called a Izuzu something or rather.

    The only Holdens I have seen are old Belmonts, Calais', Camiras and six pack Commodores(Chevy Luminas) . I am sure the SSs are out there for the puu yai who can afford the engine tax .

  5. Cold showers are not so bad . I don't know about the Nth, but in BKK a cold shower means about 16 C at this time of year? (guessestimate). The only problem I have is the old wife's tale ' you catch cold' after a cold shower .

  6. I love dogs too. Have a pack(8 or 9) that camp outside our house everynight. They are owned dogs...but our neighbours pretty much let them run wild, fend for themselves. The only problems we have is the midnight singing and trying to reverse the car out of the drive. :o Also, when our dogs are on heat more of the buggers come from nowhere :D

  7. being  a  vet  and  have an aussie  client who has a Pug doggie ( her  name  is num whan)

    he told me that he  has to pick his Pug  for quarantine at Singapore 6 mth,  200,000 Bht  before  he can pick her to  Roo Land

    Thanks BambinaA. Your help is always great. :D Whitney, our dog, is doing ok now...although she is blind , learning to get around with her nose and ears :o

  8. I am not a motorbike rider. Always been pulled up, wife or me driving, 200 baht if we are breaking the law..not wearing a seatbelt, running a orange/red light. I think it is great if the copper takes our licence and tells us to go to the station, shows there is some honesty . Hate to say it..if mother-in-law is with us ....gives the copper a big lecture telling him her husband is puu-yai poilceman blah blah . Poor guy is shaking in his boots and lets us go quick smart :o I don't agree with this, but it is the way things are done here :D

  9. I guess they are trying to trim production costs . Always amazes me that some Thais don't understand wearing a seatbelt in the back . An unbelted adult or child in the back is a danger to themselves ,and those in the front ,in an accident or sudden stop. My wife's family still do not understand why I strap my kid firmly in a carseat . I think some kinda road education is the answer. :o

  10. Give us a break...sexual abuse of kids happens with Thais as well . Sure, farang are guilty at times. . I am lucky, my daughter has white skin but has dark eyes. I am her sole custodian. Any femi-nazi or pc prick who would come up to me and accuse me of abusing my own daughter...hammer time :o

  11. Victory Monument is a nasty place in the afternoon rush hour. The same goes for Srinakarin Rd. Pretty much any area that is considered "downtown" seems to have the same length of traffic jams. As for streetlights the longest I've been at was 5 minutes, but it stayed green for only 15 or so seconds!

    I reckon Victory Monument is bad a bad place to drive anytime . We get those long red light waits in the outer suburbs as well. I counted 15 mins on one red light at a intersection on Ramkamhaeng Rd :o

  12. Great weather in Bkk. Our temp gauge got down to 14 C. last night. Bordering on the same right now :o The only down side is this cold/virus doing its thing. Great to have no a/c, no fans and wearing blanket...almost like a Tasmanian summer...mild/temperate is the word I am thinking of :D

  13. I certainly did not summon him out of his bottle, I have never heard of him before!

    Perhaps someone should put the cork back in the bottle!

    No offence to Aussies as a rule (especially Udon & Ozziedom whom I know) but lets face it you really love Pommie bashing, or "Soapdodgers" as that <deleted> Bronco calls us. For the life of me I cannot understand that terminology.

    The French are "Soapdodgers" not us Brits.

    For your info SS or whoever you are, it would seem that you always have to "Big It Up" whenever your country does well at something, I love Austaralia, I have spent some quality time there with some quality people, I dont have any axe to grind, but why is it that you Ozzies always try and degrade us Brits. You may call it "light hearted banter" thats fine by me, New Zealanders are also OK people in my book, I am sure that we all dislike the Japs,but they dont post here so I suppose we have to content ourselves with slagging off each other, shame but.... what a waste of time, we could be either shagging, drinking or both.

    take care


    I was always brought up to call you guys whinging/wining poms :D seems to back up the term :o

  14. Welcome back fly. I always thought u are an Aussie wearing his heart on his sleeve. Ain't nothing wrong with that :D Sure, u stirred it up a bit, but those other old farts probably had a great time . Reliving child hood days of poking a stick into a wasp's nest....got as good as they gave as far as I am concerned :o

  15. I hate automatics but have had serious problems getting a manul car in Thailand - seems the dealers stock up on Automatics

    In my opinion automatics are for old men and girls!!

    U have serious problems getting a manual car in Thailand? Seems to me manual(stick) is standard here :o

    I learned to drive on a manual . But I prefer an auto , more concentration on the road...smoother ride . Ever hear the term cruiser?

    Embarrsed to say after so long driving autos I still do a few bunny hops and aviod hill starts like the plague .

    I reckon the funnist thing is watching a manual driving switching to auto. The hand goes on the column every auto gear change .

  16. I have no problem with dog on the menu . But, the barbaric ways that dogs are disposed of in China/Korea are just that. Tying a dog to a tree and beating it to death because u think the animal's fear gives the meat a better taste :D

    I think with all this bird flu scare going around it shows how dangerous some farming practices are. Intesive farming of pigs, chickens and cows in appalling condtions, not just in Thailand ,but western county's as well. I feel alot safer eating a free ranging kangeroo or elephant than a farmed pig or chicken . If thier population is not threatened ..then meat is meat :o

  17. note ...hyperkeratosis at pads , and nose ...is the specific thing that vet need to check

    Hard pads on the feet for the english speaking amongst us. :D

    Does sound very much like it could be distemper. Any reasonably decent vet should be able to recognize distemper immediately, I would think, as it is quite common and communicable.

    She has been vaccinated for distemper, pavo, rabies ect . Rang up for the blood tests today . Came back as some kinda tick poisioning. Took her in, vet gave her injections and told us to stay 15 mins to observe her. My Thai sucks and his english was little better, so had to rely on my wife , her translation was poisoning of the blood. Our dog seemed alot better when we got her home....actaully got on her feet wagging her tail and walked(staggered around the yard) ,she wolfed down two cans of Pedigree dog food. Gave her a few slices of cheese as well, to disguise her medication and fatten her up;)

    It is the eyes that really worry me. I misled people when i said bloodshot, they are red around the rims. But the inner rims of her eyes( pupil, iris.. I can never remeber) are sky blue with traces of a kinda cloudy, white , and she has no reaction to movement ...blind. I hope it is temporary. Maybe cataracts? She is having eye drops twice a day...so maybe not . I have told my wife is she is blind she can still get around fine and have a happy life if her nose and ears are working ok :o . From what I understand...putting a dog down here is not the done thing anyways?

    Anyways, thanks for the help everybody. Anymore advice would be welcome:)

  18. Don't worry, this aint another one of those threads. But, our 2 year old black lab is very sick. Lethargic , bloodshot eyes, panting...losing weight very fast(fully vaacinated)My first thought was rabies...but she is drinking plenty of water and showing no agressive signs . Besides, she has been vaccinated.Our daughter is locked inside to be safe anyways. I really thought she would die this morning . Jumped in the truck, me sitting in the tray with her . Got to the vets, Whitney(my wife gave her that name after Whitney Houston...so cute) collapsed on the floor. The vet was having breakfast...the dog had to wait :o

    She got good treatment when the vet got around to seeing her. They suspect she has a double attack of some kinda worm or tick . I wash, her and the other two little yappy shites often(they seem fine )

    My question, anyone else has experiences with ticks or worms ? There is a pack of about 8 dogs that hang around our gate. I suspect this is where the problem came from . I admit the last few days my mind has been on other things , and, when I think about it I have been she has not been herself the last couple of days

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