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  1. Seeing what errors sis-in-law's kids are learning in school, I'm not surprised.
  2. And that's why drunk people are not even permitted to enter the establishment. While the Brit's behaviour is inexcusable, the restaurant's owner/staff have learned how to operate a business to keep drunks outside.
  3. Unless they check people's luggage, I don't see what's the point. It was a long and loud train ride from CM-BKK as many travelers got out their booze as soon as the train left.
  4. Glad to hear that. Stay longer than a few weeks, get a proper visa.
  5. Not any more annoying than people shouting into their phones while on speakerphone.
  6. 9,000 Baht fine. OK, so that is the equivalent of how many days in jail? "Narrowly avoid" sounds like a lengthy prison term... which a 9k Baht fine doesn't seem to indicate.
  7. Quad on road & skid marks. What was he doing there?
  8. "Troubling" only if the bouncer had started it, which he obviously didn't.
  9. That's just how people from my country are. We complain.
  10. Rather not say to keep my beloved area farang-free.
  11. Are they even real monks? Seems a lot of fake ones are out and about - and no one complains about that.
  12. Why not wait until it's been officially announced? Anything now is just speculation or cause for anxiety.
  13. I am more offended by monks: smoking, shopping, snacking, etc. And let's not forget the (most likely) fake monks roaming the streets.
  14. Fine by me. Tourists don't need an account. Let the gov't make a rule for those applying for visa.
  15. 12 years, aloof, leaving without permission & money to buy vapes ... I say the parents & grandparents are responsible.
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