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Posts posted by jas2009

  1. Perhaps we have different definitions of sleaze, but a guy taking money from someone sounds a bit sleazy somehow to me- 'like-minded' is called into question somewhat here, too... but if you're happy, OP, I guess congratulations are in order.

    Welder, I'm not talking about the village wilds but about real Thai gay people (wherever they are common).

    Well, when I spoke with him (and it was sitting at the bar outside), he said that he was not looking for money. I was not until later at the hotel that he asked for his taxi fare home - which I gave him. But then I noticed that my wallet had been emptied (thankfully only 2000 BHT in it and no cards). So, it was not really sleazy. Heck, I have had lads nick my cash before,thats life really.

    I thought he was likeminded also. I think he was a genuine tourist (he with with a lady) but I may be naive.

  2. well, there we are! I had a lovely experience (other than the guy took lots of money from me). I asked the taxi driver to take me to a gay bar and was not disappointed. I am a bit disappointed with myself that I did not leave that bar and venture! That is for tonight though. It was not sleazy, just nice meeting like minded folks. Superb!

  3. There's no need to be rude. They guy said it was his first time. Don't you remember your first time in Thailand? How overwhelming it all was?

    Yes, I do remember but he smells like a troll.

    Who goes to fun area without having a clue? We have had our site visited by very curious personalities. If I would be in Phuket, I'd be looking and smelling the surroundings and head for a pub that is obviously crowded by foreigners and just make a lot of questions and talk and strut around and...

    Anyway, whatever. Didn't intend to be rude. :)

    Didn't intend to be rude? Then proceeding to call me a troll? I genuinely came here for some information. I am sorry that you find this to be susicious. Obviously after your outbursts I am left feeling even more anxious - thank you. On the other hand I'll be more cautious about meeting someone like yourself.

    Thank you Endure for your help - this has given me a few ideas.

  4. Hi! I am a single guy on holiday here in Phuket. Reading the guides etc I am a bit nervous of exploring some bars as they sound sleazy and it is expected that you are there to pay for sex? I just want to meet a guy (or guys) who are also on holiday for fun - will this be possible?


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