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Posts posted by jstrike

  1. Just to clarify, anyone using bleach to disinfect drinking water should be sure to use pure bleach...not any of the varieties with scents or other additives...

    Also, the use of bleach would primarily be aimed at purifying potentially suspect tap water that might have been contaminated during a flooding.

    It's not ideally meant or intended for purifying raw flood water, which potentially is containing a broad range of contaminants.

    If the tap water is clear, then 2 to 3 drops of plain bleach per litre is advised... Stir well into water and let sit for 30 minutes.

    If the tap water is not clear, then try to filter first using things like a coffee filter or cloth, and then apply a larger portion of bleach, like 4 drops per litre... Stir well into water and let sit for 30 mins.

    Boiling water for at least one minute is considered the first-line method of purifying clear tap water.

    But in cases where boiling water is not possible, then adding bleach and filtering if necessary is considered the next best option.

    Here's the U.S. Centers for Disease Control web page on purifying drinking water methods and also for purifying containers intended for storing emergency drinking water supplies.


    In case of shortage sources of water are:

    • your hot-water tank.
    • pipes and faucets.
    • ice cubes.
    • Rainwater.
    • Streams, rivers and other moving bodies of water.
    • Ponds and lakes.
    • Natural springs.

    Since flood water is also a moving body this is preferred over still water... but as said above i would not use it as a first source of water.

    I would suggest to use both bleach and boiling water. As bleach is a good indicator of the level of contamination of the water.

    the simple rule to asses the contamination level in water would be:

    - If the water does not smell of chlorine after trying to desinfect it twice the water is too contaminated. Throw it away and find another water source...

  2. shoot... propbably be sold out when i get home.

    as a tip. Buy a Bottle of Clorex. 1 bottle (1 gallon) will be enough to purify 3800 gallons of water. In case of emergency this is a life saver. Especially when it is impossible to boil water. FYI Clorex is what they distribute when earthquakes and floods have happened. (especially floods) as the problem is not getting water but getting clean water.

    instructions on how to use:


  3. Go by an AIS office and see if they can help.

    Personally, unless you are on postpay (not one2call) I don't think that most of what makes a blackberry a blackberry will work for you.

    Hmm... this is new. What is it that i will be missing? With one2call i will get pushmail, facebook, bb messenger and all that sort of thing.

  4. I've been looking around a lot but i cannot seem to find how i can setup my blackberry with AIS one2call. Yes i can get a blackberry package. But it seems i have to register my pin and IMEI with them?

    Does anyone know what steps I should take to get a new blackberry working? at the moment i cannot enter any account (email, facebook etc..) until i register a enterprise account.

  5. ah come on.. isn't there any option for me?

    In Lad Phrao you have 2 solution for fast internet access

    1. TOT 3G

    2. Hutch EVDO (main tower in Central Lad Phrao)

    this speed will be around 1.5 - 3 Mbps

    now that sounds more like it. How is the Hutch EVDO? i hear it's a bit of an odd technology compared to 3g.

    i cannot make out on the map if ladphrao 35 is in the area that is covered with evdo. The ladphrao central signal is a lot weaker than other towers. Can anyone make it out on the map?

    Hutch--The Natural Next Step

  6. ah come on.. isn't there any option for me?

    In Lad Phrao you have 2 solution for fast internet access

    1. TOT 3G

    2. Hutch EVDO (main tower in Central Lad Phrao)

    this speed will be around 1.5 - 3 Mbps

    now that sounds more like it. How is the Hutch EVDO? i hear it's a bit of an odd technology compared to 3g.

  7. i have some pretty bad experiences with 3g. It's almost (but not totally) as worse as the internet i have now. How is the 3g here in thailand? I also got a 3g offer from true (500 baht per month). And, i need a 3g express card is there a company that supplies their internet with an aircard (i think that's what they call it.

    btw i see the only umts solution at my place is th act-1900 does anyone know with network provider this is? (btw dtac edge is not an option. Simply too slow)

  8. I'm having a hard time getting a decent internet connection. My studio has included internet, but it's really horrible (let's not forget it's also firewalled so i can barely do anything with this connection). So i thought that i would be able to use a true wifi card to get better speeds (there happens to be a wifi hotspot in the neighbourhood). The signal strength i ok (12 mpbs) however the speeds i'm getting using a prepaid card are even worse than the studio's included speeds.

    To give a image of the internet speeds i'm getting. 70kbyte/s at best. But most of the time it's 15-30 kbyte/s and the connection is very unstable (very frequent timeouts). True is even worse, i get my speeds shown in bytes per second.

    What are my options? i don't want to be stuck on a contract for a year as at the moment, i have no job and want to be able to leave if nescecary (when i get a job it could be an option to move to a other residence).

    If anyone has some ideas please tell me, I'm getting frustrated by this connection

  9. is it going to be better or worse now after the Red general; Lt Gen Kattiya Sawasdiphol is injured ???

    i'm just curious, i know that a mrt station is closed. But does this mean that the mrt just passes this station, or that the metro just doesn't pass it at all.

  10. I'm looking for a It related job or a teaching job in Bangkok.

    I have a Master in Computer Science and Bachelor in Psychology.

    I have 7 years of relevant experience. This includes experience in operation IT as well as a business analyst/system architect. I'm also fluent in English and Dutch.

    I am 27 years old and oddly enough I'm Thai but also hold the Dutch nationality.

    For more detailed info please read my resume.


  11. I've been looking around at some options for a high speed connection. It seems that ksc hotspots are probably one of the best options of getting a reasonably fast internet line.

    Second option would be a dtac internet connection (edge?) but that would mean i would have to get a modem fro my laptop (i don't think it has a gsm modem in it). This would be a lot slower, but it would be a option with which i can have internet everywhere at any time.

    Are there other options i'm forgetting? are there options for a fast umts connection like in europe? I would be interested in that (although i still would need a modem though :))

  12. Good luck! Without being physically on the ground in Thailand, you aren't going to have much luck getting an interview. You are going to have to 'man-up' and physically walk into the department where you want to work and somehow demonstrate why they should give you a position if you don't already know someone on the inside. Here, it is about knowing people to find the kinds of positions you seek. Network! You have started this already right here. Nothing will work better than being dressed sharply and walking in.

    well to be honest... why bother posting job vacancies on a website when the only wayt to secure an interview is physically going there? But i can understand what you mean about securing a job. I would have to show my face atleast once before they will consider hiring me :).

    I'll try walking in and securing an interview when i'm in Thailand. In the mean time I don't have a other option than to email as much as possible, if someone is interested in seeing my resume than i'm happy to send it :D.

  13. Sure... I went to Mahidol University International College here in Thailand and your qualifications are on par with many of the professors coming into the Business department... although I believe that many with MBAs were persuing or planning to persue their PHDs.

    Great, thanks :)

    I've been trying to find such a job too... but it's tough to find a vacancy though.

  14. I'm going to follow this thread. I actually am trying to get a job at a college or university. Visa won't be a problem for me and i have a good reference from an associate professor at Chula. However, most job vacancies i have seen require one to be native English speaker (sometimes even going as far as listing countries of which you need to have a passport of). I'm however Dutch but have a good command of the English language (I guess it's called "near-native"?). Does anyone know how stringent they are?

    BTW it appears that the larger universities don't promote jobs on their site. Is there any way to find out if there are vacancies?

  15. There's a lot of unqualified, utter nonsense in this thread. ..."99% of jobs require you to speak, read and write thai"??? Then I must be part of and assosciate exclusively with the other 1% cos I don't really know anyone tht uses Thai at work.

    Like Soutpeel my salary in Thailand is triple what I was earning back in Australia, I have no degree and when I arrived I had zero relevant experience in the line of work that I am currently in. Smoke and mirrors and a few pork pies on my CV and I was off and running.

    Thailand is no different than any other country when looking for a job, you just gotta get out there and meet lots of people. In fact, I would be more confident of finding a job in Thailand if I ever lose my current position, than if I returned to Oz.

    well i think the percentage might be right... but then again,. 99% of the people are Thai. I really don't want to apply for a waiter function or something like that.

    As for money, i'm not really going to thailand for the money (but it's a big plus if i do get the money). I'm aiming at a corporate function, they seem to use english as working language, so we'll see how it will go :)

    Anythips are still appreciated, even negative tips. However, I do want some more then a comment like "it's impossible" it realy doesn't help me much more then to emphasize that it will be hard. I'm going to write an application. Any tips on how to better my chances?

  16. My main hurdle is the inability to speak thai.

    I have gotten some specific contacts for a international company. So i'm going to email that person personally. I have some contacts but I haven't tried them yet. I was hoping I wouldn't have to.

    I studied software engineering and parallel and distributed computing. My main focus would be the larger coorporate environments rather then the small companies. I'll read trough some of the threads here.

    I have been working here for nearly 8 years and my Thai is the equivelant of a 2 year old.....the inability to speak Thai is not a hinderance in most cases when it comes to finding a job in Thailand....

    what's your field of work? I'm glad to hear that my inability to speak thai is not a hindrance

  17. My main hurdle is the inability to speak thai.

    I have gotten some specific contacts for a international company. So i'm going to email that person personally. I have some contacts but I haven't tried them yet. I was hoping I wouldn't have to.

    I studied software engineering and parallel and distributed computing. My main focus would be the larger coorporate environments rather then the small companies. I'll read trough some of the threads here.

  18. You might get more specific advice if you could tell us what kind of jobs or companies you are targetting.

    Then 99% of jobs require you to speak, read and write thai. If you do, you propably can find something fairly easy if not then it will be tough.

    something in IT. Could be on corporate level. I know that some companies have english as main language. I'm open to suggestions though, i'm also somewhat more flexible then my friend, as he only has a degree in IT.

    i'm learning thai at the moment.... but i'm nowhere near sufficient at writing and reading thai as an inlander.

  19. Does anyone have experience with this at the university level in Thailand? :) The students were given an assignment to write about a topic they knew well. They would then present this to the class. These are second year ESL students at one of the top three universities in Thailand (located in Bangkok). As I was reading the paper, I realized it sounded like a commercial advertisement. Checking on the Internet, the student copied word for word from a financial services company's investment guide. Being new to teaching in Thailand, what kind of support from the university can I expect in dealing with this obvious plagiarism? Or do they even care over here? In the US, the student would be put on academic suspension at a minimum and receive an automatic F in the course.

    you can atleast give them an F and talk to the dean about this. It's up to them to decide if they are going to procede with a suspension.

  20. I'm currently planning to go to thailand in januari or februari of next year. I want to do as much planning as possible to increase my chances of getting a job when i get there. I'm probably going with a friend of mine, the latter will need to get a working visa so information on that will be appreciated as well :D

    I have a MSc in computer science (5 year study) and a BSc in Biological Psychology (read Neuroscience). Furthermore i have a between 3 to 5 years of working experience (at a small and large companies). I'm 27 and just finished studying and am basicly seeking more work experience internationally (which is among the reasons i'm abroad)

    My friend has the same qualifications but not the BSc in biological psychology, and perhaps a little less experience.

    Now what would be the best approach to ensure the highest rate of getting a job? I've been looking around and i'm nearlly at the point that i'm going to write emails, but it will be quite likely they want to set up a interview, which ofcourse would be problematic because i would be several thousands of miles away :)

    any tips would be much appreciated.

    (btw i've also contemplated doing my PhD in Thailand, perhaps that couls solve some things)

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