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Posts posted by dartvidar

  1. Perhaps you could call into see Kris at AllPhuket , his office is opposite the seashell place in Rawai.

    Been around for a long time and has built quite a few houses and manages alot more.

    I know hes always busy so must be a good sign

    I will drop by Kris and hear what he says. Thanks for the tips.
  2. I have planed to build a pool villa in Chalong. Have you build a house/pool villa in Phuket that you are happy with, so maybe you can recommend a good building company to me. I looking for a good building company, who do quality craftmanship, follow schedule and price, who is responsible and honest. Do this exist in Phuket? I wants to hear back from people who has build a house in Phuket and have good experience. Thanks in advance.

  3. The tuktuk prices in Phuket is similare to the taxi prices in my home country. The big difference is in my home country you sit in a Merchedes or BMW taxi, but in Phuket you sit in the back of a open micro pick up. The Taxi driver in my country dont complain, even his living expenses is sky high compare to Thailand.

    Dont belive all you hear from tuktuk drivers about income, price of tuktuk, stereo etc. They just try to get symphati for their rip of prices.

    I overheard a tuktuk driver who talk to some farang in Patong. He told them that he paid 850 000thb for the tuktuk, and he had a 100 000 thb stereo. Yeah right. If he pays 850 000 thb for the tuktuk, why dont he buy a Bangkok taxi instead for half the price.

    If they earn 20-25 000 thb pr month, why not just skip the 100 000 thb stereo and lower the prices? He can lower the prices and get more profit without this sound poluted stereos. A win win situation for every body.

  4. Thank you Blether for your reply and thank you to others too. You are right of course, if the price is low enough almost anything will sell. However, I would be happy to retrieve what either property stands me, without a profit and I bought them reasonably. I do notice Ads seeking condos at half their normal price, somehow it sticks in my craw when I see this, I have always believed in a fair price for a fair deal leaving both parties happy, but I suppose good luck to them if they can get it. You may well say that if I can afford the luxury of having a principle like that.... good luck to me too. I just don't fancy selling anything 1 and a 1/2 MB below it's market value. To me it's like somebody coming up to me in the Soi and asking me to put one and a half million Baht in their pocket.

    I did mention leasing it for 3,4 or 5 years, depending on how much money was involved. If I got 2 MB up front for a 5 year lease, I reckon that's about 33,000 Bt. a month they're paying for the condo. High season is 50,000 a month but there is also the low season at a reduced rate. Why I mentioned the agent getting a little more than that is.....She told me that the customer is actually paying something more than the 50,000, didn't say how much and i didn't ask as I was quite happy with the "5 Moon" (as there was more than one agent involved in getting the tenant, a few of them seem to work together) so if I met him and it arose about how much rent he was paying I would be in the picture. I give her the normal 10% commission on the 50,000 Baht.

    Thanks lads but lets not get too serious about this. My motto in life is "THERE ARE NO SHOPS IN HEAVEN" so it's not worth getting all warmed up about ....some people might call it a "Luxury Problem" considering the state of the world today.

    Thanks again.

    >I just don't fancy selling anything 1 and a 1/2 MB below it's market

    value. To me it's like somebody coming up to me in the Soi and asking me

    to put one and a half million Baht in their pocket.

    There is often a difference between the seller's market value and the buyer's.

    Market price is the price that a seller is able to find a willing buyer, it is not necessarily what the seller expects.

    If you are unable to find a willing buyer, then you are asking more than the market value. It's as simple as that.

    I have sold 2 properties in the UK over the last 3 years, am I totally happy with the price that I received? No.

    But I was a realist and sold at a price that a buyer was willing to pay.

    You are right loong.

    If you looking at the prices for house and condo in Pattaya, it looks like every body is adding a large amount to the prices they actualy bought the condo for. Every body wants to be a millionair. I have seen some houses that have been for sale for 2 years. If the owner was smart and sold it for a lower bid for 2 years ago, he would probably get more than he will today or next year. Recently a house in Hua hin was sold for 15 million baht, it had been for sale for 2.5 years and the start price was 30 million baht.

  5. Thank you Blether for your reply and thank you to others too. You are right of course, if the price is low enough almost anything will sell. However, I would be happy to retrieve what either property stands me, without a profit and I bought them reasonably. I do notice Ads seeking condos at half their normal price, somehow it sticks in my craw when I see this, I have always believed in a fair price for a fair deal leaving both parties happy, but I suppose good luck to them if they can get it. You may well say that if I can afford the luxury of having a principle like that.... good luck to me too. I just don't fancy selling anything 1 and a 1/2 MB below it's market value. To me it's like somebody coming up to me in the Soi and asking me to put one and a half million Baht in their pocket.

    I did mention leasing it for 3,4 or 5 years, depending on how much money was involved. If I got 2 MB up front for a 5 year lease, I reckon that's about 33,000 Bt. a month they're paying for the condo. High season is 50,000 a month but there is also the low season at a reduced rate. Why I mentioned the agent getting a little more than that is.....She told me that the customer is actually paying something more than the 50,000, didn't say how much and i didn't ask as I was quite happy with the "5 Moon" (as there was more than one agent involved in getting the tenant, a few of them seem to work together) so if I met him and it arose about how much rent he was paying I would be in the picture. I give her the normal 10% commission on the 50,000 Baht.

    Thanks lads but lets not get too serious about this. My motto in life is "THERE ARE NO SHOPS IN HEAVEN" so it's not worth getting all warmed up about ....some people might call it a "Luxury Problem" considering the state of the world today.

    Thanks again.

    It's no normal value when you come to condos and real estates. It's the price the customers are willing to pay that decide the market value. The realestate in Thailand are in a big buble, and the air will soon go out. Nothing is growing into heaven. If the property market standing stil, thats means it's no demand and the prices is to high and people are not willing to pay. If it's no demand, then you have to lower the price down to a price the customers are wiling to pay. Just look at Spain, many condos that cost 300 000EUR before is now sold for 75 000EUR. The normal price is not 300 000EUR, it's 75 000EUR. Many people dont buy at the moment because the price is to high so its a big chanse to loose money. A fair price for both parts is probably little bit more than you pay for some years ago. If he pays your normal value, then you will winn and he lose. Today new condos and villages are poping up every where, thats means better selection for the buyer, less demand and lower price for old condos.

  6. All bus accidents should give the owner of the bus and the driver 20 years in jail.

    You can see lot of busses pass me on the highway in high speed. I know the road is slipery when its wet so I reduce my speed, but the busses continue as nothing happen. This is crazy so the driver should be punish.

    You can see the coments from the driver in all bus accidents, the road was wet and slipery (its the roads fault).

    The curv was very sharp (its the curvs fault). Its time to start propper training of bus and truck drivers, and punish them hard when involved in accidents.

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  7. Maybe the goverment should tell the tuktuk drivers that, what ever happen to the bus or bus driver will feed back to the leaders of the union and their members. If they block the bus, the police will put up road blocks and block all tuktuks for driving in 1 month. If they beat up the bus driver, all the leaders for the tuktuk union will be arrested and beaten up in jail. If the bus driver got killed, all the leaders for the tuktuk union will be arrested and put in jail for life time.

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  8. Why not start with baht bus as in Pattaya at the same time. The Tuk-tuk drivers complain that they have just a few trips pr day, thats why they have to charge 300-400 baht pr tour. If they start with a jump on\off service with the price off 20 baht inside Patong and 30-40 baht from Patong to Kata. Then plenty people will use their service just for small trips, and they will get an huge increase in salery (but they need to work, and not just hang around on beach road).

    The benefit will be: More happy tourist and expats, less people will rent motor bike ( maybe people who rent out bikes will block they road), less tourists will be involved in accidents, less parking problems in patong, tuktuk drivers will increase their salery.

    Its a win win situation for tuktuk drivers, tourists and Phuket. But the problem is the tuk tuk drivers dont have IQ to understant it. They just think 300 baht is more than 20 bath so this is a bad deal. The trip they normaly charge 300 baht for can now give them 400-500 baht. Instead of standing and waiting in line, they can now drive around and earn more money. They will not loose. They will be happy that the airport bus will bring them more customers so they dont have to waist time to drive to the airport.

  9. "One tuk-tuk driver responded, “Tell Chalerm that in Phuket we no longer have rice fields. We just have tuk-tuks. This is the only way we can make a living.”"

    If this is true then I can empathize.

    I could too, if the person making that statement was born and raised in Phuket and used to have a rice field.

    How could you empathize with the native rice farmers from Phuket.

    If you see the property prices in Phuket, I think the native rice farmers from Phuket are more riche than you and me ever going to be.

    So the Tuk-tuk drivers would be rice farmers if it was rice fileds in Phuket LOL. Maybe they can take the construction jobs in Phuket that is done by Burmese people today.

    Thai authoritys please nuke all the red and yellow cockroaches in Patong, Kata, Karon, they destroy the island.

  10. Is there a Thai word for maintenance?

    "time for go home already"

    Something I've wondered about is where the elevators out here are made, and if the maker is also the entity that installs it. I've noticed most of the ones in big buildings are made in Europe, Japan, or US. The ones without a plate announcing the maker I assume to be of lesser quality. I would think China must be making these, maybe Taiwan.

    This incident has me wondering if the elevator in question was made in Indonesia or Malaysia.

    you cant say lifts make in certain countries are of inferior quality or without certain safety features...nonsense...lifts without auto brakes system is unimaginable ,,there must be minimum standard....i would believe there is a lack of regular maintenance or non replacement of certain parts because of whatever reasons that lead to this....with maintenance, the lift will be given a certificate that you can see hang in it....

    If you look at the picture it looks like an old goods lift. If you look in the elevator certificate it's probably written not to be use as personal lift. It`s only required emergency breaks on personel elevators.

  11. Lifts usually are run by electric motors driving traction cables or counterweight systems and they have automatic brakes in the event of slippage but I don't think they have anything to offset a cable breakage. If it is established it is cable breakage, I would think the owners could be held culpable as any 'regular' maintenance would require cable inspection and replacement if old. T.i.T., and like so many other 'mishaps', there will be a lot of finger pointing and the problem swept under the carpet after some payoffs. Sad for the injured and the pregnant lady's miscarriage.

    On a normal modern personal lifts, they have mechanical emergency breaks that prevent the elevator car from falling if the hoisting cables break (so dont worry). The breaks are installed under the elevator car, and they are normaly engaged by gravity. If you look at the picture, it looks like an old elevator for transporting furnitures and not people. It is a furniture show room so this elevators are probably made for only transporting furnitures, so it's no emergency breaks installed to save money.

  12. They should make a new Law, only farang with European or American bus driving license are allowed to drive busses in thailand. This will prevent many road accidents every year. In my country you have to attend hell lot of trainings to be allowed to drive a bus, and you need to attend a refresh trainings ( 1 week ) every 5 year.

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  13. They should make an new law. For every bus accident the owner will be charge 5 mill THB in fine, and the driver will automaticly get 5 years in jail. I drive from Phuket to Bangkok for some weeks ago, and all the buses I see was driving as they had stolen the bus and fuel. I was driving 120km\h and buses was driving 1 meter behind my car and blinking with the light. When it starts to rain and I had to slow down the buses was keeping the same speed. If the car in front was driving to slow like 100km\h they just pase him even if oncoming trafic.

    Just before bankok a bus tried to push me of the road so I nearly crash, because I was driving in the left lane in the same speed as him, and he wanted to changes lane.

  14. " BANGKOK: -- Is Redalen a: a town in Norway, b: a bed sold by Swedish furniture chain IKEA or c) something that sounds uncomfortably close to getting to third base in Thailand?

    This was a bullshit story.

    Redalen is not a town in Norway, it's a name of a small place but not a town. They don't even have a gas station or shops there.

    So what thai word can this name Redalen sounds like. My thai wife could not figure out the word????

  15. Why would a Thai National be banned from opening a foriegn currency account? Maye they need foreign currency for business purposes to pay bills or receive money in a foreign currency.

    The opening statement of this Bangkok Bank Foreign Currency account webpage states: "Whether you’re a foreigner or Thai national, you can open a foreign currency deposit account in any of 14 currencies."

    The webpage also shows the reasons a Thai can open/use a foreign currency account.

    Thanks, maybe the rules has changes. My wife did check for some years ago, but she was told that Thais could not open currency account in their bank, only farang was allowed. We will take a new round.

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