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Posts posted by charleyboy

  1. Nai Han beach on the southern coast of Phuket offers some nice waves. It's a small bay and can be dangerous, due to the riptides.

    Probably the best waves I have ever seen in Thailand.

    Take a look, especially from September to November.


  2. I personally knew the Guy in question. I'm not going to go into details, especially on this branch!

    To you, cutegirl......The only thing that you are aware of, is that the farrang was working ilegally, not unlike the thousands of teachers in Thailand.

    Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.

    There appears to be a lot of the " Almightier than thou's " on this forum, never overstayed by one day?


    PS. Dr Patpong. It's not a question of will, has, is more the scenario.

  3. For the record, I pay 10,000 for a 3 BR, 3 air con, western kitchen, semi-detached, on a 2 year lease.

    Well done!

    I don't exactly live in a shithole, out of the 40 or so houses in the "Village" where I live, I would hazard at a guess that 80% of the properties were occupied by, decent upstanding farrangs.

    I got my good friend a 3 bedroom, corner, detached property with a 5 year lease for 3,000 baht per month. He fixed it up a little.......Paid about 70,000 baht.

    All told.....250,000 baht for the 5 year lease.

    You're touching 240,000 for the 2 years!

    If you'd care to come and see, you're more than welcome. :o

  4. I do not wish to sound pernickety but, do you people ever read?

    If you are over fifty, regardless of having a Thai wife, you can get a 12 month retirement visa that. DOES NOT REQUIRE YOU TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY.

    As long as you have the required 800,000 ( eight hundred thousand ) Baht, in a Thai bank account, that came from abroad!

    Your visa at the time of application needs to be...Non Imm O or B.

    If you happen to be married to a Thai, at this moment in time, before the 10th of July 2004. You will need an account in a Thai bank with no less than 200,000 baht.

    OK. I'll get slagged for this but, I'm sick of hearing about Farrangs who, happen to know, how to buy a business and how to buy a house, neither their own!

    But don't have a clue when it comes to getting a visa!


  5. Hello Chaamman, AKA Steve!

    Riding the bike gave you away.............

    Lotus/ Tesco, more like a property development!

    I've heard the rumours for years, if they were going to build, Huahin would be the place.


    PS. No wonder the dogs chase you, try cycling a bit faster! :o

  6. Good evening Erco.

    My PC has been playing up over the last few days, I was unable to reply to your post.

    You may have gleaned from some other replies that, I have lived in Cha-Am for approx two years. Been coming to Thailand for about thirteen years, travelled extensively throughout the Kingdom.

    About five years ago, visited HH and happened upon Cha-Am.

    I've got to admit that, there are finer places to see and visit in Thailand but, I love Cha-Am.

    I now live in a small village named, Ruamsuk. On the ouitskirts of Cha-Am , only five minutes away from the beach.

    I know quite a few people in HH. Bar owners etc.....

    Like a round or two of Golf, only play at the Army course at Pranburi, cheap! :o



  7. OP. Why not try buying property in the UK and renting, through a reputable letting agent.

    I've lived in Cha-Am for the past 2 years, rent a 3 bed bungalow and pay 3,000 baht per month. It was unfurnished and needed a few baht spent on bringing it up to my standards. Utilities are very low, as long as you don't have A/C.

    I pay about 100 baht PCM for water, 350 baht electric, bottle of gas lasts about 8 weeks 350 baht?

    As for cable TV, I plugged my TV in, and have been experiencing "Charleycable" for the past couple of years for free! I believe they charge about 350 baht per month.

    I'd travelled extensively throughout Thailand ( 11 years ) before deciding to settle down in Cha-Am.

    As for a business, leave well alone....I know many people in HH and Cha-Am who came over here with big ideas, if you don't need the money, give it a wide berth!


    PS. Chiang Mai would be nice, if it had a beach!

  8. I live here in Cha-Am and have a 1 year non im o visa.

    Unable to qualify for the retirement visa etc.......

    I've done the odd run to Ranong and met a few Expats from Huahin along the way.

    I'm always amazed when i strike up a conversation with them!

    " Oh! Just here on holiday?"

    " Holiday! I'll have you know that, I have a house, Business etc....In Huahin."

    " Well, what's with the visa run?" I ask.

    Blah di blah di blah........

    It's F*****g amazing that, these Guys, can buy a house ( not their own ), buy a business ( not their own ), spend millions of baht.............

    And haven't got a clue to when it comes down to a few bahts, how to get the most important document of all, The Visa!!!


    Ps. When i say a few bahts, it's literally that. You only deposit the cash in there!

    You don't have to spend it................ :o

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