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Posts posted by cysampan

  1. High dose and long-term statin therapy accelerate coronary artery calcification

    ArticleinInternational Journal of Cardiology 184(1):581-586 · February 2015with 245 Reads

    Statin Medication Enhances Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    Volume 68, Issue 19, November 2016DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2016.08.040
    Progression of Vascular Calcification Is Increased With Statin Use in the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT)
    Diabetes Care 2012 Nov; 35(11): 2390-2392.https://doi.org/10.2337/dc12-0464


  2. After suspected angina, I have been advised to have a radial approach angiogram. The symptoms typically have gone away! I am otherwise thin and fit in my sixties, (BP a bit high). Is this a sensible option, will it save my life?

    Or am I putting myself at unnecessary risk with this procedure , that may include stent placement?  Did anyone else who had this procedure done, feel worried? I presently have no health issues and have been going to the gym and walking uphill, fast, on the treadmill for a couple of miles, and not had a twinge, for a month. I really don't want my heart mucked around with!!

  3. I know this has been well done before, but could I ask if anyone has actually seen any real results on this situation.

    My wife has a niece who has taken out life insurance on another elderly aunt. She's been paying 500B a month for about 4 years, and genuinely expects a pay-out of 200,000B whenever her aunt dies. If the aunt, who has a heart condition, lasts for a generous 10 more years, that would be an input of 84,000B, make it 90,000B say, with interest. Surely she is mistaken.

  4. Having been lumbered with a 500 euro note, does anyone know the current situation re changing said note in Thailand, preferably Suvanabhumi. I am not by the way a gangster, I received it as part payment of a debt, and I wasn't going to say no!

  5. Being in the UK, my wife and I watch PBS and TNN24 daily. The service is terrific, apart from the fact they stop occasionally, despite having 45mb/s with BT infinity. The question is, would this be cured by switching to Virgin 200mb/s, or is the problem at the Thai end, or is it just the distance? Many thanks.

  6. Thanks for the kind replies. We were thinking of staying at the T3 for our yearly visit, but will probably stick with the Sunnee. (Comfortable, polite, breakfasts a bit suspect).

    Upon entering the said Tohsang we were treated to the open-mouth amazed look of, 'how could poor people like you deign to cross our threshold'. After a further genuine problem, a verbal exchange escalated. I'm pretty sure they'll remember me!

  7. During Nov 2008, I was stuck in the traffic in bangkok, in a taxi, as a royal convoy was passing. A Thai soldier/policeman was walking down the length of a wall using this device. I really did wonder at the time what it was, but he looked very confident. This is very embarrassing for all concerned. 'FarangLawkKonThai'! Some people are going to be very angry.

  8. Thanks Kris, that's what I meant. I accept what you say, but I think it's an odd test that you can neither pass nor fail, or know how you did in comparison with others. I think it will take many years before employers for instance will want to use the level gained, as the information is so scarce. I guess it's a personal thing.

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