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Posts posted by Powerband

  1. ahh good point about the cell phone almost forgot about that. The dial up number i have access to is the university internet service i had when i was going to school here, it never expired 5 years later.

    My old notebook ran hot, had a flimsy keyboard, 1 hour battery life and the dvd player hardly ever worked and was a monstrosity.

    So this is why im getting another one. Higher specs i have found are rather useless for me unless im a gamer. To tell you the truth i was perfectly happy with my old pentium 4, but software comes out so quickly its hard to stay compatible.

    I read somehwere that these i3 cores are actually less efficient than core 2 duo's....the i3 should be about as fast as a 2.10ghz c2d?

    what happened to the speeds though? I recently figured out that my old laptop had a cpu that was 866 mhz(or is that ghz), so this is one reason it wasn't as fast as my old pentium 4?

    what about the i3 though? there doesn't seem to be anymore speed ratings, so what speed can they be compared to? 866mhz or 1066 mhz?

  2. I see another Thailand English language media is now headlining "Army admit firing live rounds at protestors".

    So first the Abhisit/Suthep circus says no soldiers had live ammo.

    Then they change that story and say they had some but only fired in the air.

    Then they change that story and say had some, fired in the air and only if needed, but not directly at protestors.

    Now finally they admit they had live ammo, they fired directly at protestors.

    This immoral and parliamentary coup made government is a national disgrace, in fact, its now a worldwide disgrace for Thailand to have them in power and to lie so much.

    They got caught out as too many people have camera's video and mobile phone camera's - its 2010 and not 1992.

    Why is Anupong not demanding Abhisit resign ? Why has Abhisit not resigned ? Why has Suthep not resigned ? Why has Anupong not resigned ?

    Read back to all that was said when Somchai ordered the police to crackdown on PAD Yellows who were treasonous and blocked parliament from opening. Yet more "double standards".

    It's stupid bent reasoning like this that fuels the red shirt machine.

    live ammo was used as a last chance for survival, do you really think that going 'live' would result in only 17 deaths?

    In the code of war you are allowed to pull injured from the battlezone.

    The red shirts pulled injured from medic trucks and beat them down.

    Abhisit was appointed by smaller parties, because all the other parties were too chicken $hit to take on the responsibility.

    When the opposition parties gathered to form the current government, they were using Abhisit as a scapegoat that they thought would fall quickly.

    During the elections Thaksin's party had already bought the majority of votes for election day, that's why the yellow shirt rally took place at the airport. Thaksin's brother in law became prime minister do to that vote buying. How stupid do people have to be to see that there's something that just isn't right about all that?

    There is nothing immoral about this government. The reds are bending the truth. The reds cannot be allowed to win.

  3. I recommend DTAC, better service, less expensive and in my experience better coverage within Bangkok.

    AIS has too mnay users in the past and sometimes around 5-7pm you cant even connect to the network.

    with DTAC you can also pay your phone bill at most ATM machines easily, also at any amount -just incase you get low on funds and need to keep your phone on.

    True requires full payment at a 7-11, without the option of partial payment.

  4. I agree with the OP something has to be done about the African criminal influx. No other race of people from any other continent has set up a 'crack alley' in Nana other than the Africans. (besides thai).

    Whenever any nationality brings in a drug as evil as cocaine as well as a strain of AIDS distinct to that country, action should be taken.

    These people have nothing to lose in their own countries, and going to a Thai jail you get 3 meals per day.

    Taking action is no different than taking action on the drug dealer that just moved into your neighborhood, theirs nothing racist about it.

    But did you know the majority of Africans do not live in the Nana area? They just go there to 'work' it. Go around the Srinakarin Seacon Square area on Soi Supapong...and you will see where the majority of them actually live.

    Solution, require AIDS testing before entering Thailand as well as enforce the 20k baht requirement to enter into the country.

  5. Looks fun. I did BKK-CHachoengsao-Wang Nam Khieo-Kao Yai-BKK which worked out as 600km. After doing that in the heat today, the beer at the HD shop tasted awesome! Shame i forgot to put sunblock on my ears...got couple of bits of crispy bacon attached to the sides of my head now!

    One of my favorite routes, going down the plateau is also nice if you take the road all the way through wang nam kieo...took 304 all the way back to Bangkok once though, and won't do it again! talk about a boring ride.

    As you get closer to bangkok it gets hotter and stickier, makes you want to turn around and go back.

  6. use Osram 36 watt bulbs, the stock bulbs are 16-18 watts...then adjust the windage of the lights by turning the 10mm screw.

    clockwise goes down.

    using higher wattage anything is going to exceed the current ratings for the stock connections. The headlight plugs contact tabs which are soldered will slowly recede. But you can easily resolder them back to height, or buy a new plug from honda for 180 baht.

    Osram bulbs - 160-200 baht these are what i use and the light is much brighter, still not as good as even a honda click but about 50% brighter than stock.

    If your going to use higher wattage bulbs there's two things i'd take into consideration:

    1. use the old style switch that allows you to turn off the headlights, or make one.

    2. inspect your alternators stator for dark/charred wires. 1350 baht.

    higher wattage bulbs will create a heavier load on the stator and heat it up more.

  7. ...there's something that's been bugging me and can't seem to figure out no matter who i ask.

    in order to use photoshop without suffering a lethargic pace, does this require something with a separate graphics card? or is on board fine? This is the thing that has me running in circles.

  8. My old laptop was a toshiba, but the heat was something else. The keyboard felt pretty flimsy too. Hows the protege in these departments?

    I walked around fortune shopping mall this weekend and had a look at a few laptops. Prices are all about the same no matter what store you go to and they don't come with windows installed, its added onto the price.

    Some of them don't even have the drivers on disc for you.

    The laptops that im considering are also the ugliest.... :) but powerful :D

  9. I have a samsung NC10 with XP installed on it and love the netbook. I did buy it in Ireland and not Thailand for 300Euros. It has just as much power as the previous laptop I had bought 3 years ago.

    I connect it to the TV when I want to watch stuff on a bigger screen.

    have you ever used photoshop on it? ....and what happens when you have 10 internet browser windows open at the same time, along with 2 other programs running at the same time?


  10. I intend funding a similar shop to what he has done,the answer to your question is go bust a couple of times while you are here and then you haven't got anything to lose,it worked for me.

    People set there expectations to high sometimes when in Thailand you have to operate a business plan how the thais do...work hard long hours for a comfortable living and hope you have not many hiccups along the way!

    edit i forgot to add until i go bust again!! :)

    Me too, the worse thing you can do is live on a set amount every month and continue to let that be your safety blanket...Only when you REALLY go broke do realize how long you can actually live on 300 baht...

    I never want to count 1 baht coins for food ever again.

  11. Going on a motorcycle tour around the country and need to get something to replace this monstrous 17" i have now. My current notebook is pretty powerful, but after 4 years i've learned that i don't neccesarily need this much power.

    My main concern though is to have the ability to use photoshop and dreamweaver. Netbooks seem to be a good choice for travel especially on a motorcycle. But i used a friends acer with Atom processor before, and it was really slow, even to just use microsoft word.

    So im looking at getting a Lenovo Thinkpad Edge 13 or 14 or the 460 series...but if anyone has used photoshop with a netbook let me know how it performed please, along with the specs.Because the small size and price is very attractive.

    also does anyone know of a netbook or 11"-13" laptop that can be connected to a seperate monitor?

    No HP please, everyone i know that had one, ended up breaking - everyone.

  12. What size laptops are you guys packing? I was thinking of getting a new 12" but the processing power of these dont seem to hot. Since I'll need to edit things in photoshop every now and then.

    So may move up to 14" so it can have a built in dvd as well. But still would really prefer to have something smaller.

    Whats up with those netbooks? anyone running photoshop on one? I used a netbook once with an Atom processor and it was so painfully slow it almost made me cry.

    Weapon of choice so far will be a Lenovo thinkpad edge 13, unless there are better suggestions.

  13. a competent locksmith can make you a key without the original key....it's known as 'key' impressioning, where they look at the marks the tumbler pins make on a blank key, and can devise the the ridge heights on the missing key.

    My friend also lost his CBR key and the locksmith used impressioning to make a new key.

    You'v been watching to many films. The pins leave no marks on a blank and how would you know the depth measurement of each pin travel. The barrel has to be dismantalled to find the depths but a run of the mill barrel, just stick a new one in, cheaper.

    BUT, a Thai might spend two days fiddling with a file to make a key your way for a nice little earner but in the real world, doesn't work like that.

    OP, new barrel at Main Dealer. Cheap and "NO" future headaches. :)

    It is very possible and it has been done...not only here but also back in the states when i lost the key to my trans am. Many Thais are much more clever than people give them credit for.

    With all the motorcycles here im sure a lost key is nothing new to a well seasoned thai locksmith.

    My friend lived in the klong than/ rama 4 intersection area so i suppose the locksmith is around there. If you have a thai girlfriend you might be able to get her to look in a thai phonebook.

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