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Posts posted by haudegen

  1. i really get sick of all this conservatives here who blame the red shirts and say something against them...

    better for you to leave the country if you cannot handle things like this and have either no idea whats going on...

    some of this "foreign residents" who post here are already too long time in this country and think its their country and have to make western polemic politic here...

    i really give a **** if people loose 100.000 baht or whatever from their business here... seems they are not well in biz...

    the smallest dogs barking loudest...

  2. This is pretty serious.

    Both if Red T-shirts or Muslim insurgents.

    6000 assault rifles!!!!

    large amount of explosives!!!!

    Weapons deposit without serious guards?

    Incompetent and inept people.

    There is nothing serious about it. Every Government makes Grounds for future happenings and this is a part of this. No one can steal weapons in such huge quantities. Its all about making an stage for up-comming DRAMA.

    that hits the point...

  3. Wonder on whose shoe he spat....or which imagined Puu yai he didn't obey...

    "manufacturing of illegal substances" growing weed, maybe?

    "firearms"... maybe a an 08/15 from the 2nd ww.

    does anyone making these ridiculous comments on the arrest of the MC member,

    know this guy and what it's the genuine story?

    it's certainly not an infants nursery this particular MC, but then what are all these prejudicial comments about?

    Is a story in the Pattaya News enough to nail someone like this on the virtual cross?


    Or switch on brain befor use of keyboard!

    Thank you!

    100% agree... see my post above :)

  4. after get rid of people in leather vests and harleys i recommend to get rid of:

    people call themselves "business" man and running around in suits and bring drugs in this country...

    people who look "innocent" in their clothings but had done crime in their countries like:

    get high credit at the bank and flee to thailand after that to spent that money..

    dont pay tax in this or their countries but make business there and here (and wear nice and expensive clothings and drive expensive cars)..

    hide in thailand for crimes like rape and other cases of harming people

    and give themselves and good look in good clothing but are dirty inside..

    we all know.. the way somebody look have nothing to do with his inside thinkings and what he may done in his life...

    motorcycle gang members are not all criminals..

    i meet more people here in thailand who disguise themselve as "a good boy"... and they are really much more criminal than people who may have a leather vest and long hair and tattoos..

    have you seen all the people who been arrested in the past in punk clothing or looking like they "are" criminals?

    most of the people who commit crime and do drug smuggling give themselve a decent look and dont want to be suspicious because of their looking..

    think about before you judge people in dresses you would not wear..with tattoos.. or the ones who drive harleys..

    if you point with 1 finger on others... 3 fingers point back to you..

    so... who drop the first stone..

    and who sit in a glasshouse should not drop even a sandkorn...

    hope to get rid of all people who think they are "better" guys bcos they wear business dresses!

  5. here some facts for those who dont read articles carefully and start moaning around and make conclusions and whatever without switsching brain on...

    like you can read it was a cable from a cleaning machine for the pool...

    thats why the pool is closed in the nighttime...

    other facts in this article below will also answer questions why he was the only one who died...

    after you reading this you will know more about...

    and for those who will start moaning why they dont put a security guard there or why the security from the hotel doesnt react on a group of people making a party in the morning at a closed swimmingpool...

    thats the only question i als had no answer...

    but if i would stay in a resort and drunken youngsters will start a party in the morning at a pool and i have my bungalow nearby... i will tell them how to make a party... thats for sure

    Soriano and his friends had come back from a party at 4 a.m. to Friendly Bungalows, the resort on Ko Phangan's Sunset Beach where they were staying.

    Although the pool was closed and there was a sign on the grounds warning against swimming at night, Soriano and his friends entered it anyway.

    A cable connected to a pool-cleaning machine fell into the water, and though Soriano's friends were also swimming, he was the only one electrocuted.

    "His friends were in the pool with him, but he was closest to the wire," said Dobri, who had spoken earlier with Soriano's friends. "So Ariel took the brunt of the shock. And it took them about a minute to get out of the pool, because they had to disconnect the electricity; it didn't turn off automatically, so they couldn't touch the side of the pool."

    Soriano's friends had to run into town to find a doctor.

    According to one doctor at a Ko Phangan hospital, some resorts have had private ambulances stationed at large parties in case of emergencies, but since Soriano was electrocuted so late at night, he went without medical treatment for more than half an hour.

    "We close the pool at night, so there weren't people around," said Bendi, a worker at Friendly Bungalows.

    Dr. Kitti Sak, a doctor at a nearby clinic, was eventually brought to Soriano, whose face had turned purple from a lack of oxygen.

    "I determined that he was brain-dead at the pool, since he wasn't responding to light," Sak said.

    Soriano was then transported on a stretcher in a tuk-tuk - a motorized cart - to Sak's clinic.

    "We used adrenaline for about 40 minutes," Sak said. "But there was nothing we could do. We pronounced him dead at that point."

    Rabbi Nechemia Wilhelm, director of the Chabad House in Bangkok, said that a Chabad undertaker would oversee the preparation and transferring of Soriano's body to Israel.

    Dobri said that the Foreign Ministry hoped to have Soriano's body back in Israel by Wednesday morning.

    Soriano's friends, who had planned to stay in Thailand for two more weeks, were due to arrive in Israel on Tuesday morning.

    Ko Phangan is a popular destination for Israelis vacationing after the army. The area is best known for its monthly Full Moon parties, when 10,000 to 20,000 backpackers converge on the beaches in Thailand's southern gulf.

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