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Posts posted by ShopBoy

  1. many years ago a local brought me to a som tam place where they use a tree trunk to make the som tam if i remember correctly there is a ice cream store beside the som tam store.

    pretty crowded with locals too.

    any idea where i am talking about does this place still exist ?

  2. first off, there are at least 2 or 3 cost effective brands there and i don't remember the names.. my "dongle" is M-tec, i believe and onscreen comes up R-box or something.... that is the cheapest/leanest one they have...

    to answer the other question... it hooks up to TV, yes... does it replace a computer? depends on what you use a computer for... cannot put MS office on it, do spreadsheets or video and photo editing... can browse the net, watch youtube, access googleplay store, play games, etc... all the ordinary simple things that a computer might do for someone, yes, that is why i bought it... to give my kid another "computer" without having the size and cost of a real laptop

    do you know the brand of the 3x3 box yr friends have bought ?

    Thanks for the feedback.

  3. I hope to purchase one from a physical shop so she can get it serviced if she needs it.

    dose not need any subscriptions for channels just basic net stuff to use on lcd

  4. any shops specialise in this here in Chiang Mai ?

    i need one to set up for my mom on her big LCD so she can watch better.

    is the stream reliable via wifi just for youtube , Skype ?

  5. Thanks for all the lead guys really appreciated.

    I don't have a Thai lady here can anyone hook me up with the 399 deal.

    I have a big group and it could help me with substantial savings.

    Thank you all.

  6. Thanks for the lead.

    Any idea which one is better http://khumkhantoke.com or the above ?

    Khum Kantoke is near Khum Phaya Hotel out near Big C on the Superhighway. I have been to both and would day that the Cultural Centre is not only better located but I slightly better product

    Thanks for the review. Would i be able to get a better deal if i book through a tour agent or it be the same price at the door.

    Cultural Center 520 per head.

  7. Hmm, western timbers. no need for them over here really.

    You may find some imported real wood flooring veneers and I can get you the essential oils if you want to remind yourself "what you could have won"

    Good luck though maybe someone has a more positive suggestion.

    useless comment are not appreciated Thank You anyway

  8. does anyone have the phone number for the van bus service that runs from Victory Monument to Amphawa.

    or any good solutions to travel there on a one way trip from Don Mueng family of 5 with huge luggage cost effectively

    i am trying to book the whole van from Victory Monument but can't find their number at the moment.

  9. Hey guys my mom would love to bring this 3 flower pots to Chiang Mai from Bangkok

    I called Nim See Seng they don't transport plants and i don't want to spend a bomb for a truck to get this across.

    Any ideas how should i go it or if anyone is trucking to Chiang Mai soon i am willing to pay some fee.


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