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Posts posted by pjclark1

  1. I do not know whether different ethnic groups have different IQs that are partially genetically determined. However I can't think of a good scientific reason why this may not be so. After all we all accept that different ethnic groups have different statures, and that this is determined at least in part, genetically. However much you fed a population of pygmies their average stature would not increase to that of a semi-starved group of Norwegians. In principle if there was a genetic variant of a gene that (this is a purely made up example) caused neurons in the brain to make on average 5% fewer connections, and this variant arose say in Iceland, 50,000 years ago, wouldn't it be possible for Icelanders to be less intelligent than , say Thais because more of them have this variant?

    If you believe in evolution then it stands to reason that different races have evolved different intelligences because of their particular environment.

    If you believe in God then you are more likely to assume all races are created equal.

    Creationists are the good guys, Evolutionists are natural racists ......... ha ha!

  2. The King is in the process of issuing chanotes for the land to the villagers (in approx 30 rai plots).

    The land is already assigned to particular persons and they are selling their entitlement.

    There may be a 10 year 'no selling' restriction on the chanotes when they are issued, but that has never been a problem in the past.

  3. Didn't know where to post this.

    30 rai of forest 6 hours from Chiang Mai (near Phrae), for clearing and planting trees for a cash crop.

    Is it work 100,000bht?

    Wife is producing a baby so I thought I would give her a little 'thank you' gift in her home village.

  4. :cheesy:

    Fat, thin, old, young, handsome, ugly, there is someone for everyone. Not everyone wants a scrawny waif to snuggle up to and not everyone wants a tub of lard either.

    Those who have been here long enough will realise many Thai women get left when they have had a couple of kids or their skinny Thai partners are unfaithful. A lot of these women would be happy for some long term stability, love, affection and care. Not all, granted. I think it is not always about shed loads of money. Though if you do not have enough to help out and feed her and her kids you might not last long.

    At the start it's always about the money.

    But then they get a taste for a guy who doesn't run around or beat them ..... and then you can't get rid of them.

    (just my opinion)

  5. well i have never had a problem and i am over weight and judging buy the relationships i have seen especially in Pattaya its not been a problem. my wife thai women from rural areas see a fat as a sign of wealth, you got enough money to get fat then you are well. off, take it from me you are not doomed my user name is Nalak, translates to cute. i get called that most of the time no matter where i go. Thais love nalak things.i have lived here 9 years 54 years old and still get hit on on the supermarkets,malls etc buy non working girls. working girls dont care one bit. you most certainly are not doomed fat is ugly only in the western world, all the opinions written are by westerns who see it that way, thais male and female do not have the hang ups we do about it.

    as said in a previous post celanleness is way more important

    As far as I know Narak is not an appropriate word to use to describe adult people.

    Animals and objects (and maybe small children) but what do I know.

    All the romantic men. So sweet and cute.

    Fat? Not fat? Who can bother what other people think?

    I'm fat because I like to eat and drink.

    Who would pass on some great food and drink because they're worried about what some girl thinks.?

    I'm with you on this one, who the hell cares what totty thinks!

  6. Try and learn the language. Some people are better at this than others. When you are getting on in years and have never been good at languages it's somewhat difficult but I have tried. There is for me nothing better than seeing a Thai to whom you have addressed in their own language break into a huge grin and say to their friends 'farang proot thai dai' he speaks Thai. Just making the effort even if you only speak a little and badly gives you great prestige.

    Quite frankly I don' believe you have ever heard any Thai say 'farang proot thai dai' so why pretend you have!

  7. If you where a Thai with only a Thai passport you would know how hard it is to get a European UK or USA visa just to as a tourist so your lame idea of punishing the Thais for thier imigration lows will not really work since they already quite being punished.

    This is just not true, If you marry someone from the EU and have their child it is very easy to own land, work and get citizenship in the EU.

    I'm pretty sure wealthy Thais have no problems getting tourist VISAs either.

  8. The terrorists hate us because we reject their religion and because our lifestyles are incompatible with it. It is about religion and little else. ;)

    I was under the impression they hated 'the west' because America (and Israel supported by America) keeps killing them.

    Anyway I don't have to worry because last night Buddha sent my wife a dream.

    Buddha told her that within the next year 70% of the worlds population would be dead!

    (but luckily we are going to survive)

  9. Wherever I go, my family go, there is no question about it.

    A family is very easy to produce, it can be done anywhere in the world, for a very small investment.

    You place too high a value on something that can be taken away from you so easily.

    My wife is Thai and would not want to leave her home country.

    I have no absolute right to stay in Thailand.

    Face reality and learn to live with it.

    You will then suffer less disappointment in the long term.

  10. So I have decided to treat all people with respect, and "Let the chips fall where they may". It is an attitude that I highly recommend to everyone.It is truly a liberating attitude.

    Something you give to everyone, is worth nothing.

  11. I hate to say it but ......

    Thailand considers all foreigners visitors, here on sufferance.


    We foreigners, in turn, must view all relationships with Thai people as temporary.

    I love my wife and kids, but if I get chucked out, or can't fulfill the visa extension requirement one year, I will have to leave the wife and children. It appears to be what the Thai government wants, who am I to argue with a government.

  12. Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

    Terrorism is a very minor problem all over the world.

    More people did in car accidents in Bangkok every day than die in terrorist acts worldwide in the same time period.

    Yet governments want people to fear terrorists and not car drivers?

    Why do you think that is?

    A more efficient way of doing things would be to forget all about what terrorists are up to, and put all the money into building safer cars.

  13. It all comes down to 3 things water, energy, and arable land. North America is sitting pretty. It is the only region that is energy self sufficient if the USA was forced into some conservation measures. It also has water resources and full fertile lands along with the natural fertilizers needed to make things grow. Countries susceptible to water shortages and energy shortages are in deep trouble. Thailand is one of those countries at risk as its key water supplies flow out of regions dominated by China. Thailand is an energy importer and it will not be able to pay the increased costs of energy imports without societal pain.

    America can't do anything without energy.

    Farmers can't plant or harvest crops, come the end of the oil, America will self destruct in a couple of weeks, the people in the cities will devastate the countryside like a plague of locusts. Half the country will freeze to death in the first winter.

    Thailand doesn't actually need anything from the outside world.

    For example, my wifes farm is planted and harvested by hand, we are surrounded by mountains full of water.

    They don't need any electricity or oil to live, but it is nice to have.

    If I were to choose where to live when the energy ran out, America would be the last place on earth to choose.

    You seem to know very little about surviving Peak Oil!

  14. Nah it aint it saves wasting hours of time buying drinks for mingers :bah:

    Why on earth would anyone spend hours buying drinks for someone they consider a "minger"? How desperate do you have to be to do that??

    Thankfully living here reverses the roles - even if its dependent on money....

    I have to agree with F1 here.

    As my previous gf said, buying a girl a drink in a bar is the start of negotiations for a bar fine.

    If you have no interest in buying, don't start negotiations (or maybe you like mingers .... whatever they are).

  15. what is the attitude normally of thai girls about this situation

    If she doesn't share your bed on the first night, forget to get her phone number, don't call hers.

    At 31 she is unlikely to be a virgin.

    There are plenty around that will be happy to bed you on the first date.

  16. Think it's time to move on. Got the house up for sale and two good offers to teach, where I don't have to give a pass marks to kids who fail. Sad as I do love this country, but having to report like a criminal to immigration every three months, and being charged 400% more than my Thai wife and kids when we visit a park, is starting to where thin. Eu should apply the same laws to visiting Thai's, then when Mr Abscise next visits, he can have a taste of the discrimination we expats endure every day.annoyed.gif

    If you show your Thai driving license or work permit you can enter NPs for the same price as Thais.

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