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Posts posted by Darkling

  1. Thanks folks for the good advice and to Ken Devey


    i sent an email to your guy at tollglobal.

    A big thanks once again for the replies, to all of you who took time out to help it what Thai visa is about.

    Don't stop with the advice though as its great to hear from you all.

    best regards Paul

  2. i am sure there are hundreds, i am talking about a 3cx though not a cat digger with tracks, but like cars in the uk against thailand its a no brainer. A £100 car in the uk is a £2000 car in Thailand.

    Its the same with diggers or any machinery. So if its the business section of the forum maybe we can get a mod to move it over.

    I just thought that general topics would have been the one.

    If there is anyone out ther who has any sound advise i would be very grateful.

  3. I want to import a jcb 3cx from the Uk to Thailand

    does anyone know anything about getting the import license and how easy/or hard it is to obtain.

    I dont want to buy one from Jssr on trat highway as what i have seen there is mostly tat.

    I know the import tax is 5% and the vat is 7% on a front shovel, ie JCB 3Cx.

    Just unsure about how to obtain the import license. Also can spares be added to the container IE spare wheels etc.

    I will not not be trying to say i bought the digger for less than i actually have so all the paper work this end will be correct.

    Thanks in advance for any sound advice i may recieve. Paul

  4. Thats the best advice mate go home its no fun in Thailand with no money.

    No one will help a farang except a farang. If you have family or friends call them before you sleep on the streets.

    I dont know where you are but if you are in a tourist area you have not got much chance with 10,000 baht.

    hope you go on all right,

  5. Hi folks we are looking to move back to Thailand, my Boys are 8 and 5 years old. They barely speak a word of Thai and certainly can't read or write the language.

    We will be based in Sam Phran, Nakhon pathom area. We feel we need an international school for the boys as we dont want to just throw them in to the Thai education system straight away.

    Even if its only for a few years. We dont want to have to put them through hours of traveling each day so we are looking for A good school as close to sam phran as possible.

    If any one has any info of good and bad schools, we would be greatful for any news.

  6. No problem with a thai passport near to expiry, does she also have a uk passport?

    Hi Steve thanks for that she does not have a uk passport only Thai.

    Will Thai immigration allow her in then she can renew her passport while she is there.

    Emirates will allow Thai nationals to board the plane in the uk, Just spoken to them.

  7. Is this 6 month rule also for Thai nationals who return to their home country ? Why not call the Thai embassy about this ?

    Just soken to emirates as she is a Thai national she will be allowed to board the plane.

    Spoken to the Thai embassy in London, They are very much the same as the british embassy in Bangkok, They think they are being paid to be unhelpful.

    Spoke to my wife like she is some sort of disease.

  8. My Thai wife who is in the uk has a Thai passport that expires on march the 19th. She wishes to fly to Thailand urgently but the embassy in london say the renewal will take 4 to 6 weeks. How ever she would be in to Thailand and back before her Thai passport expires on the 19th of march and could renew it also in Bangkok when she gets there if she is allowed to travel.Does anyone know the facts of whether she would be able to travel.

  9. What I find shocking is that it's Ramadam. It's a major violation of the holy aspects of the period.

    If people can blow themselves and a few others up during Ramadan, whats with making a drug run?

    The combustibles get virgins and the drug runners only get to learn Thai language free.

    its 06.38 here in the uk you just put a smile on my face for today. :D

    Thanks for that. Brill sense of humour. :D

  10. How many animals died today just to supply you with food?

    Well I doubt any of them were on the endangered species list.

    Yes, but it is actually not the woman fault that the tiger is on such a list.

    What makes the life of the unborn chicken i had for breakfast less worthy than that of a tiger who wouldn't think twice to have another animal from the endangered species list for his own breakfast? nor would a tiger think twice about if any cruelty is involved when he hunts down his food.

    As the natural habitat of the tiger is mostly destroyed by humans, we humans would put him lifelong in a jail anyway.

    I think you are lying about the egg for breakfast, looking at your post i can't see you eating a poor unborn little chicken.


    • Like 2
  11. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

    Ah, democracy US-style...

    Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

    Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

    Or the conflict between North and South?

    Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

    Or to the use of slaves?

    Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

    Clinton set down with the IRA for a week and it worked for you.

    I thought you septics were taking the piss, but <deleted> you actually believe that Clinton dealt with the IRA, and that the USA saved Europe in WWII. :)Would you like to buy London Bridge? :D

    Had forgot about London bridge Ha ha

  12. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

    Ah, democracy US-style...

    Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

    Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

    Or the conflict between North and South?

    Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

    Or to the use of slaves?

    Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

    Keep talking about the great abuses committed by the US...Do you recall the manner in which the British treated the Indian people? Thankfully for you that you are not speaking German today.

    And with your countrys intervention we gave it all back so these days to say thank you to the Us, they are setting offf car bombs.

  13. Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

    Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


    They might be angry you have a business that generates 100,000 baht in a week while they labor in rice fields for 300 baht a day.

    Wow! I didnt realise they got paid so much in the fields.

  14. When Petrol prices rose in the uk. There were protests outside the petrochem works , which stopped petrol gas and oil being delivered all over the country , crippling the u.k. Bringing it to a stand still after a few days there were no cars busses or trains . No one could get to work it was great

    If there serious why dont the Thais follow suit bring Bangkok to its knees .

    They will have to listen then ???? wont they ..

    I LOVE ANARCHY 2010 :)

    when did this happen?

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