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Posts posted by fdc8888

  1. Hello, I have a very general question...... what would be the best place to live considering wheather, friendliness of the people, and being single the availability of the female charm.... but witout being extreme/nasty.... (Pattaya)

    Regards, Francois

  2. Hello, could you tell me what is the best method to learn Thai.... Generaly I learn language very quicly.... At that point I speak 5.... but nothing like Thai....

    Thailand tips sells a package for $47 including a course that they claim you learn the language in 21 days.... what do you know about this organization.... they have also a forum..... are they honest or just another internet rip/off...

    REgards, Francois

  3. Hello, I am arriving very soon in Thailand and would like to know what is the best mobile phone provider, which phone has the best coverage etc....

    What should I expect from internet Cafe.... what are the rate.... how can I select one that has high speed access and is reasonnable....

    Regards, Francois

  4. hello everyone, I am 47, swiss citizen.... arriving early May with a 1 year Tourist visa with multiple entry.... Reading the various posts I am concerned about the complexity to reside in Thailand.... Can you get a residency or are you condemned to do those "visa run" for ever.... Is my impression correct that the Thai goverment is trying slowly but surely to get rid of most of the foreigners by making the visa renewal very difficult to eventually impossible....

    I would very much appreciate any and all recent infos about that subject.... or suggestions which surrounding countries would be a better choice for someone who left the stress and hassle to find peace and quiet.....

    Looking forward to your reply

    Feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]

    Regards, Francois

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