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Posts posted by PolPat

  1. So I pick up my luggage and walk out of the airport while your drinking coffee waiting for somebody to bring you your luggage then you clear customs? This is not faster its actually much slower. You must have severe ego problems to need to pay huge money to feel like you are important as your are getting little to no benefit from this service other then being told that you are special and elite.

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  2. I think many of you don't know what your talking about. Your not getting out of the airport any faster then most other passengers unless your "special assistant" off loads your luggage for you before everybody else. Most of the time I am waiting for my luggage for five minutes after I clear immigration. Are you sure you are really in Thailand and not sitting in Your moms basement in New Jersey?

  3. I am relocating back to Thailand from Singapore when my contract finishes in June. I found out about Thailand Elite membership online and i think it looks worth every cent. For me it is for the hassle free visas and star treatment on arrival. For the same reason, i fly business class on long hauls even if my company isn't paying for the Tickets.

    If you fly Business class you get the expedited line anyway. So the Elite really does nothing for you in that regard. I have never been questioned flying into the Country. I have only been questioned at land crossings and never for more then a few minutes. My Visa costs $200 a year and I fill out an application in the comfort of my home in the U.S.A., I travel to the post office and three or four days later I get a Visa delivered to my home. No interview no B.S. and I have not made a five year commitment to staying in Thailand.
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  4. I think it would make sense if for some reason you don't want travel. However you still must report every 90 days (I prefer limited interaction with Immigration). I think that other much less expensive methods are available and are for me far more desirable. I return to the USA and obtain a one year visa that requires I exit the country every 90 days this is not a problem as I live near a border crossing and usually after 90 days in Thailand my wanderlust kicks in and a trip out of the country in just what the doctor ordered.

    My question is after the five years are up do they give you a deal to rejoin or do they want the whole 50,000 Baht for the next five years?

  5. Jomtien charges 300 Baht for 30 minute service. The have a car and motorcycle special were you get two for 500 Baht. You are paying for expedited service. Paying 500 Baht and coming back is no deal. You can get it for free but you will piss them of and they will screw with you if you come back for something else.

    To get it free pay them the bribe then when they give you the document ask the for a receipt. They will hem and haw and say not give. Most offices are supposed to have a board that list all services in English and Thai. It will also state prices. The board does not have 500 Baht proof of residency on it because its free. Point to board and ask where is the price? Then mention the words "corruption" and. "embassy". It helps to be as well dressed as you possibly can. If you have gold where it. The rich and powerful don't get shaken down in Thailand at least not by bureaucrats trying to charge for a free service.

    Be really polite and smile, like you know you have them.

    Your money will be returned, this scam helps them pay Giks and gambling debts so they don't want it jeopardized. If they have to let one Farang twenty more will show up happy to pay.

    Now, I know many of you suffer from Stockholm syndrome and will rush to say they a poor civil servants just trying to make a buck. Thats fine pay them if you want, I do depending on my mood or if in the Jomtien example they are reasonable and actually doing something for me.

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  6. I have done 450 kilometer days in North East Thailand on 175 cc Kawasaki Boss. With my girlfriend on the back and i weigh over 100 kg. i ride with a friend who has a Steed and my bike has superior range because of a bigger tank and better economy If you want more power i would recommend a second hand Ninja 250. I think a superior long distance bike then the CBR 250 as it has more weight and will provide better passing ability at higher speed. Change the sprocket for better economy and lower reving cruising speed. Bigger bikes i think are overkill in Thailand where it is suicidal to run them at full capacity.

  7. Why even bother talking with them? I only complain at places that have a Farang manager. I only get further enraged by the crazed logic and lack of truth telling that occurs in 99% of the cases that you complain.

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  8. Glad to hear this was not an attack on my party and others have been given the same treatment. I had some thought that it could have to do with the skin color of a member of my party. I am glad that was not the case.

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