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Posts posted by AussieGuy83

  1. I know this must be asked a million times or more times, but can someone help me get a Thai translate for a potential tattoo. I want to get the words "established" and "born", with the numbers “1978” and “1983”. I know the Thai's use the English numeric numbers these days, but does anyone know what the numbers 1983 and 1978 look like in Thai?

    Cheers heaps,

    1978 = ๑๙๗๘

    1983 = ๑๙๘๓

    I'm guessing you just need the numerals or did you want the translations too?


    Yeah cheers for that AjarnP. Now to get the words "established" as well as "born" translated.

    Thanks again.

  2. I know this must be asked a million times or more times, but can someone help me get a Thai translate for a potential tattoo. I want to get the words "established" and "born", with the numbers “1978” and “1983”. I know the Thai's use the English numeric numbers these days, but does anyone know what the numbers 1983 and 1978 look like in Thai?

    Cheers heaps,

  3. God, Marmite and Promite are nothing compaired to the Aussie Tar of Vegemite. Nothings better then vegemite on toast with scrambled eggs :o mmmmmm.

    " Were happy little vegemites , happy as can be. We all enjoy our vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea ... da da da da deeeeeeeeeeeeee ." ( happy little vegemite - theme song )

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